June 2021 Agenda


Monday 28 June 2021, 7:00pm at The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth


1. Apologies for Absence

2. To receive any declarations of interest

3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.

  • County Council
  • District Council
  • Police Crime Report

4. Public Open Forum (Limited to 20 Minutes)

5. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 24 May 2021 are approved as the Minutes

6. Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding

7. Correspondence received

8. History project update

9. Flagpole update

10. Pavilion and playing field

11. Planning Applications received since last meeting

21/0769/HOUS Field House Moor Lane -Alterations to dwelling and erection of new detached garage

21/0753/FUL 9 Moor Lane -Proposed Alterations to driveway, vehicle access and fencing

21/0711/HOUS Holly Tree Farm Plough Hill -Demolition of conservatory, erection of a single storey extension and double garage

Decision notice

21/0387/HOUS The Stables Barff Road -Erection of a single storey rear extension -Approved

12. Monthly Risk Assessment

13. Finance

14.  Dates

Next meetings: 2021 – 26th July, 27th September, 25th October, 29th November Annual Parish Meeting -To be confirmed