January 2023 Agenda
Potterhanworth Parish Council
Monday 30 January 2023. 7:00pm
The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth
1. Chairman’s remarks
a. Welcome to Acting Clerk
b. Welcome to newly appointed RFO
2. Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given
3. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the
Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations
4. Notes of the last meeting held on 28 November 2022 to be approved as the minutes
5. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies
a. Police Crime Report
b. County Council
c. District Council
6. Public Open Forum (limited to 20 minutes)
7. Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
a. To consider adoption of the Code of Conduct
b. Amendments to Minutes of 31 October
c. Defibrillators. Update on current status of all defibrillators
d. Hot Pot Hub. Update of Cllr. Fosters discussion with Chef whether
“the village group” may help with the running of the kitchen if required.
e. Playpark. Update of Cllr Clarke’s contact with school regarding the absent
media event
f. New Councillor training. Update by Clerk
8. Financial matters:
a. To agree 2023/24 Budget
b. Monthly Financial report
c. To consider Parish Grant applications
d. To consider the purchase of LALC Annual subscription 23/24 at a cost of
£ 252.63
e. To consider the purchase of a Mindray C1A Defibrillator and case at a cost
of £1501.20 from London Hearts.
f. To consider the cost of Wicksteed playpark and skate park inspection
of £240.00 +VAT
9. Correspondence:
a. NKDC Election. Briefing dates.
b. NKDC Parish Newsletter. 4th May elections
c. Traffic restriction. TTRO/TTR002509. Road closure B1178. 30/1/23 – 3/2/23
10. Planning matters
a. Application 22/1796/PNTEL Nocton Sewage Treatment Works,
Nocton Park Football Pitch, Steamer Point Road Lincolnshire.
Closing date 17/1/23
b.. Application 23/0036/HOUS Proposal: Embassy House Nocton. Demolition of
agricultural shed and lean to of stable block and erection of rear ground floor
and side first floor extension to existing stable block
a. Application 22/1387/OUT Land South of Wellhead Lane Nocton Lincoln. Refused
11. Pavilion Committee:
a. Post box provision update
12. Planning for Winter:
a. Update on the Hot Pot Hub (Culfrey Trust and Beer Festival initiative)
13. Playpark:
a. Update on Grant application
14. Parish Records
a. To discuss storage
15. Monthly Risk Assessment:
16. Dates:
Parish Council Meeting dates 2023
Monday 30th January
Monday 27th February
Monday 27th March
Monday 24th April
Thursday 4th May – Parish/Local elections
(Monday 8th May B/H Coronation)
Monday 15th May Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. (4-14 days after election
exc Sunday/B/H So 10th-25th May)
Monday 22 May The Annual meeting of the Parish
Monday (29 May Spring B/H)
Monday 26th June
Monday 31st July
Monday 25th September
Monday 30th October
Monday 27th November
17. To move into closed session to discuss the following matters
a. Recruitment of Cleaner
b. Recruitment of Maintenance person