May 2023 Agenda


Annual Meeting of Potterhanworth Parish Council

7.00pm - 15 May 2023 –  The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth

1. On Councillors - signing declaration of Acceptance of Office prior to commencing the meeting, and completion of Declaration of Interests Forms

2. Election of a Chairman
To receive nominations for the position of Chair then to appoint to the position followed by signing of declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chair and Councillor 

3. Election of a Vice Chairman
To receive nominations for the position of Vice Chair then to appoint to the position followed by signing of declaration of Acceptance of Office as Vice Chair and Councillor 

4. Public Open Forum (Limited to 20 Minutes) 

5. Chairmans remarks 

6. Apologies for Absence

7. To receive any declarations of interest

8. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies - County Council
       -  District Council
       -  Police Crime Report

9. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 24 April 2023 are approved as the Minutes

10. Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding

11. Financial matters 

12. Correspondence received - Bardney Causeway Accidents

13. Matters from previous minutes

14. Potterhanworth Planning Matters -
      Intended Works to Trees in a Conservation Area - reference: 23/0488/TCA - Nocton Road
      Reference: 23/0457/LBC - The Old Farmhouse, The Green 
      Reference: 23/0494/HOUS - Church Lane 
      Additional Information Application Reference: 23/0151/FUL - Plough Hill Farm, The Booths

15. Monthly Risk Assessment

16. Dates:     - Annual Parish Meeting 22nd May 2023 
                     - Next Parish Council Meeting 26th June 2023