April 2023 Minutes
of meeting held Monday 24 April 2023, 7.00pm, The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth
Cllr. Nigel Sardeson – Chairman
Cllr. Ami Clarke – Vice Chair
Cllr. Sarah Copsey
Cllr. Martin Ott
Cllr. Paul Burns
Mrs. Mel Gray – RFO
Mrs. Lynda Bannard – Acting Clerk
In attendance:
Mr. Keith Orton – representing the Pavilion Committee
Mr. George Holmes – representing the Pavilion Committee
Mr. Chas Ing
Cllr. Peter Lundgren – North Kesteven District Council
Cllr. Ray Cucksey
Cllr. Ian Carrington – Lincolnshire County Council
1. Chairman’s Remarks:
Chairman welcomed all in attendance and introduced Acting Clerk Mrs. Lynda Bannard and wished the minutes to show he informs of the familial relationship.
2. Apologies for Absence:
Chairman informed he had received Apologies from Cllr. Ray Cucksey and from Cllr. Ian Carrington.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest:
Nothing to declare.
4. Notes of the Meeting held on 27 March 2023 to be approved as Minutes:
All in agreement.
5. To Receive reports from representatives of outside bodies:
Chairman informed we have not received a Police and Crime Report
this month.
Reports from Local and District Councils attached as appendices a and b.
Cllr. Peter Lundgren of NKDC wished to inform the Councillors that the 5yr plan for future planning of developments has now been agreed in Council and could confirm that the Council would now require any future developments to be environmentally neutral. This news was welcomed by the Councillors and Mr. Lundgren was thanked.
6. Public Open Forum
Jonathan Hadleigh of Lincoln Air Soft Club attended to inform of an event they were holding between 10 – 4 on 15th July as an Introduction to Country Living and that it was open to all to take a pitch, be they a local business, charity or Committee. He informed that the Potterhanworth Scout Troop had already taken a pitch.
Cllr. Copsey suggested that they submit something to the Grapevine and to local councils via their Facebook pages.
7. Clerk and Councillors report on matters outstanding:
Chairman confirmed that we were still down two councillors and took suggestions to follow up on interest.
It was agreed to co-opt Paul Burns onto the Parish Council.
8. Financial Matters:
Monthly Financial Report distributed at meeting.
Expenditure total £1,122.02
Income total £26,557.32 (as NKDC Precept and Astco Recycling)
Bank balance £41,122.43 (Predicted end of month £40,397.93)
To approve for payment:
Zurich Public Products and Pollution Liability annual Insurance £1,133.74. Payment due date 1.6.23. This is the 2nd year of a 5-year agreement.
Payroll Software renewal with Brightpay for a further year £142.80.
Approval granted.
RFO requested additional Councillors to be added as signatories.
Cllr. Ami Clarke, Cllr. Sarah Copsey, Cllr. Paul Burns and
Acting Clerk Lynda Bannard have all agreed to be additional
Signatories. RFO will action.
9. Matters from previous Minutes:
Chairman informed he had already had a conversation with Highways regarding continuing/creating a footpath to the Hanworth Park and
will put in the required formal request. Chairman will Action
It was discussed as to whether this request could also include an additional footpath from Potterhanworth to Nocton, and in addition whether either of these could be cycle/foot paths. Chairman will follow up.
Chairman informed that Highways were already aware of the puddling issue outside the new entrance to Baytree House on Station Road as it has in fact been a long-term issue predating the new entrance.
Chairman informed that he still had to action the point regarding the permissive footpath past the solar farm. NS
10. Planning Matters:
Application 23/0337/HOUS Lymehouse The Green Nocton. No comments made.
11. PCSO reduction in numbers:
Chairman followed up Cllr. Ott’s email to PCC with one of his own. The lack of service was discussed at length. Cllr. Ott felt he must follow up whether there was a legal issue. The question was asked whether other Parish Councils were discussing a similar disenchantment with the PCC regarding PCSO reduction and whether it would be worth petitioning the PCC jointly with other NK Parish Councils. The Chairman will enquire.
12. Pavilion Committee:
All members confirmed they had received Revised Draft Constitution and confirmed they would familiarise themselves before the Annual Meeting on 15.5.23, any amendments must be made after discussion with and the agreement of the Pavilion Committee. As the PPC are Trustees and do have a legal responsibility, it was felt that we need to understand better how the Pavilion Committee works and is used. To this end Cllr. Ott suggested a legal assessment might be useful. The Councillors were informed by Mr. Keith Orton that Mr. Ralph Wilford, both of the Pavilion Committee, was creating a summary document detailing the timeline of the creation of the Pavilion, its Committee and its Constitution, which all said they were looking forward to seeing, and as important documents, both should be included in the Induction Pack that it was felt would be advantageous to create for new Councillors/Clerks/RFO. To this end the Acting Clerk was asked to action said Induction Pack
in due course .
No further action regarding mobile reception as wi-fi- costs were prohibitive.
13. Hotpot:
Emily Webster was praised for the quality of food she is providing for Hot Pot. This Community Hub has restarted and is running well with regular attendance by at least 15 people and intended to run with light lunches till Autumn then re-start cooked lunches. Word is spreading.
14. Pavilion Solar:
The Chairman confirmed that we now have Contractors for the installation though no dates yet. Mr. Keith Orton asked for confirmation of the warranty for parts and installers as the Committee would require this information. Our insurers will also need to be informed once installation is complete. Chairman will Action
15. Playpark
Cllr. Ott informed that a supplier has been agreed and that the funding from FCC is imminent. He is in contact with FCC to investigate whether they could pay suppliers directly to avoid PC paying the VAT.
16. Monthly Risk Assessment:
Nothing to action.
17. Litter Pick:
Posters on the Notice Boards. Litter Pick to commence 10am Saturday 29.4.23, meeting at the Bus Stop.
18. Dates:
Saturday 29.4.23 - Litter Pick
Thursday 4.5.23 - Local Elections
Saturday 6.5.23 - Coronation
Sunday 7.5.23 - Coronation Picnic
Monday 8.5.23 - Coronation Bank Holiday
Monday 15.5.23 - Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
Monday 22.5.23 - Annual Meeting of the Parish
There will be no PC meeting on 29.5.23.
Appendix a
District Report April 2023 – Cllr Ray Cucksey
Damp and Mould Policy - The Executive Board at their recent meeting discussed the management of damp and mould issues in social housing. They finally approved the Damp and Mould Policy and for the approval to be given to the Assistant Director of Housing and Property Services to make minor changes to Policy and Procedures. The aims of the policy are for the Council to:
• Provide and maintain dry, warm and healthy homes for our tenants.
• Work in partnership with tenants to resolve issues of damp and mould in their homes. This will include advising them on ways to reduce condensation.
• Make sure the fabric of our homes is protected from deterioration and damage resulting from damp and mould.
• Make sure responsive repairs to alleviate damp (for example work to guttering and drains, replace tiles etc.) are carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. This will be to minimise damage to the structure, fixtures, and fittings of the property.
• Increase our monitoring of the works undertaken and completed.
The NK Plan 2022-25 was prepared following consultation with residents, businesses, partners, and colleagues. The NK Plan responds to the main challenges facing the district, ensuring that the Council uses its resources and influence to deliver priorities and services needed by communities across North Kesteven aligning with the Council’s vision of ‘A district of flourishing communities.
The North Kesteven’s Health and Wellbeing Plan was approved, and the plan is structured around five ‘lever’ areas in which District Councils are uniquely positioned in the system to exert control and influence; and therefore, where they can most effectively articulate their offer and work together with system partners. Finance will continue to monitor spending patterns resulting from Agile working practices and report accordingly. An £18,200 Health and Wellbeing budget provision exists in the 2022/23 Financial Year to provide colleagues’ support. Office for National Statistics survey reported that the most common reason for an organisation using or planning to use homeworking as part of a permanent business model was improved staff well-being (60%) and increased productivity (41%). Evidence suggests a connection between these benefits, with staff wellbeing linked to higher levels of productivity. Similarly, reduced sickness levels are also associated with the productivity of the organisation. The sickness absence rate for workers doing any work from home was 0.9% on average in 2020, compared with 2.2% for those who never worked from home. At NKDC, individual assessments were carried out at the start of the pandemic to ensure the provision of office equipment and technology to suit colleague circumstances at home was appropriate.
Agile working is a term used to describe how colleagues can work from any location, whether from a Council building, remote site, from home, or in the community. As agile working is about flexibility, it is difficult to apply a rigid set of rules, but colleagues are expected to enter into the spirit of the guidance and to remember that flexible working brings a responsibility to cooperate with colleagues, customers, and managers and to put the needs of the Council before other commitments during their contracted working hours. Although the Council encourages agile working wherever possible, it is not suitable for all roles.
Financial Performance 2022/23 as of 31st December 2022 - The financial position on the Council’s General Fund, Housing Revenue Account, Reserves, and Capital Programmes for 2022/23 as of 31st December 2022 was agreed upon at the recent meeting of the Executive Board. NKDC is experiencing cost increases resulting from rising inflation – this will be monitored and reported throughout the 2022/23 Financial Year and factored into the budget setting. To date £126,600 has been identified in the General Fund as increased costs resulting from Inflationary factors, these costs have been included in projected figures with the General Fund Summary. A 2% Cost of Living Award for employees was budgeted for in both the General Fund and HRA based on 2021/22 approved pay scales. A flat rate of £1,925 payable on each spinal column point has been approved by Employers and Unions. The additional costs in both HRA of £176,400 and General Fund of £638,500 are included in projected outturn figures.
Contact : Email - cllr_ray_cucksey@n-kesteven.gov.uk
www – n-kesteven.gov.uk
Mobile : 07971 587041
Appendix b
Cllr. Ian Carrington (LCC) – latest News April 2023:
Central Lincolnshire Local Plan
The new version of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was approved last week. ‘Central Lincolnshire’ is a partnership of Lincs County Council and three Local Planning authorities: North Kesteven, City of Lincoln and West Lindsey. I have a double interest, both as a County Councillor and as one of NKDC’s representatives to the governing Committee. I’ve spent four intense years working on it and the results are very significant for every village in NK. Firstly, what I believe were excessively high planned housing numbers have been significantly reduced. To be clear: we need new homes for local people, not least the next generation. But only in the right numbers and the right places. But the revolutionary thing about the new Plan lies in its measures for the environment and responding to climate change. The Plan has a comprehensive suite of measures. For example, it requires all new buildings to be built to highly energy efficient standards (which will cost less to run) with capacity for renewables generation and built-in adaptability. It also strengthens measures to ensure all new development is well designed, putting quality of life for residents first with powerful policies for environmental protection and biodiversity. And it includes detailed guidance to ensure developers must adhere to the plan. There are many other important elements, and taken together it’s a template for good development and the protection of our village way of life. More details at: https://www.n1kesteven.gov.uk/central-lincolnshire.
Former Metheringham Airfield Biodigester
There is a proposal for an industrial scale anaerobic digester to be sited on part of the former Metheringham airfield. Whilst this is just outside my County Division, I am deeply concerned that the scheme has the potential to have significant impacts on villages for many miles around. A particular worry is that the facility will be powered by chicken muck, which will mean many thousands of HGV loads of animal waste passing though rural roads and villages. I will keep a very close eye on this proposal. As a member of the County Planning Committee I must of course avoid pre-judging the scheme, but there are many details which need to be made fully public and very carefully assessed!
A new battleground for Trading Standards Between April and December last year, Lincolnshire Trading Standards seized over 5,000 illegal vapes from shops in the county. These were oversized vapes, containing too much nicotine - sometimes as much as 16 times the limit. The service has also seen a rise in the number of complaints of vapes being sold to children in our area, and has done a lot of work informing local businesses of their legal duty to make sure these products aren’t sold to under-18s. [Local MP Dr. Caroline Johnson has a private member’s Bill before Parliament seeking to control vapes.
Museum refresh to mark 20 years
The Collection Museum is celebrating its 20-year anniversary in 2025. Ahead of this milestone we’re refreshing the award-winning venue, starting with a common-sense name change. From 1 April, The Collection Museum will appropriately be called ‘Lincoln Museum’. This will help visitors from outside the county better understand what the site has to offer, and end any confusion surrounding what it is a collection of. Later this year, work will start on refreshing the museum’s visitor facilities and gallery spaces which will be updated and modernised. Refreshing Lincoln Museum will have wider impacts on the visitor economy across the city and county, ensuring that we have the high-quality attractions that keep visitors coming to Lincolnshire.
Do you know a Good Citizen?
The hard work and selflessness of volunteers across Lincolnshire help to make our county a great place to live, and they serve as an excellent example to us all. The Good Citizen Awards was designed to shine a spotlight on these residents and organisations who go the extra mile to support their communities, so please help us promote and celebrate their fantastic achievements. Nominations for the Good Citizen Awards 2023 are now open, and we are looking for individuals, young people, pairs, and organisations, who serve as a real positive force in their communities.
86 per cent of children get first-choice secondary school
Of the 8,555 children applying to Lincolnshire secondary schools this year, 86 per cent (7,358) will receive a place at their first-choice school. It is likely that this figure will rise further by September because of the appeals process and movement on the reserve list. Currently 8 per cent have been offered a place at their second preference, with 2 per cent receiving a place at their third choice, resulting in 96 per cent of all applicants receiving one of their preferences. The 4 per cent who haven't got one of their preferred schools will be offered a place at the closest school in Lincolnshire with spaces available. It’s good to see that the vast majority of families received offers at one of their preferred schools, and that many parents utilised our online parent portal to make their application this year and receive their offers on national offer day.
Voter ID
A reminder that photo identification will be needed to vote at polling stations for the first time at this year’s local elections. Valid forms of ID include passport, driving license or photo bus pass. Maybe the simplest thing is to get a postal vote. If you don’t have one already you can apply via the Electoral Commission website electoralcommission.org.uk/voterID Or just ring Electoral Services at North Kesteven District Council on 01529 414155 or email elections@n-kesteven.gov.uk .
CONTACT ME County: Cllri.carrington@lincolnshire.gov.uk
District: cllr_ian_carrington@n-kesteven.gov.uk
Facebook: Cllr Ian Carrington