May 2023 Minutes
In Attendance - Cllr Sardeson
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Ott
Cllr Copsey
Cllr Giles
1. Upon all Councillors signing Declaration of Acceptance of Office prior to commencement of Meeting and completion of Declaration of Interest forms.
2. Election of Chairman
Councillor Sardeson stood down as Chairman.
Councillor Sardeson stood to be voted in as Chairman, this was proposed by Cllr Ott, seconded by Cllr Clarke and unanimously agreed.
3. Election of Vice Chairman
Councillor Clarke stood down as Vice Chairman.
Councillor Clarke stood to be voted in as Vice Chairman, this was proposed by Cllr Sardeson and seconded by Cllr Copsey and unanimously agreed.
Acceptance of Office forms were then received and signed.
4. The chair welcomed all in attendance with special welcome to new Cllr Giles who came forward to fill the vacancy left by Cllr Battle. Cllr Sardeson recommended
the appointment which was seconded by Cllr Clarke.
5. Apologies received from RFO Gray.
6. Public Open Forum
a. Bought to the attention of Council by Cllr Clarke. 13 Moor Lane reports ground water settling in front garden. Cursory look suggests that the water
is not clearing through into the dykes and culverts. NS will speak to the three land owners responsible for the land either side of Moor Lane out of the village. NS
b. Council re-visited the issue of grass cutting that would have been part of the Handyman role. Clerk to provide NS with contact information of Continental, LB
who already look after the Pavilion field. Ask them to quote for the additional work of cutting areas outside Church, the Green, behind the bus shelter, around the
Memorial and the raised bank opposite Thorpe House. NS
c. As the Scouts are now looking after the flower beds, and it would appear we have no need of a Handyman, could we look to see if we could make a donation to the
Scout Troop. Re-visit once cost of additional grass cutting is in.
d. Cllr Sardeson reported he had been asked to look at replacing a dead tree outside the school. He will make contact with the appropriate Council department. NS
7. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – None.
8. Reports received from outside bodies
a. Nothing expected or received from existing or new County or District Councillors.
b. Latest information from Police.UK website, crimes reported 15th March 2023. One incident of theft near Cross Street. One incident of Antisocial Behaviour on Queensway.
9. To resolve, notes from meeting held 24th April 2023 are approved as minutes.
10. Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
a. Clerk informed she was still to action Induction Pack including updating website policies. LB
b. Cllr Sardeson informed he now had the contact emails for all Parish Councils in our area and that he would now make contact to find out if they have the same complaint
we do with regard to the loss of PCSOs and examples of how this has or may impact with the idea of creating a joint representation. NS
c. Cllr Sardeson reported back after discussing footpath to Hanworth Country Path with North Kesteven. Due to the low footfall this would not be given a budget by them. NS
However, they may re-look at this if Hanworth made the request and offered contributing funds. NS would contact Hanworth County Park.
d. Cllr Clarke to speak with Pavilion Committee, did the Solar Panel Fitters come to access the Pavilion. AC
e. Cllr Ott informed that he is investigating the speed with which we can recoup the vat we will pay for the play park and chase with RFO for the signed contract. MO
Cllr Copsey said she would pop in on the way home from the meeting to prompt RFO.
11. Financial Matters
a. Payments put forward by RFO for approval – approved.
b. Additional Signatories – RFO has received additional signatory paperwork and will process. LB
12. Correspondence Received
A request was made by Parishioner for an update on Bardney Causeway work following reduction in speed limit and 3 major lorry upsets in the last 2 months.
Cllr Copsey informed that though the work is due at some time in 2024, the work can only follow major improvement on what will be diversion routes.
13. Matters from previous minutes
a. Footpath/cycle path from Potterhanworth to Nocton still to be investigated. NS will follow up. NS
b. Permissive footpath past solar farm. NS to follow up. NS
14. Planning Matters
a. Cllr Sardeson is looking into reference 23/0488/TCA – Nocton Road tree work. NS
b. No comments to be made regarding references 23/0457/LBC – door colour or 23/0494//HOUS – Church Lane single story extension.
c. However, it was felt that the same comments had to be re-made against reference 23/0151/FUL – Plough Hill housing development. Cllr Sardeson will send NS
wording to Clerk to submit. LB
15. Monthly Risk Assessment - Nothing to action.
16. Dates –
Next Parish Council Meetings –
Monday 26th June 2023
Monday 31st July 2023