June 2023 Minutes



In Attendance   -              Cllr Sardeson

                                         Cllr Clarke

                                         Cllr Nightingale

                                         Cllr Copsey

                                         Cllr Giles

                                         NK District Cllr Peter Lundgren

                                         George Holmes representing the Pavilion Committee


1.    The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming our newest Councillor Kirstie Nightingale which brings us back up to strength.


2.    Apologies received from Cllr Martin Ott.


       Also, from Lincoln County Cllr Ian Carrington and Potterhanworth’s NK District Cllr Paul Turner.


3.    No declarations of interest to report.


4.    Notes from Annual General Council Meeting of 15th May approved as Minutes excepting an amendment to point 11b as Cllr Clarke felt she could not now be an additional bank signatory.


5.    Reports from outside bodies –


  a.  Nothing to report in our area on the Police.uk website.


  b.  Cllr Carrington has been out of the country so unable to provide a report from LCC at this time.


  c.  Cllr Turner has provided a short update, which is attached.  Peter Lundgren attending the meeting, provided further NK updates.  He opened by recommending Paul Turner as our

       new NK District Councillor. Cllr Turner has a background in economics and specialises in audits and statistics.  NKDC has recently won a Local Government Council Award for

       Social Housing, largely because of the 8 new houses built in Windmill Gardens in Potterhanworth, which are not just carbon neutral, but built to Passivhaus standard, meaning, apart

       from standing charges, they will ultimately, be extremely economical to run for the tenants.  Cllr Lundgren also reported that, on the back of public concern regarding the air quality

       outside schools during drop off and pick up because of idling engines, NK had contacted all the contracted buses and taxi services, and asked that all the drivers be requested to turn off

       engines on arrival at site.


  d.  Cllr Clarke referred to the Bio Diverse Garden to the rear of Windmill Gardens and asked Cllr Lundgrun to look into some sort of signage for the garden that included notification that this           PL

       garden is for the use of all Potterhanworth residents, it was also suggested that perhaps a Coronation bench might be a nice thing to add.


6.    Public Forum


  a.  George Holmes stood to request that the trees around the bus shelter be pruned back.                                                                                                                                                                      NS


  b.  He also requested that Continental Landscapes be contacted as they were regularly missing a 30ft/40ft area at the end of the playing field.  Cllr Sardeson said he would respond to                  NS

       both these requests.  George also asked if the hedge was to remain along the boundary of new play park and also when the build would commence. Yes, the hedge will remain, the

       new death slide will be in front of it and, though August was the planned month for the start, we did not have a specific date.  George said he would have Stuart trim the hedge back                 GH

       before August. 


  c.  It was recorded that Cllr Ott would need to report back when he had a start date.                                                                                                                                                                               MO


7.    Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding from previous meeting –


  a.  Cllr Sardeson reported he would be planting the new tree outside the school in Winter.                                                                                                                                                                    NS


  b.  Cllr Giles has said he will speak with Steve Plumb regarding inspecting the ditch along Moor Lane.                                                                                                                                                JG


  c.  Clerk informed that after investigation, the best way of providing new Councillors with the information that would have been put into an Induction pack, apart from the important paperwork

       they must sign, was to have it all available for them on the website, which leads into the fact that updating the policies on the website was required.  Though what we have are not out of date,

       when compared with other Parish Council websites, the whole section was missing large chunks that would answer the first point also.  There are courses that LALC run for new Councillors

       and Clerks which would also be beneficial, so keep an eye open for emails coming through with dates.  In the meantime, fellow Councillors are your best buddies.


  d.  With regard to contacting the other Parish Councils in our area affected by our loss of PCSOs, it was discussed whether the email should ask them all to join in inviting the PCC to attend a   NS

       joint meeting to answer our questions.


  e.  George Holmes confirmed that the solar panels will be fitted on the Pavilion on 17th July.


  f.  It was discussed as to whether batteries could be installed to make better use of the solar panels, and whether funding could be obtained for this.  It was asked of Peter Lundgren if he          PL

      would be prepared to investigate where this funding might be obtained.  He was happy to help.


  g.  Cllr Copsey informed that this week would be the last week for a Hotpot Meet.  Therefore, she had spoken to the Chequers and they are willing to stand in as a space to go till the

       Hot Pot starts again in October.  Open from 1 to 4.  Children welcome.


  h.  Regarding the new Playpark, lengthy discussion was had on how and who.  It was expected that Cllr Ott would update next session and report on any funder’s expectations,                       MO

       which it was understood included a plaque.


  i.  The opening for the playpark was to be at the start of this year’s AutumnFest, so the kids can get on to the park.  It was suggested that Ralph Wilford, who had the existing park built            NS

       should open the new one.


  j.   It was agreed that much more use should be made of the Sheepwash, and that they should be contacted to advertise the Opening and AutumnFest.  The Clerk was charged with                 LB

       creating something to submit, perhaps also to include information about Hotpot, the Better Housing/Better Health leaflets and contact numbers in general and our meeting dates. 


  k.  Cllr Nightingale has suggested that this is the sort of thing that should go on our own Parish Council facebook page and has offered to take charge of social media.   An offer that                KN

       was gratefully received by all with the caveat that the comments button should be turned off. 


  l.   Thought should be given to whom we could especially invite, could the scouts extend an invitation to Bear Gryls.  How about Look North’s Peter Levy, the Linconite, and Lincs FM’s           SC

       John Marshall. 


  m.  Cllr Clarke will speak with Jan Withers, AutumnFest Chair, with regard to programme.                                                                                                                                                                AC


  n.  A short advert also needs to go in the Grapevine, Clerk to forward wording to Cllr Copsey to pass on to Maureen.                                                                                                                    LB/SC


  o.  Discussion was had as to whether, once the Play Park is built, there would be room for a sensory garden or some such planted area.  It would have to be in a raised bed or it would just

       get trampled over.  If it had low growing camomile around the edge, it could even be used as seating.  This idea to be re-visited and funding looked at, though the planting is something

       the Scouts would surely be happy to do.


8.    Financial Matters:


  a.  Payment put forward by RFO for approval – approved.


  b.  Additional Signatories – RFO still to process additional signatory paperwork.                                                                                                                                                                             LB


  c.  May month end spread sheet provided and whilst looking at it, it was requested for clarification of the PWLB loan and its status.  Clerk will report.                                                                LB


  d.  The Astco recycling money has always been ringfenced for the play park.  Make sure it continues to be so, as further work will need to be done on the skatepark.


  e.  The CIL monies were discussed as there are specific requirements for its use.  Could this again be used for upgrading the skatepark tarmac.  There is also a requirement that the             LB

       providers of CIL be updated with its usage by 31st December.  Clerk to make sure this is done.


  f.  There is also an expiry date.  We must have used this money within 5 years.  Tally and countdown needed on the monthly spread sheet going forward.                                                          LB


  g.  As there is money in the budget for a handyman, which we are not using.  Continental do the grass cutting and the scouts do the flower bed maintenance.  Cllr Copsey will speak               SC

       with Scout Leader as we wish to use this money for providing the Scouts with additional necessary gardening equipment and storage for it.  Could use be made of the new Culfrey Barn.


  h.  Approval of Internal Audit Accounting Statements and Annual Governance Statement.


9.   Correspondence:


  a.  A complaint had been received from a resident of Main Street on the Church Hill about the bad state of the roads and the noise then made as lorries traversed very early in the morning.      NS

      We will pass on the comments to Highways.  Bult also inform complainant about the Fix my Street site to report issues.  Clerk will investigate the specific challenge that lorries to the             LB

      British Sugar site are not supposed to come through Potter as they have an alternative route.


  b.  Part of the complaint was also about the distance from the school that cars are parking in order to drop off.  It transpires that this is, we are informed by Cllr Copsey, because of a Walk

       to School initiative.  We did also discuss the fact that parking for cars is not now available in the pub car park, which is because of an altercation a member of the public had with the

       Landlord.  It was debated if it was actually part of the Parish Council remit to get involved, and would it not be simpler for the school to engage with the Landlord directly.  Clerk to inform      LB 

       complainant of the walk to school.  Clerk also to write to Head at the School to pass on the fact we have residents raising concerns about the parking.


10.  Planning Matters:


  a.  Planning Application for conversion of integral garage to a bedroom at September House, Barff Road, brought about further discussion about the parking issues on this street.  It was felt

       that if having an integral garage was part of the original planning consent, that could well back up Cllr Sardeson’s concerns regarding allowing this application to go through without comment. 

       Cllr Sardeson to forward wording to Clerk to submit to Planning Online.                                                                                                                                                                                         NS/LB


11.  Monthly Risk Assessment:


       Nothing to report.


12.  Date of next and last meeting till September is Monday 31st July 2023.


Councillor Reports for June

Short update from District Councillor Paul Turner

The re-formed Audit Committee met for the first time and the committee’s terms of reference and work plan have been agreed.  This plan sets out statutory reporting and scrutiny of internal audit needed to meet the terms of reference. The internal audit charter and work plan have also been approved but is flexible in order to meet emerging challenges.  Minutes will be available on the NKDC website and I will continue to provide updates on progress.