July 2023 Minutes



In Attendance   -              Cllr Sardeson

                                                Cllr Ott

                                                Cllr Copsey

                                                Cllr Giles

Also in Attendance -       George Holmes representing the Pavilion Committee

                                        Lincolnshire County Councillor Carrington

1.         Chairman opened meeting by informing that Paul Burns has confirmed he is no longer a Councillor, thus we have, once again, a vacancy. 

            This issue will be visited when we are back after the summer break.

2.         Apologies received from Cllr Clarke, Cllr Nightingale and NK District Cllr Turner.

3.         No declaration of interest to report.

4.         Draft notes from meeting of 26th June 2023 approved as Minutes.

5.         Reports from outside bodies –

    a.     Nothing to report in our area on the Police.uk website.

    b.     NK District Cllr Turner informs there is nothing to report at present.

    c.     Lincolnshire County Councillor Carrington stood to give us a precis of his July report (Complete report attached).  Informing that Children Services had recently

            had an Ofsted visit and been marked ‘Outstanding’.  He also informed that plans had been approved for a new secure residential Special School, to be built on the

            eastern edge of Sleaford, which will replace the existing Sleaford school.  Using working examples from the Continent, this new site will provide an improving

            environment with a family feel and a very high level of staff.

6.         Public Forum -

    a.     George Holmes stood to update on staffing at the Pavilion and informed that after complaints over the previous 2 weeks, Zoe had stood down as Cleaner and

            Jacqueline Bourne had immediately been brought in.  She had already spent 3 hours on Saturday deep cleaning the Pavilion ready for a Children’s party on

            Sunday and was happy to continue in the role.  Clerk to speak with her and provide a new contract as soon as possible.                                                                           LB

    b.     He also wished to inform that he had found a new Mole Man as Mr Pesty could never be contacted.  Clerk to inform Mr Pesty officially that his services are no               LB

            longer required.  George was extremely happy with new chap, an ex-gamekeeper at Patrick Deans, who had come in on Saturday for a first visit and had already

            been very successful.  He will be paid per mole removed.

7.         Matters from previous Minutes still outstanding -

    a.     A discussion was had regarding creating a raised bed within the new play park once it is complete and the Scouts have jumped at the chance to add this to their

            list of gardening duties.  George has informed he will price up the timber and speak to Keith who has said he will make it.  Cllr Copsey will liaise with the builders           SC

            of the new park as we will require to use some of the spoil from the holes they have been digging.  And then with George and Keith and the Scouts.

    b.     George informed that Continental are not cutting the grass along the edge of the access road to the Pavilion.  Chairman will speak with Continental.  It was                     NS

            discussed as to the increasing costs of the Continental Invoices and whether this was just the extra cuts required during Summer.  Chair and Clerk to go                         NS/LB

            through recent invoices.                                                                                                                                                                   

    c.     Cllr Giles reported back on his site visit with Steve Plumb who informed that though the ditch along Moor Lane ran along the boundary of his field, he did not

            consider it his responsibility but the Highways.  He confirmed this supposition by informing that he could remember that back in 1976 4 men dug it out to clear it. 

            But he now thinks it has been deliberately filled in to produce a parking place.  Cllr Carrington informed that he had been contacted by a Parishioner at 13 Moor Lane

            and had made a site visit with a representative of Highways who informed that the boundary ditch comes under riparian ownership and is the responsibility of the land

            owner and that only if it goes under the road does it become the responsibility of Highways.  Cllr Giles has said he will speak again with Steve Plumb not only on this      JG

            matter, but also on the matter of the survey request we have received from Lincolnshire Highways which includes information on drainage.  Cllr Giles has agreed

            to complete this survey and knows that Steve Plumbs input on the villages historic drainage ditches will be valued.  He will also look into the claim that there was

            historically a ditch running along the frontage of these houses that was filled in a long time ago.

    d.     Clerk informed she still had to contact Head Teacher at the Primary School regarding the issues of parking and the use of the Chequers car park.                                     LB

    e.     Regarding the issue of the decreasing PCSO presence it was useful to have Cllr Carrington’s presence, as he informed, he also had been in touch with PCC

            regarding the same issue we have, and that he had been informed by the PCC that though he raised funds it was the Chief Constable who made the operational

            decisions regarding spending.  Chair to pursue a meeting with CC to discuss.                                                                                                                                                 NS

    f.      Cllr Copsey informed that sadly the Hot Pot was not running through the Summer at The Chequers as they have not at present got a Chef.

    g.     Further to the completion of installation of solar panels on the Pavilion roof, Chair has informed he will complete the paperwork to register the panels and also                  NS

            so that we can sell the electricity generated back to the Grid.

    h.     Cllr Clarke had produced minutes from the 2nd official meeting of the Pavilion committee. There must be 4 a year and it was recorded that this was a good positive

            meeting also attended by Cllr Copsey.  They had discussed the construction of the play park, start and finish dates and logistics and George confirmed he had

            provided the builders with a key to allow them access to the loos.  The positioning of the new gates and path was discussed.  Also, benches were discussed as

            there will be several removed, could they be stored and be re-used, Keith discussed the building of a pergola style shelter off the side of the Pavilion which could

            then have some benches situated under.  Cllr Ott had asked if anything that is removed can be assessed for possible re-use. Cllr Copsey said she would liaise.              SC

            Regarding the shelters, one is to be removed completely as it is falling down, however this one would have to be professionally removed, due to the presence

            of asbestos.  We are awaiting costs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SC

            Cllr Sardeson has asked if he could attend the next meeting of the Pavilion, Cllr Copsey will inform of next date.                                                                                         SC

    i.      Setting a Questionnaire was discussed at length, to be put in the programme of the Autumn Festival, requesting some input from villagers regarding                                MO

            Phase 2 of the play park upgrade.  Cllr Ott said he would speak with Jan Withers prior to their next Autumn Festival Committee meeting and create something

            to be printed.  Clerk to collect.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           LB

    j.      Further discussion was had to decide what we do about an opening ceremony as so many Councillors and Ralph Wilford will be unavailable on the day. 

            It was agreed that the Chairman of the Parish Council should be the official ribbon cutter.                                                                                                                             NS

8.         Financial Matters -

    a.     Payments put forward by RFO for approval and payment – approved.

    b.     Queries were made of the increasing cost of the British Gas bills.  Clerk to investigate.                                                                                                                                LB

    c.     Further to the Pavilion Committee meeting Cllr Copsey wished to have the Councillor’s consent that she and Cllr Clarke could re-investigate the installation of wi-fi,

            assess the running costs and look at maybe fund raising to cover the initial set up cost, or perhaps the Beer Fest might consider paying.  She would report back.         AC

    d.     Chair asked when Clerk Riggall’s sick pay ended and if we had heard anything yet.  It was agreed that he would pay a visit with a bunch of flowers.  RFO would          LB

             inform when official re-start date would be.

    e.     Cllr Ott informed that we would soon receive invoices from Hags, showing breakdown of what must be re-invoiced to funders and how much must be covered by us.

9.         Correspondence -

            Chair asked Clerk to forward to him the e-mail from NKCC regarding grit bin at the entrance to the park, he would make contact to have it removed by them as we      LB/NS

            do not have the facility to remove such a quantity of toxic substance.

10        Planning Matters -

            Application 23/0776/LBC, The Old Hall, Cross Street, Potterhanworth – No issues with solar panels being fitted to the roof of this building as would not be in anyone’ eye line. 

11.       Monthly Risk Assessment - Nothing to report.

12.       Dates -

            The Annual Parish Walk was discussed and a date fixed of 14th October 2023 with a suggested start time of 3.00pm.  Chair to produce map showing parish responsibilities. 

Cllr. Ian Carrington (LCC & NKDC) – latest News July 2023:

Improving Biodiversity in Greater Lincolnshire

The Government has announced that LCC will be the lead authority for the Greater Lincolnshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. This will work to improve biodiversity and natural habitats across the county. As Chairman of the LCC Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee I will do my bit to make sure the strategy is set up effectively. With Biodiversity Net Gain coming into force in the planning system by November, I’ll also seek to ensure that the County Council works with planning authorities to maximise the benefits in North Kesteven and across the county.

Working For Children

Giving children the best possible start in life is one of LCC’s key roles. We were recently visited by OFSTED inspectors, who reviewed the help, protection and care we provide. The inspectors rated the council’s children’s services as ‘outstanding’ overall. They reported that families in Lincolnshire continue to have access to local services that help to keep them safe, and support them to make good progress. The report also noted that council staff, schools and other adults involved in the children’s lives worked to ensure that help was provided quickly when needed, before issues had a chance to escalate.

Our children are out future, and we are very proud to have this independent endorsement of this essential part of the Council’s work.


Summer season surface dressing works continue this month in various locations within my Division. We recently completed the final round of public briefings on the North Hykeham Relief Road, which remains on track for a planning submission in the course of the next year and construction to start in 2025 against a planned completion date of 2028. Other major road investments are also taking place across the County. You may recently have noticed traffic counters on many roads in and around Lincoln – this is part of a widespread survey to assess actual traffic patterns now the Eastern Bypass has settled into use.

As ever, please report any potholes or other highway problems via www.fixmystreet.com or the LCC website – I’m happy to help too.

Trading Standards

The LCC Trading Standards team has recently obtained orders suspending trading for three months at retailers selling counterfeit or unsafe goods. LCC works very hard to protect consumers from being deceived, ripped off or put in danger – it is not something which everyone is aware of but it’s an essential part of keeping us all safe.

Living Independently

Lincolnshire’s Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) is providing important lifeline for people who need support with aids and adaptations around their home. This is a vital service to support people to remain independent at home. Help ranges from a simple walking frame or crutches, or mobile hoists to pressure care equipment. This can be provided for people of all ages to be able to get about their own home, preventing the need to be supported elsewhere.

For further details on the equipment service go to: www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/help-live-home/home-equipment

National Housing Award

And a post-script from NKDC where I’m Exec Board member for housing. Very proud that NK has been given a national award for it’s new housing, specifically the Passivhaus council housing scheme in Potterhanworth. Passivhaus is the gold standard of eco homes, and NK has committed to building to this standard or equivalent with all its new homes. Taken together with the radical improvements we have made to the Local Plan this underlines our commitment to the environment and reaching net zero. Tackling climate change takes more than just words or protest, it takes engineering, maths and a frightening amount of accountancy! We’re putting in the hard yards and it’s great to have that effort recognised on the national stage.


County: Cllri.carrington@lincolnshire.gov.uk

District: cllr_ian_carrington@n-kesteven.gov.uk

Facebook: Cllr Ian Carrington (https://www.facebook.com/councillorian.carrington )