May 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 18th May 2020
at 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
Item |
Discussion |
1.Attendance and Apologies |
Attendance: Cllr Bourne –Chairman Cllr Orton -Vice Chairman Cllr Sardeson Cllr Foster Cllr Watson Cllr Burns Mrs A Riggall – Clerk Apologies: Cllr Hollidge Cllr Oxby Also in attendance: Cllr Lundgren – NKDC Cllr Cucksey – NKDC 1 member of the public |
2. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson |
Councillor Bourne stood down as Chairman of Potterhanworth Parish Council. No nominations from other Councillors received, therefore Vice Chair Councillor Orton stands as Acting Chair until a new Chairperson is agreed at a later date following this meeting. |
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies |
Police Crime Report The police report for February 2020. 2 crimes reported on or near Queensway, both relating to violent offences. The police report for March 2020. 1 burglary reported in Potterhanworth Booths.
NKDC Matters: Cllr Lundgren: Began by thanking Cllr Harold Bourne for all the work done as Chair over the last 6 years and all the support given. NKDC are now effectively providing support in relation to Covid 19. The District Council are now able to hold online meetings. The next phase for NKDC will be considering the recovery from Covid 19 both within communities and economically. A great deal of income has been lost and NKDC are working with Local Government Association to ensure they are not unduly treated. There has been a very positive response from volunteers in both Potterhanworth and Branston. The food bank in Branston has been very successful and has been able to support people in need in surrounding villages including Potterhanworth. They have been receiving donations from individuals and organisations such as the Cooperative, Morrisons and FoodShare. Further information can be found on the Facebook site: Branston Parish Council Covid-19 support group.
Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 1.
4. Public Open Forum |
Cllr Foster raised an issue on behalf of a Parishioner regarding stiles on footpaths. Cllr Foster asked whether it would be possible to add gates for older and larger dogs. Cllr Sardeson will contact the Rights of Way department at LCC to ascertain whether a gate could be added, but this would need to be in agreement with the landowner.
5. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest |
None |
6. Matters Arising from previous minutes |
7. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 27 April 2020 are approved as the Minutes |
It was resolved that the notes of Summary of Decisions sent on 27th April 2020 are approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.
8. Correspondence Received
9. To resolve purchase of defibrillator and cabinet |
As discussed during matters arising from previous meeting. |
10. Reimbursement of expenses for Cllr Hollidge |
Cllr Hollidge requested £3 per month reimbursement for upgrading data usage on mobile phone in order to access Zoom meetings. Councillors discussed whether this would be exclusively for Parish Council business and it was highlighted that there are other ways of getting access. Councillors present all agreed that they are not in favour of accepting this application. |
11. Review of Policies and Procedures |
As discussed during matters arising from previous meeting. |
12. Planning Applications received
Planning Applications Potterhanworth
20/0496/HOUS. 7 Church Lane -retrospective planning permission for demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey extension. Councillors discussed this being a retrospective application and Cllr Watson will formulate a response for NKDC. |
13. Pavilion committee update |
The cleaner had been furloughed due to Covid 19, but Cllr Bourne followed government guidelines recommendation that those that can go back to work should, therefore Miss Page will return to work from 1st June. Cllr Sardeson has looked into whether a business grant would be possible for the Pavilion, but as this is a charity, business rates are not paid therefore a grant would not be possible. |
14. Annual Governance and Accountability return |
The internal auditor is finalising details this week and everything should be prepared for the next meeting in June. If an external audit is required the date for this has been extended due to Covid 19. |
15. Finance
16. Dates |
Cllr Orton ended by thanking Cllr Bourne for his work as Chairman over the last 6 years. Everyone thanked Cllr Bourne for his work and dedication to the role. |
PARISH COUNCILLORS TABLE OF ACTIONS B/F and from meeting held on 18th May 2020
Action |
Resp. Person |
Start date |
Finish date |
Complete |
Stiles on Footpaths -investigate gates for dogs with LCC |
Cllr Sardeson |
18/05/20 |
Bus Shelter Grant – Cllr Oxby will make further enquires |
Clerk |
24/06/19 |
Ongoing |
School Safety Zone – Clerk awaiting details from school |
Clerk |
Ongoing |
Play park repairs– awaiting fixed price quote for painting of equipment |
Clerk |
28/10/19 |
Defibrillator – purchase unit and contact 3 electricians for quotes |
Clerk & Cllr Orton |
28/10/19 |
Football pitch drainage and levelling – Cllr Foster to contact grounds person at Golf course and Rugby club |
Cllr Foster |
27/01/20 |
Frequency of grass cutting at The Park and around War Memorial to be decided |
Cllr Watson |
18/05/20 |
Grass area in front of Church -to discuss whether Church have correct insurance to take over cutting of this area |
Cllr Watson |
18/05/20 |
Christmas lights -to be repaired when access allows |
Cllr Foster |
24/02/20 |
Policies -Clerk to consult with Cllr Lundgren and LALC website |
Clerk |
27/04/20 |
Hedgerows around Playpark -Cllr Orton to contact Stuart Watt end of June |
Cllr Orton |
18/05/20 |
Footways around village -investigate reason why some paths have not been resurfaced |
Cllr Sardeson |
18/05/20 |
Formulate response to NKDC regarding planning applications -until new Chair has been agreed |
Cllr Watson |
18/05/20 |
Mrs Andrea Riggall 31 May 2020
Appendix 1. Cllr Cucksey. District Report May 2020
During these rather unusual times virtual meetings are being held regularly with Heads of Service to establish the impact of Covid19 on the Council. Additional costs will continue to fall as we step up to deliver much needed support during the emergency.
Members of staff are being mobilised to work from home - with all IT facilities, -i.e. computers and telephones. In terms of workload and priorities, the impacts have been significant - in terms of collection and recovery of monies due to the Council, levels of benefit and Council Tax Support claims, requests for data extracts from the Revenue and Benefits ITC system, as well as being central to the assessment and delivery of grants and reliefs to qualifying businesses.
The early financial implications of the Coronavirus for the Council impact on the Council’s cashflow. The Council produces a detailed cashflow forecast based on normal operation as its primary control function to ensure that at all times sufficient cash resources are available to meet all expenditure demands.
The potential financial effects for the Council’s General Fund, Housing Revenue Account, Reserves, Capital Programmes and Collection Fund and the resulting impact on the Council’s projected cashflow.
“We started the year in a good financial position, having protected our reserves for instances and we’re using the extra government Covid19 funding carefully. In the first tranche the council received £54.883 and in the second £1,169,321 totalling £1,224,159.
The financial impact of COVID-19 on the council's budget has been significant. It includes:
- Lost income from suspension of car parking charges, closure of leisure centres and other commercial services
- Lower income from business rates and council tax than forecast in the council's budget
The full financial implications for the Council of the Coronavirus pandemic are yet to materialise but are highly likely to be profound for the Council.
We’ve also redeployed resources and staff into essential services to make sure that vital support is available where it’s most needed. However, it’s clear that this national crisis will reshape people’s lives and livelihoods, which means we’ll be even more in demand going forward. This inevitably comes with a cost.