Minutes February 2020


Minutes of Meeting held on 24thth February 2020

at 7.00pm, Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth




1.Attendance and Apologies


Cllr Bourne –Chairman

Cllr Orton -Vice Chairman

Cllr Sardeson                                                              

Cllr Hollidge

Cllr Foster                                                                 

Cllr Watson

Cllr Burns

Mrs A Riggall - Clerk

Also in attendance:     Cllr Oxby – LCC

                                    Cllr. Lundgren -NKDC

                                    Cllr. Cucksey – NKDC

                                    1 member of the public


2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

Police Crime Report

Police website has not been updated since December. Cllr Hollidge will be attending a crime panel meeting in early March and will report back and request an updated crime report.


LCC Matters

Cllr Oxby: Following a full council meeting the expected 1.5% increase in rates, plus a further 2% for Adult social care has been approved. Within this there will be an additional investment in highways and flooding for the 2020/21 financial year. £14m of efficiency savings have been identified to enable LCC to balance their budget. Despite this LCC are proposing to spend around £4m on 16 additional gangs to carry out further highway maintenance and pothole repairs in the new financial year. An extra £2m will be spent on extra flood and drainage repairs and flood-response equipment for Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue.

Work has begun on a 70-apartment extra care housing scheme at De Wint Court in Lincoln, which will be the first of its kind in the county, £12m is expected to be spent on the development of extra care housing. The fire service is compiling it community plan also known as the ‘Integrated Risk Management Plan’ which looks at the main risks to lives, properties, infrastructure and the environment in Lincolnshire. Local people are encouraged to view the report and give feedback.

The final roundabout on the Eastern by-pass was started on the 17th February. The road will be lowered by 1.5 metres. Weather conditions have affected the planned opening date from Spring to Autumn 2020, but there has been no increase in budget. Currently the whole scheme is £1.3m under budget, this is due to the contract agreed with Galliford Try.

Cllr Hollidge enquired about the associated traffic issues with regards to Washingborough Road being closed and the knock-on effect to other roads in the area. Cllr Oxby explained that the traffic lights on Canwick Hill are currently a temporary measure and are being trialled for 3 weeks to see how they affect the traffic flow. During busy periods the traffic flow is being monitored on the Heighington Road and a camera has been placed on Branston Road. Cllr Foster enquired about the A15 junction and asked if it would be possible to open up Bloxholm Lane to the new A15 roundabout as soon as possible. Cllr Foster then asked about the tarmac being placed in potholes as a temporary measure and the associated issues with even larger holes being created often within 6 months. A particularly large pothole on Mere Road was discussed. It was suggested that retarmacking full sections of road would be a longer-term solution to this issue.

Cllr Watson asked where the £14m of efficiency services would fall. Cllr Oxby responded that services were being monitored weekly to establish where they could be made more efficient.


NKDC Matters:

Cllr Lundgren: Lengthy police response times have been discussed and it is hoped that NDKC will look at this as part of the safety partnership working with police and other agencies. If individuals have experience of a lengthy police response time and have a related police incident number, please contact Cllr Lundgren.  The council have voted to increase the social rates by 2.7%, this follows a 1% reduction in the last few years. It is hoped that this increase will be used to improve social housing. There was a motion to limit the noise from fireworks at the last meeting, this is due to the impact on military veterans and animals. Considering the comments at the last meeting regarding the planned development on Barff Road, Cllr Lundgren explained that time had been spent with officers looking at this planning application but was unable to find a valid reason to object, unfortunately the Neighbourhood Plan could not be used and only very good evidence could have been used to stop such an application. Cllr Lundgren ended by commenting on the pub reopening and hopes for a positive future for the village.


Cllr Cucksey: Following on from Cllr Lundgren mentioning the planned rental increases, this money will go into a housing revenue account and can only be used for housing. £1m was lost each year that the previous 1% reduction was in place, hopefully now the increases have been made, more investment can be made in housing stock. Around 1,500 people are still on the housing waiting list. Cllr Bourne asked if any further information was available regarding the social houses being started in Potterhanworth. Cllr Cucksey responded that a date has not yet been fixed, but this may now be towards the end of the year.

Garden waste will be increasing by £5 from April, this is the first increase since 2015.


3. Public Open Forum

Waldemar Belcynski the new Parish gardener gave details of a walk around the village with the Chair and other Councillors looking at work that needs to be done around the centre of the village and near the Pavilion. Further details will be emailed to the clerk. Cllr Foster commented on the need for additional grass cutting, Mr Belcynski will include this in the quote to be sent to the clerk.

Cllr Burns enquired about the new benches for the pavilion. Cllr Orton explained that these are on hold until there is an improvement in the weather and will hopefully be completed by the Spring.

4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

Cllr Bourne declared that the TPO planning application for 33 The Park has been submitted by his neighbour.

5. Matters Arising from previous minutes

  • Lawnmower belts have not yet fitted by Cllr Orton, due to the weather.
  • No further updates on the Bus shelter grant. The rejection to this was queried with Cllr Oxby, who will look further into this.
  • No further updates on the school safety zone. Cllr Oxby will also look further into this.
  • Play park committee. Cllr Foster has submitted information which will appear in next month’s Grapevine.
  • Play park repairs. Wicksteed inspection took place 24/02/20, a report should shortly follow. Painting of the equipment will be completed by Mr Belcynski when the weather improves.
  • TSB forms. Still working to include clerk on bank account
  • Exposed pipe at oil tank.  Mr Ing has not been able to complete the work, Cllr Foster has offered to look at what needs to be done and should be able to find a solution
  • Football pitch drainage. Cllr Foster has not been able to speak to contact. Cllr Bourne has spoken to the owner of Pottergate golf club, they have equipment but are unable to transport it. Cllr Sardeson queried whether there is a drainage issue on the football pitch or whether this is due to the unusually high rainfall. Cllr Orton spoke of the need for maintenance work across the whole field, as no work has been done for several years.
  • War Memorial. Two responses have been received from monumental masons; EGill with a quote of £3068.22 inc. VAT and Draper memorials with a quote of £985 + VAT. Cllr Hollidge recommended previous work undertake by Draper memorials and it was unanimously agreed to go ahead with the Draper quote. The centenary of the War Memorial will take place on the 9th March and work will be done to commemorate this. The clerk will follow this up with Draper memorials.
  • Garden and village maintenance has been discussed, following a quote from Mr Belcynski in principal all agreed to the work.  This will be charged on a job by job basis.
  • Hedges around playpark.  Work may not be done between March – July due to nesting birds, but may be possible if checked beforehand
  • Christmas lights. Following on from Mr Holmes reporting the broken lights Cllr Foster is looking at engineering a solution.


6. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 27 January 2020 are approved as the Minutes

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2020 be approved as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.




Correspondence Received


  • Several emails received regarding VE day celebrations 8th-10th May. Some villages are holding events. Cllrs discussed the potential of a street party or fete at the Pavilion. Cllr Watson will discuss potential with new pub landlord. Cllrs will discuss and give more information at next meeting.
  • Email from Beeswax Dyson regarding spring walk in Nocton wood. This will take place on Wednesday 29th April at 6pm at The Hive, refreshments will be provided. Posters will follow.
  • Email received regarding dogs off leads on private land. Cllr Watson suggested that the landowner should advertise his position. Cllr Foster highlighted the need for dog owners to show control of their dogs and reminded everyone of the Countryside code. Cllr Lundgren highlighted the fact that dogs should be kept on a lead, although this is not legally enforceable. Clerk will coordinate email response and message giving guidance to public.
  • Email received regarding update to LCC website.  The parish website will be updated and can only be accessed from April after attending training. Clerk will attend training 16th March. Chair requested that all information that has been uploaded be copied to ensure it is not lost.


Solar Farm


Chair gave information on the Solar Farm. The new development is a separate Solar farm to the current existing Solar farm. It will be in the order of 49 Mega Watts, which is ½ MW below the limit for the government’s limit for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project. A different company is now building the farm. Following previous negotiations Potterhanworth Parish Council, along with Branston Parish Council, will receive £10,000 plus 1 solar installation per village. Potterhanworth will add the solar panels to the Pavilion. Last year a structural engineer looked at the Pavilion and did not foresee any issues with loading on the building. The Solar farm will go live in April. Cllr Lundgren added that a permissive footpath will be added to the west side of the B1188. A decision on future use of the £10,000 will be made after it has been received in April.


Defibrillator grant


Cllr Watson provided information on the grant received from the British Heart Foundation for a new defibrillator. This would cover a unit provided at a discounted price. He admitted that he had overlooked the stipulation being that it must be placed in an unlocked cabinet when applying for the grant. Councillors discussed the risk of a defibrillator unit being left unlocked, both from theft, vandalism and the potential of children playing with it. Cllr Bourne has contacted EMAS, who stated that most units are kept in a locked cabinet, but this is at the discretion of the Parish Council.  Cllr Hollidge commented on another village where several defibrillators where damaged over a period of time. Cllr Hollidge will seek advice at the next Community police panel meeting. Cllr Watson will go back to the British Heart Foundation for clarification on this stipulation and will give them EMAS information on the majority currently being locked.

11. Pavilion Committee update

Nothing to report

12. Planning Applications received

Planning Applications Potterhanworth


20/0146/TPO.  33 The Park, T1 Horse Chestnut -reduce height; T2-T5 Holly -2m height reduction. Councillors requested more time to consider this application.

20/0160/HOUS. 1 Moor Lane -demolish single storey extension & replace with 2 storey extension. Councillors all agreed there was no objections to this application.


Decision Notices

20/0019/HOUS.  Gap in the hedge, Moor lane.  Single storey side & rear extension. APPROVED


13. Finance




February 2020

All Payments total = £1,401.56

Balance total = £6,883.88

NS & I balance = £13,067.05


All agreed to use Julie Stevenson from Chinchero Ltd for this year’s audit. Clerk will discuss with Julie the possibility of also needing an external audit if the £25K limit is exceeded.

Chair gave information on the HMRC payment. He advised that the payroll software used, Bright Pay will change to a charge per member of staff basis. All agreed to continue to use the Bright Pay software for calculating the payroll and HMRC payments.


14. Dates

  • Date of next meeting:  30th March 2020
  • Future meetings: 2020: 27th April, 18th May, 29th June, 27th July
  • Annual Parish Meeting: 11th May





B/F and from meeting held on 24th February 2020



Resp. Person

Start date

Finish date


Lawn Mower – to fit new belts 

Cllr Orton




Bus Shelter Grant – Cllr Oxby will make further enquires





School Safety Zone – Cllr Oxby will make further enquiries





Play park committee – information to be shared in The Grapevine

Cllr Foster




Play park repairs/paint - awaiting feedback from Wicksteed





TSB forms – Clerk to visit bank





Oil tank pipe – to cover exposed pipe

Cllr Orton & Cllr Foster




Defibrillator – investigate requirements of cabinet

Cllr Hollidge & Cllr Watson




Football pitch drainage – monitor as weather improves





War Memorial -Contact Draper Memorials





Gardening & village maintenance work -awaiting map of grass cutting requirements and quote

Clerk & Cllr Foster




Christmas lights -to be repaired

Cllr Foster




VE Day celebration -to be agreed





Mrs Andrea Riggall     26th February 2020


Appendix 1. Cllr Cucksey. District Report February 2020 

It was agreed by the Executive Board at their meeting recently to increase the cost of the green bin collection to £35 for the first bin and £17 per subsequent bin. The garden waste collection service is a popular discretionary service for the Council for which a reasonable charge can be made. In line with best practice guidance it is important we achieve cost recovery so as to ensure that only those using the service pay for it and that it is not subsidised by the Council Tax payer. The charge was last reviewed by Council on 17th December, 2015 and at that time a £5 base increase was agreed. Since then charges have been reviewed annually but no changes have been recommended until now. The number of subscribers to the service has continued to rise each year, although expenditure is also rising. In light of this, work has been undertaken to calculate a revised charging structure that would achieve full cost recovery. 

The Council approved the new charging arrangements, which target homes left empty for years at a time. Currently the owners of homes that are left empty and substantially unfurnished for more than two years must pay an extra 50% on top of the regular bill. Following the full Council meeting, the 50% premium will be replaced by the following arrangements which will come into effect from 1st April 2020.

  • Homes that are empty for two years or more will be charged double their regular Council Tax (i.e. an additional premium of 100%). 
  • Homes that are empty for five years or more will be charged a 200% premium on top of their regular Council Tax. 
  • Homes that are empty for ten years or more will be charged a 300% premium on top of their regular Council Tax. 

2020 Rent Consultation

The Council approved a 2.7% rent increase for all social and affordable housing 

properties within the Housing Revenue Account for 2020/2021. In 2019 the Government set out the new policy statement for rents on social housing effective from 1st April 2020. The last significant change came into effect in April 2016 and required social landlords to reduce their rents by 1% each year for 4 years.