November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 30th November 2020

at 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic




1.Attendance and Apologies

Attendance:                                                     Apologies:

Cllr Sardeson - Chairman                                   Cllr Oxby

Cllr Watson -Vice Chairman 

Cllr Foster

Cllr Clarke

Cllr Ott

Cllr Battle

Mrs A Riggall – Clerk

Mr B Spence – Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)


Also in attendance:     Cllr Lundgren – NKDC

                                        Cllr Cucksey – NKDC

                                        1 member of the public


2. Co-option of new member of Parish Council


Cllr Sardeson began by welcoming Annabel Battle and explained that she had expressed an interest in the Parish Councillor vacancy. Annabel introduced herself and spoke briefly about her background. All Councillors present supported Annabel’s application and welcomed her to the Parish Council.

3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

Police Crime Report

The police report for September 2020. 1 report of anti-social behaviour on Rectory Close. 1 report of criminal damage and arson on Barff Road. 4 reported incidents of anti-social behaviour on Fosters Gardens

The police report for October 2020. 1 reported burglary on Woodlands Close. 1 drug crime incident reported on Fosters Gardens.


LCC Matters:

Cllr Oxby: Please see attached Appendix 1.


NKDC Matters


Cllr Lundgren: Began by welcoming Cllr Battle. Then spoke of moving from National lockdown into Tier 3. The Government has made available grants for businesses through District Councils for the lockdown period, these need to be applied for before 4th December. Help is available for residents, the Potterhanworth assistance group is active and available. The Branston support group and food bank are also available to help. The food bank has been helping a wide area from Metheringham to Lincoln when needed. Cllr Lundgren offered his assistance for other complex needs. If individuals need help it may be possible for Cllr Lundgren to refer to the correct departments. Fly tipping continues to be a major issue. Waste disposal sites are managed by LCC and can be booked. NKDC are continuing to handle reports of fly tipping. 

Cllr Ott spoke of the continuing issues with fly tipping. Cllr Lundgren explained that people found fly tipping will be prosecuted. Security cameras may be fitted if an area is continually targeted. Cllr Sardeson commended the work done by NKDC to clear incidents of fly tipping

Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 2.

4. Public Open Forum

A member of the public referred to the minutes of the last meeting, expressing concern that suggestions were made that the Potterhanworth assistance group had been suspended. The group had not been suspended and the minutes have been adjusted accordingly. The same member of the public raised the issue of a new planning application; 20/1536/VARCON regarding Hanworth Country Park. The Chairman explained that a letter from another member of the public had also just been received. It was proposed that another meeting should be arranged to discuss the application. The meeting will be booked for 7pm Thursday 10th December via Zoom and will be advertised in order for members of the public to attend.


5. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

Cllr Annabel Battle stated that she would be unable to give her opinion on Hanworth Country Park planning applications.

6. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 26th October 2020 are approved as the Minutes

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 26th October 2020 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.


7. Matters Arising from previous minutes

  • Cllr Ott suggested that Matters Arising should not be documented in the Agenda, they should be raised as separate agenda points if needed. The Clerk will look at the layout of the agenda and minutes for future meetings.
  • Covid 19 community response group. The mobile phone and email are now being manned by a volunteer from the group. Cllr Clarke has posted an update on Facebook regarding the services available, this has also been promoted by the school.
  • Pavilion defibrillator. A new battery has been fitting and has been re-registered with EMAS. Cllr Lundgren will check with EMAS to ensure they are registered.
  • School safety zone. Cllr Sardeson has referred this again to the Highways officer at LCC. The Clerk has also contacted Cllr Oxby regarding this issue. This work should have been completed by the end of October but has been delayed. The Clerk and Chairman will continue to raise this issue.
  • Park Defibrillator update. This has now been fitted and is registered with EMAS. A training session will be arranged, this may need to be online if face to face training is not available.
  • Development of new website and increased social media presence. The old website will close at the end of December. The Clerk is working on the new website and will incorporate policies into this. Cllr Clarke is now able to add information from the Parish Council onto Facebook and will look further into creating a Twitter account.
  • Meeting to discuss position between Parish Council and Pavilion committee. A meeting has taken place. Cllr Clarke and the RFO have been working together to create a constitution for the Playing Fields and Pavilion.
  • Parish Councillor vacancy has now been filled by Annabel Battle.
  • Solar Farm panels. The Clerk has emailed the provider but is yet to receive a response.
  • Defibrillator for Moor Lane. The clerk will contact NKDC regarding the planned housing development off Moor Lane to enquire whether there is an option to add this defibrillator during the development.
  • Pavilion cleaner. Furlough is not possible, and the cleaner is still working to keep the Pavilion clean. The RFO explained that it is now understood that any publicly funded body should not furlough staff. It was also explained that in Tier 3 it should be possible to reopen, depending on the activity, as long as guidelines are followed.
  • Village walk. Cherry tree outside Gingerbread house. Tree has large roots which are significantly damaging the path. Cllr Sardeson proposed to apply to NKDC to cut down the tree. Cllr Foster shared photographs of said tree and asked if a ramp could be placed over the roots. The roots will continue to grow and damage the path. It was proposed that a one or more new trees could be planted in its place. The issue of footpaths down Barff Road was raised again. LCC Highways are aware and significant works will be needed to correct this issue.



Village Local History Project


Cllr Ott explained that this came about while on the parish walk during a discussion around Parish council documents. Looking further into this, various documents relating to Potterhanworth are held in various locations. Questions were raised regarding how to safely store Parish documentation and legally how long they should be retained. An inventory of historic materials would be beneficial and some documents could be digitised. Historic information could then be published online, in leaflet format or on display signs around the village. Cllr Ott explained that the history department at Bishop Grosseteste University may be able to assist with this. A small team of people with historical information will be meeting to brainstorm how to develop this project. It may be possible to obtain a research grant for this project if needed. Cllr Sardeson suggested that NKDC may be able to assist with village art projects. Cllr Battle explained that this project may assist with bringing about a greater understanding of the Trusts within Potterhanworth.


9. Grant Applications

Grant applications have been approved for the following:

The Church for an extension to the ashes plot            £200

Potterhanworth preschool for an outdoor shelter     £200                                 

Bardney & Potterhanworth dog club for a gate          £100

                                                                            Total        £500

It may be possible for other groups to still apply  

10. Planning Applications received

Planning Decision Notices

20/1202/HOUS. 1 The Park. Single storey side extension -Approved

20/1008/VARCON. Hanworth Park. Allow permanent occupation of one touring pitch for security purposes -Approved


Planning Applications Potterhanworth          

20/1536/VARCON. -Hanworth Country Park Station Road Potterhanworth Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 2DX -Application to vary Conditions 3 & 4 of 17/1818/FUL (change of use to form a caravan, camping and glamping site with associated works) to exclude the 28 day occupation and permanent residency restrictions for static caravans.

-This application was received after the agenda was published. Correspondence has been received regarding this application. This will be discussed at an extraordinary meeting which the public will be invited to attend.

11. Monthly Risk Assessment


Nothing to report

12. Pavilion Committee Update

 The Pavilion is currently closed due to the National lockdown.

13. Finance


November 2020

All Payments total = £3,149.20

Balance total = £12,611.54

NS & I balance = £13,067.05


Budget meeting to be held 7pm Thursday 7th January 2021 via Zoom


14. Dates

  • Date of next meeting:  25th January 2021 via Zoom
  • Annual Meeting of the Parish: Due to Covid-19 this has been delayed until further notice.



B/F and from meeting held on 30th November 2020



Resp. Person

Start date

Finish date


Update new agendas and minutes to reflect LALC guidelines





School Safety Zone – Clerk and Cllr Sardeson will make further enquiries

Clerk & Cllr Sardeson




Defibrillators – Clerk to promote locations of units and arrange a public training session





Development of new website and increased social media presence. Policies to be incorporated into this

Clerk & Cllr Clarke




Solar Farm panels -contact provider





Defibrillator for Moor Lane -contact NKDC





Extraordinary meeting required to discuss planning application 20/1536/VARCON






Mrs Andrea Riggall      17 December 2020

Appendix 1. Cllr Oxby. LCC report November 2020

As the Covid situation seems to be getting worse in the country, Lincolnshires' situation doesn't appear to be increasing at such a quickening rate as the rest of the country, but Lincoln its self has a greater increase than the rest of our county. Up to date £158m in grants has been awarded to help business within Lincolnshire.

The Eastern by Pass is progressing well under the circumstances and the road is hopefully to open during December but with the finer details being completed during the following weeks.

The Library service run by Greenwich Leisure is now in its fourth year and the current report highlights its success. Announcements about 'super sites' are now being talked about enhancing the heritage sites we still run. Aviation, Museums and collections being brought together forming these sites together with Greater Lincolnshire to enable more visitors to enjoy our heritage. The decision to be finalised by the executive on 3rd November.

The Registration and Celebratory service has received its annual report. Even under the current situation, has received 100% satisfaction from those using the service, even though some has had to be conducted virtually.

Modern slavery as part of the Police and Crime Disorder scrutiny committee was discussed and how these people could be identified and reported to the police or the authorities. It is estimated that at least 10,000 to 100.000 victims are enslaved at any one time in the UK.

A pre application planning charging policy was discussed by the Environment and Economy scrutiny. This will be for larger applications such as Minerals, Waste and the councils own applications.

The Waste strategy which was introduced last year was also discussed and various waste steams were scrutinised to see where the system could be improved. Considerations were discussed if a food waste service could be implemented, if it would be both practical and financially possible. Improving the quality of materials to be recycled, improving the quantity and reducing our carbon footprint as well as other considerations were also discussed.

I reported in last months' report regarding Devolution and the possibility of Lincolnshire being reunited with North Lincs. and North East Lincs. unfortunately our bid was unsuccessful and will be considered at the next round of decisions.


Appendix 2. Cllr Cucksey. NKDC report November 2020

The Medium Term Financial Strategy was also approved for the years 2021/22, 2023/24. The MTFS is the starting point for the Budget process that will result in the Council meeting its financial statutory requirements in setting the Council Tax for the District at its Council meeting on 2nd March 2021. It was also agreed to support the approach to review the Business Rates Pool. Given the levels of uncertainty and risks around Business Rates that currently exist, the Council’s future involvement in the Lincolnshire Business Rates Pool will need to be carefully considered for 2020/21. The pool enables Lincolnshire to retain Business Rates that would have been lost to the Government. However, there is no individual Council “Safety Net” for Pool members and while the Pool enables the Council to retain around an additional £500,000, this is very sensitive and the first amount which will be affected by any economic downturn.


On 22 October the Council held a Remote Annual Meeting when all members of the council took part. Councillor Mrs Baker-Milan was elected Chairman of the District Council for the Municipal Year 2020/21 and Councillor Mrs Hagues as Vice-Chairman. The outgoing chairman, Councillor Mrs Susan Waring announced that the grand total of £5,000 had been raised during the year that will go to her nominated charity, the Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance.


The November 2020 national lockdown is likely to have significant financial implications for the council. Once again the main burden will fall on the Council’s General Fund and without further funding from Central Government, will lead to a further increase in the deficit forecast for the year that will be required to be met from the Council’s Reserves. Furthermore, an ongoing lockdown will naturally lead to increasing financial pressures on the Council’s budgets and Reserves and is likely to implications for 2021/22.


NK numbers in quarter 2 - Housing

* The average house price in North Kesteven in June 2020 was £214,973, 3.2% increase since June 2019 (£218,216).This is above the regional average (£200,682) and below the figure for England (£254,423).

* First time buyers in June 2020 paid an average of £183,476 whilst the average price for        former owner occupiers was £232,860.

* In April 2020, 0 new build and 46 existing homes were sold with average prices of £202,605.

* Approximately, 60% of April 2020 sales were mortgage purchases.

* In total, 19 houses were sold under Right to Buy in 2019/20 and 2 houses in the first quarter of 2020/21


Financial help available for businesses

Applications are open for the new Additional Restriction Grant. Its available to businesses required to close from 5th November 2020 which have fixed property costs or work from home but were not required to be registered with Business Rates. A flat rate grant will be awarded of £1334.00 to eligible businesses. Applications will close of Friday 4th December 2020. Payments will be made from Thursday 26th November 2020. Further information on the criteria and how to apply can be found at