July 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 27th July 2020
at 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
Item |
Discussion |
1.Attendance and Apologies |
Attendance: Cllr Orton –Chairman Cllr Sardeson -Vice Chairman Cllr Foster Cllr Watson Cllr Clarke Mrs A Riggall – Clerk Agenda: Cllr Oxby Cllr Burns Also in attendance: Cllr Lundgren – NKDC Cllr Cucksey – NKDC |
2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies |
NKDC Matters: Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 1.
Cllr Lundgren: Updates should now be received by Parish Councils from NKDC on a regular basis. The Director of Resources spoke during the Audit committee stating that providing services has remained a challenge during the current time but all are able to continue. Officers are working from home but are now able to undertake site visits. There have been proposals for Lincolnshire to become a unitary authority, which would mean the loss of District Councils. The issue of planning proposals has arisen, specifically the need for consistency of planning decisions.
Cllr Watson spoke of the issue of fly tipping and restrictions on access to recycling centres. Cllr Lundgren highlighted the issue with both private and commercial fly tipping. County Councillors can be contacted and encouraged to open recycling centres. District Councils are not responsible for opening centres but are responsible for picking up any fly tipping. All fly tipping should be reported and if evidence can be found for who did it, NKDC will take action.
Police Crime Report Police website has not been updated since last month.
3. Public Open Forum |
None |
4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest |
None |
5. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 29th June 2020 are approved as the Minutes |
It was resolved that the notes of Summary of Decisions sent on 29th June 2020 are approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters Arising from previous minutes |
7. Correspondence Received
8. Planning Applications received |
Planning Applications Potterhanworth
20/0339/HOUS. Leander, Moor Lane. Erection of double garage. This was discussed by the Councillors and all approved of the application
Planning Decision Notices 20/0582/HOUS. 31 The Park. Single storey link extension. Approved
9. Monthly Risk Assessment
Cllr Orton explained that a Risk Assessment document has been created in preparation for the reopening of the Pavilion. Cllr Lundgren explained that this new agenda item should be used to highlight any potential risks that may arise before or during the meeting, they can then be added to a Risk register which will include who is responsible for actioning. The clerk will contact other Parish Clerks for a template. Parish Councillors agreed to undertake a village walk on Saturday 3rd October at 2pm.
10. Pavilion Committee Update |
The Pavilion is still currently closed, but a Risk Assessment has been produced. Access will be limited, especially use of toilet facilities. Hand sanitisers and antibacterial spray have been added. Covid-19 awareness signage has been added. Individuals hiring the building will be responsible for ensuring guidance is followed. |
18. Finance |
19. Dates |
PARISH COUNCILLORS TABLE OF ACTIONS B/F and from meeting held on 27th July 2020
Action |
Resp. Person |
Start date |
Finish date |
Complete |
Speed signs –Cllr Foster will consider how many are needed. Clerk will then place order |
Cllr Foster & Clerk |
29/06/20 |
Annual litter pick -Clerk will make arrangements for 5th September |
Clerk |
29/06/20 |
Moveable speed sign -Cllr Foster to contact Ady Watson |
Cllr Foster |
29/06/20 |
Stiles on Footpaths -Cllr Sardeson to give LCC contact information to Cllr Foster |
Cllr Sardeson & Cllr Foster |
18/05/20 |
Bus Shelter Grant – Cllr Oxby will make further enquires |
Clerk |
24/06/19 |
Ongoing |
School Safety Zone – Clerk and Cllr Watson will make further enquiries |
Clerk |
Ongoing |
Defibrillator – Cllr Orton to find 3 electricians for quotes |
Cllr Orton |
28/10/19 |
Football pitch drainage and levelling – Cllr Foster to meet grounds person at Golf course |
Cllr Foster |
27/01/20 |
Hedgerows around Playpark -Cllr Orton to arrange with Stuart Watt |
Cllr Orton |
18/05/20 |
EMAS defibrillator on bus shelter -Clerk to contact E.on. Cllr Sardeson to contact school regarding potential electricity supply |
Clerk & Cllr Sardeson |
29/06/20 |
Policies -Clerk to add all policies as agenda item to future meeting |
Clerk |
27/04/20 |
Broadband for Potterhanworth Booths -Cllr Foster to look further into options |
Cllr Foster |
29/06/20 |
Asset of Community Value -renewal due October 2020 |
Cllr Watson |
29/06/20 |
Village walk -Arranged for 2pm Saturday 3rd October |
All |
27/07/20 |
Mrs Andrea Riggall 10 August 2020
Appendix 1. Cllr Cucksey. LCC report July 2020
July District Report - Potterhanworth Parish Council
The latest financial position?
* A forecast Deficit reported to Executive Board of £2.2million for the 2020/21 Financial Year, how this deficit is the be funded is yet to be agreed.
* Government recently announced a third tranche of grant funding (mitigating the impact of lost Fees and Charges) precise details awaiting.
The Council has received £1.2million from the two rounds of Government support issued to date. We do not know at this stage what we are likely to receive in the third tranche. On what we have received so far, we estimate that this is likely to be between £300k and£600k. The support won’t be calculated on an individual income stream basis but on an overall loss to the Councils Fees and Charges income.
Latest on Council Tax collection and the level of Council Tax Support
* The amount collected to date in 2020/21 is 28.68% compared to 29.59% for 2019/20, which is 0.91% less. However, a number Council Taxpayers have looked to delay payments until the end of the financial year.
* Approximately £170,000 has been paid in additional support. This is against additional grant received of £515,000. It is expected that the full grant allocation will be required with the current economic climate. Should things deteriorate or a second wave occur, the request for support is likely to be significantly higher than awarded.
Latest Business Rates and Grants for businesses
* Government has awarded an additional £8million in Business Reliefs for local businesses; Therefore, current collection rate is holding up as many of the smaller local businesses no longer have to pay business rates for 2020/21.
* Payments made to local businesses under the Government small business grant scheme total £20,040,000.
* Payments made to local business under the discretionary business grants scheme - £1,050,000.
What has the impact on the pandemic been on the amount of reserves the Council has?
At this stage the impact has been mainly in the General Fund. As the Council has committed itself to meet any remaining deficit through reserves, then it will be some time before we know the actual position and what the impact might be. The report considered by the Executive Board recently indicated that early projections expect that the final deficit will be within the current balance of the Income Volatility Reserve so should this be the case, only this reserve will be affected.
The Executive Board recently held a virtual ‘Away Day’ (MS Teams) when discussions took place on a number of topics.
The areas covered included:
* Policy Settings
* Community Strategy
* Transformation Plan
* Economy / Business Connect
* General Fund
* The long term financial outlook (10 years)
* £200million Capital Programme
* Housing Revenue Account - 30 year viability
NK Plan
Over the past few years, the NK Plan has focused on the main challenges related to the local economy, housing, communities and environment. It has established an integrated approach to housing need, infrastructure delivery, job creation and economic development within the theme of sustainable growth, and linked financial planning and service delivery to the theme of transformation. While these areas are likely to remain important, the unprecedented challenge posed by the global Covid-19 pandemic may add an additional element to the 2021-24 edition. Not least is the enforced shift to an “agile by default” position for the Council’s services and employees. This change represents a rapid and fundamental shift that, managed appropriately, may offer enduring benefits to service users and the wider District. It is vital that all parties involved in the plan’s development consider this challenge as the Plan is developed.