September 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 28th September 2020

at 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic




1.Attendance and Apologies


Cllr Orton –Chairman                                          

Cllr Sardeson -Vice Chairman                            

Cllr Foster                                                                                              

Cllr Watson

Cllr Burns

Cllr Clarke

Cllr Ott

Mrs A Riggall – Clerk

Mr B Spence – Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)


Cllr Oxby

Also in attendance:     Cllr Lundgren – NKDC

                                        Cllr Cucksey – NKDC

                                        1 member of the public                                  


Councillor Orton stood down as Chairman and Councillor of Potterhanworth Parish Council. Councillor Sardeson stands as Acting Chair until Chairman and Vice-Chair agreed at the next meeting.

The Chair welcomed Councillor Martin Ott to the Parish Council and Bob Spence as the new Responsible Financial Officer.

2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

NKDC Matters:

Cllr Lundgren: Began by thanking Cllr Keith Orton for all the work done for the community over the years and welcomed Cllr Sardeson as the new Chair. Apologies were then made for being unable to attend the annual village litter pick. Concerns were raised regarding defibrillators being incorrectly registered. This is now being investigated by the Clerk. There have been problems in the area regarding antisocial behaviour by young adults involving drugs and alcohol misuse. The community policing team is working at reduced capacity and communities can raise concerns around this with the Police crime commissioner. NKDC has passed a Tree policy document and an Environment & climate change policy. The local plan is currently being reviewed, Potterhanworth has been working with a percentage for planning developments, but this may be changed to allocation of land for development, as is currently the case with larger towns and cities. With community engagement it may be possible to agree land most suitable of development.


Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 1.

Cllr Watson raised concerns regarding cuts to services when faced with financial challenges when payroll remains the same. Questions were raised regarding the size and scope of payroll. Cllr Lundgren responded stating that all officers are still in post and still working during the current situation. Services have not been severely cut and it is hoped that this will not be the case. Cllr Lundgren explained that it is hoped more work in the future will be done to help communities, such as the Good Neighbour scheme. Concerns were raised again regarding the difficulty accessing the LCC waste facility sites in the area.


Cllr Oxby: Please see attached Appendix 2.


Police Crime Report:

The police report for July 2020.  No crimes reported

The police report for August 2020. 3 crimes reported on or near Queensway; 1 relating to antisocial behaviour, 1 relating to violent offences & 1 public order offence. 2 crimes reported on or near Fosters Gardens; 1 relating to antisocial behaviour & 1 relating to violent offences. 1 crime reported on Barff Road relating to antisocial behaviour. 1 crime reported on or near Cross Street relating to violent offences.

The Chair suggested that due to the increase in reported cases it may be necessary to contact the Police crime commissioner to express concerns regarding the policing team in the area currently working at a reduced capacity. Cllr Watson agreed that this issue needs to be addressed and will work with Cllr Lundgren on the next steps.


3. Public Open Forum


Member of the public joined the meeting as considering moving to Potterhanworth and hoped to find out more information on the school and area in general.

Cllr Foster & Cllr Watson have been approached by a member of the public who raised the question regarding white gates been added to the entrances to the village. These have now been added in Nocton and Branston. Keith Orton stated that this has been priced up previously, but it was advised that this is not viable due to roadside hedging.

Keith Orton received a query from a Parishioner regarding the solar panels which are due for the Pavilion. The clerk has been in contact with the clerk at Branston, as they are in the same situation. The solar farm has faced delays as equipment currently has long lead times and due to the current situation, it is difficult to get a date for commissioning.

4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest


5. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 27th July 2020 are approved as the Minutes

It was resolved that the notes of Summary of Decisions sent on 27th July 2020 are approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.


6. Matters Arising from previous minutes

  • Speed limit signs. The RFO has purchased speed signs and Cllr Foster will place around village.
  • Annual litter pick. Took place on 5th September. A large number of Parishioners attended and a large amount of waste was collected.
  • Moveable speed sign. Ady Hollidge has offered to continue to charge and move the speed signs. He has also offered to continue representing Potterhanworth at police liaison meetings.
  • Bus shelter grant. The Clerk has been in contact with representative at LCC. It is not possible to offer a grant for the bus shelter as road safety advice has not changed, but they are now looking at trying to find an alternative solution.
  • Defibrillator update. Keith Orton has continued to struggle to find an electrician. It was agreed that the lowest quote should be approved. The electrician will be contacted and offered the work.
  • Football pitch drainage. Cllr Foster and Cllr Orton met with the football team and the grounds person from Pottergate golf club. Cllr Foster will get back in touch to find out if there are any results from a chemical analysis of the soil.
  • Hedgerows around playpark. This work has now been completed, with thanks to the Battles and Stuart Watt.
  • EMAS defibrillator on bus shelter. EMAS have now fitted a new defibrillator on the bus shelter, this is powered by a battery rather than by electricity and is monitored and charged by EMAS. Prior to this update Cllr Sardeson had been in contact with the school, would be open to the possibility of a defibrillator on the school property in future if needed. The Clerk then explained that a new battery is required for the defibrillator on the Pavilion. It was discussed whether it would be more viable to purchase a new defibrillator unit due to the age of the current unit, but it was agreed that the unit is still in working order. The RFO will purchase a new battery for the existing unit.
  • Policies. The clerk is currently working on a new Parish website and the updated policies will be incorporated into this work.
  • Broadband for Potterhanworth Booths. Cllr Foster has been in contact with residents and is looking further into this.
  • Asset of Community Value. Cllr Watson is working with Cllr Lundgren on this. The pub will shortly be reopening with a new landlord.
  • Stiles on footpaths. Cllr Sardeson has been informed that LCC are now looking at replacing the stile with a kissing gate.
  • School safety zone. The clerk has been in contact LCC. The work was due to be completed in March, but due to the current situation has been delayed. The work should be completed within 2 years of approval; therefore, it is hoped that this will be done by the end of October 2020.


Correspondence Received


  • email received regarding local government service pay agreement 2020-21. A 2.75% pay increase has been awarded to the Clerk and RFO.
  • LCC website training session and information received regarding website accessibility. New accessibility regulations came into force 22/09/20. There is now an accessibility statement on the existing website and the Clerk is working to build a new fully accessible website, which will be launched at the end of the year. While working on adding Parish Council information to the website the Clerk will looking at increasing presence on social media. Cllr Clarke and Cllr Watson have offered their assistance.

8. Planning Applications received

Planning Applications Potterhanworth          

20/1007/FUL. Hanworth Park. Caravan storage. Councillors discussed this application and objected because it is development in the open countryside, contrary to our neighbourhood plan, also it is outside the screening to the existing development and no screening has been proposed.

20/0829/FUL. Land north of The Park. Amended plans submitted. Councillors discussed this and objected because the change of use from agricultural land is contrary to the neighbourhood plan.

20/1136/FUL. Red House Farm. Plot 5. Erection of one dwelling. This application was discussed, and no final comment was made.

20/1278/TCA. The Church. Reduce growth of Elm tree. The Parish Council do not object to this application.

Planning Decision Notices

20/0339/HOUS. Leander, Moor Lane. Erection of a double garage -Approved

20/0998/FUL. Hanworth Country Park. Erection of shop and ice cream parlour -Approved

20/0908/HOUS. 9 Rectory Close. Erection of side and rear extension -Approved


The Clerk highlighted that LALC recommend creating a planning subcommittee in order to make decisions on planning applications. This would primarily be for planning applications with closing dates prior to Parish meetings but also for formulated responses to NKDC. Cllr Watson added that a planning subcommittee and a personnel subcommittee is recommended as best practice by LALC.

9. Monthly Risk Assessment


The clerk has contacted Branston Parish clerk regarding their Risk Assessment. A document will be created shortly.

Following concerns raised at the last meeting, Waldemar from Lincs Garden Services has completed repairs to the wooden trim trail. Loose boards and nails have now been replaced and secured.

10. Pavilion Committee Update

Several enquiries have been received from people and organisations wishing to hire the Pavilion. It is being made clear that a maximum of 6 people are allowed at any one time, in order to adhere to government guidelines. The Chairman enquired about the financial status. The current cost of utilities and the cleaner are being met by the Parish Council. It was discussed whether the cleaner was still required to complete all the designated hours at the present time, this will be considered further depending on the usage of the Pavilion and the current situation.

18. Finance


September 2020

All Payments total = £870.34

Balance total = £17,286.69

NS & I balance = £13,067.05


The RFO discussed the purchase of a wreath for Remembrance Day. It was agreed to make a £50 donation to the British Legion.  The Remembrance Day service was discussed, and the Chairman will contact Reverend Lorna Brabin-Smith to ascertain the expectations of the Parish Council.

The Clerk requested the purchase of a 16-18ft Christmas tree. This was agreed in the budget. The suggested date for putting in place being Saturday 21st November.


19. Dates

  • Date of next meeting:  26th October 2020 via Zoom
  • Annual Meeting of the Parish: Due to Covid-19 this has been delayed until further notice.



B/F and from meeting held on 28th September 2020



Resp. Person

Start date

Finish date


Pavilion Defibrillator -Clerk to ensure unit is registered with The Circuit. RFO to order new battery

Clerk & RFO




Community policing reduced capacity email to Police crime commissioner

Cllr Watson




Potterhanworth Booths Bus Shelter





School Safety Zone – Clerk will make further enquiries





The Park Defibrillator – Keith Orton to contact electricians

Keith Orton




Football pitch drainage and levelling – Cllr Foster to contact grounds person at Golf course

Cllr Foster




Policies -Clerk to add all policies to new website





Development of new website and increased social media presence

Clerk, Cllr Clarke & Cllr Watson




Broadband for Potterhanworth Booths -Cllr Foster

Cllr Foster




Asset of Community Value -renewal in progress

Cllr Watson




Remembrance Day wreath and presence at service

RFO & Cllr Sardeson




Pavilion cleaner -assess required hours

Keith Orton & Cllr Sardeson




Village walk -Arranged for 2pm Saturday 3rd October






Mrs Andrea Riggall      12 October 2020

Appendix 1. Cllr Cucksey. NKDC report September 2020

The Council’s finances are tied to the success of the economy especially the General Fund which is funded mainly through Business Rates income and Council Tax. Therefore, any reduction in economic activity will have a direct effect on the level of resources that the Council will have at its disposal for delivering services. It is anticipated that recovery will take until the end of next year.

Unemployment is understandably a concern which is predicted to be in the region of 5-7% which is likely to impact upon rent collection etc. Tenants income has in many cases been affected as a result of redundancy and reduced income.

General Fund

A forecast Deficit reported to the Executive Board recently of £2.2million for the 2020/21 Financial Year, how this deficit is to be funded is yet to be agreed.


Performing strongly, with rents received not being impacted upon. Some revenue expenditure savings due to contractors not being able to complete works, but these are works delays which will be undertaken/completed next financial year.


Schemes are delayed/on hold due to the impact of Covid-19 on Contractors and Supply chains. Many schemes/projects are restarting, but delivery for several schemes will now slip into the next financial year.


The position will be determined largely by how we fund the 2020/21 General Fund deficit and how we fund the Capital Programme. A shift to borrowing instead of using Reserves will protect our Reserves position and is currently being considered as borrowing rates are at a historic low.

 Council Tax

Council Tax in-year collection 2020/21 down by 1.36% compared to end of August 2019) Taking into account the economic challenges in March 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak, these are considered positive collection outturns. Also, when considering the collection levels, it should be noted that the net collectable debt for North Kesteven increased from 2018/19 by £4.63m. 

Business Rates in-year collection 2020/21: Up by 2.18% (compared to end of August 2019)

Housing Benefit New Claims: Processed in an average of 16.45 days

Housing Benefit Changes of Circumstances: Processed in an average of 3.08 days.

Despite the unprecedented times, we find ourselves in, performance is generally holding up well – although the cumulative impacts of Covid-19 are still to manifest themselves fully in the long-term levels of performance.

The outcome of the Supreme Court Decision – ATM’s What happens next and when will we start to correct the rating list?

A significant number of related appeal cases may now be settled following the Supreme Court decision. However, it is likely to take several months for the Valuation Officer Agency (VOA) to carry out the work, as in many cases there remains a number of outstanding matters to be discussed, including the valuation of the host properties.

As the Council has a projected deficit well in excess of the £1.2million currently announced to date, any extra funding will be used to offset the actual deficit that occurs.

The Council has also received an additional amount for Council Tax Hardship Relief - this is to be used to assist Council Tax payers through Council Tax Support.

Finally, through the Financial Resilience Strategy the Council plans to respond further to the challenging financial environment it faces by providing a single focus. Financial Resilience, and this strategy represents the Council’s ambitions to ensure that it continues to operate with sound financial control and management so that it can deliver its strong programme of ambitions and goals for the residents and business of North Kesteven.

The Executive Board at their recent meeting agreed for investigations to be undertaken into switching our leisure facilities to a certified 100% renewable electricity tariff and Into a solution to tackle emissions from gas consumption for heating at our leisure and culture facilities. 


Appendix 2. Cllr Oxby. LCC report September 2020

Finally after seven months we have the final roundabout now open on the B1190 Washingborough Road. The next stages on the Eastern-by-pass is the three layers of tarmac to be laid on the Greetwell Road end before the final top coat is laid on the complete length of the road. Ongoing works will see the lighting, cycle way and other services being completed in the near future. We will see over the next few weeks, weekend closures of the roundabouts as work continues in preparation of the final topcoat of tarmac.

Lincolnshire Here4You Line, is a joint advice and self-referral line between CAMHS and Healthy Minds. Advice and guidance is available to professionals, young people and parent/carers. If you are concerned about the emotional wellbeing or mental health of a child or young adult and need some advice you can contact the 'Lincolnshire Here4You Line on 01522 309120 Monday to Friday (9.30 – 16.30)

If you are aged 25 or younger and live locally, then Lincolnshire Police and crime Commissioner, mark Jones would like to hear from you. He is setting up the county's first ever youth commission as part of his drive to ensure all members of the community have their say on police matters. To find out more and apply, visit

The Fix your Bike voucher scheme. Aims to encourage more people to embrace cycling as an alternative to driving or using public transport. The scheme is open to anyone who has an unused bicycle in need of repair, helping them to get it back on the road, providing £50 towards the cost of a service or repairs. Visit the 'fix your bike voucher scheme website' for more information.

Household Waste Recycling Centres.

For all the latest information, click on to the link. Household Waste Recycling Centres.

Open air films are to be shown from 16 – 20 September at Lincoln Castle in partnership with The Luna Cinema. On show will be the Joker, Pretty Woman, Rocketman, Grease and Star Wars Rise of Skywalker. To book tickets in advance, see the '' site