January 2021 Minutes
Monday 25 January 2021, 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
1. Attendance and Apologies
Present: Cllr Sardeson -Chairman, Cllr Watson -Vice Chairman, Cllr Burns, Cllr Foster, Cllr Ott, Cllr Clarke, Cllr Battle, Mrs Riggall -Clerk, Mr Spence -RFO
Also in attendance: Cllr Lundgren -NKDC, Cllr Cucksey -NKDC, Marc Jones -Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, -7 members of the public
2. Guest speaker -Marc Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire
Marc Jones provided an informative presentation and Q&A session on his work as the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Cllr Battle declared an interest in any planning applications relating to Hanworth Country Park.
Cllr Sardeson declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 20/1731/HOUS, 6 Woodlands Close.
4. Reports received from representatives on outside bodies
LCC Matters:
Cllr Oxby: Please see attached Appendix 1.
NKDC Matters:
Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 2.
Cllr Lundgren: Having attended an Audit committee meeting it has been confirmed that no services will be cut in the next 12 months. The planning application 20/1536/VARCON, Hanworth Country Park has been called in for committee consideration on Tuesday 2 February. Following heavy rain in the County there have been concerns around flooding and empty sandbags are now available if needed.
Police Crime Report
The police report for November 2020. In Potterhanworth there were 2 reported incidents of violent offences on Cross Street and 1 report of anti-social behaviour on Fosters Gardens. In Potterhanworth Booths 2 crimes were reported 1 of anti-social behaviour and 1 other theft.
Pavilion Committee update
Cllr Clarke has been working on a Constitution and is now in possession of a Dictaphone which will be used for Pavilion Committee meetings.
5. Public Open Forum
A member of the public spoke of their concerns for the latest Hanworth Park planning application regarding development in the countryside. It was highlighted that the original application was approved because it would be for holiday use only with the 28 day limit set.
6. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 30 November 2020 are approved as the Minutes
It was noted that Cllr Battle should be added to the attendance register. It was then resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 30 November 2020 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.
7. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
The clerk explained that the layout of the agenda and minutes have now changed in order to meet LALC guidelines and the format of the new Parish website.
The school safety zone is still ongoing and Cllr Oxby has recently been contacted in order to follow this up.
The new website was launched in December. This contains minutes and agendas for the last 2 years, documentation prior to 2019 will be added at a later date. The Zoom remote meeting ID and passwords can now be included in future agendas, in order to facilitate access for the general public. The location of Parish defibrillators can now be found on the new website. The Potterhanworth history group would like historical information to be added to the website, potentially via QR codes on noticeboards, the Clerk is currently looking into whether this would be possible. Some policies have been added to the website, the Clerk is currently looking at updating and integrating the Risk assessment policy and monthly information.
The Solar Farm is still ongoing, the Clerk has been unable to contact the organisation, Cllr Watson will also to try to make contact with them.
8. Correspondence received
An email was received regarding anti-social behaviour from youths on scooters in the village. The person has been signposted to potential help but has not responded to emails requesting further information.
The Clerk has been in contact with the Census engagement team. The 2021 Census will take place on Sunday 21 March. This will primarily take place online, but paper copies may be available.
9. Request for bus stop on Station Road and for additional footpaths towards Hanworth Country Park and Nocton
A letter has been received requesting an additional bus stop for Station Road. Historically buses have stopped at the junction to Main Road, but not all bus drivers make this stop. The next stop is at the War Memorial, for people living at the far end of Moor lane, this is may mean a much longer walk. This was discussed by the Councillors and Cllr Sardeson will make enquiries as to whether this would be possible.
Two members of the public have requested footways to be added towards Hanworth Country Park and along the Nocton Road towards the farm track, this is in relation to people with pushchairs and small children on bikes. Cllr Foster spoke of the recent NKDC cycling survey and the fact that there was previously a footpath along Station Road to the railway station. The question was raised as to whether a footpath along the side of the road would be preferable or to improve the current footpath which heads diagonally across a field to Hanworth Park. This was discussed by Councillors and Cllr Battle explained that the field is farmed and improvements to the surface of the footpath could prove to be very difficult. The Ramblers association may also object to a footpath being used by cyclists. Cllr Battle will look into whether the footpath could be diverted around the field. A potential footpath to the farm track on the Nocton road was discussed, it was agreed that the deep verge can be walked on, a hard-surfaced path may be discouraged as the farm track is a footpath not a bridleway. Cllr Sardeson spoke of the NKDC cycling survey and the need for cycling access for children attending school in both Pottterhanworth from Nocton and Branston from Potterhanworth. Cllr Ott spoke of how other countries are able to successfully split footpaths and cycle paths. Cllr Sardeson explained that hard surfaced paths are not often used in rural areas of the UK. Cllr Sardeson will make enquiries with NKDC regarding the results of the cycling survey.
10. NKDC Tree Strategy
Cllr Clarke spoke about the tree strategy and the potential for a community orchard. Information can be found on the NKDC website. The area near the football pitch may be the preferred location for a community orchard. Cllr Clarke is looking into tree suppliers and potential locations around the village. Cllr Lundgren gave the background to this strategy and the potential to create something positive for the village. Parish councillors offered their assistance and hope to develop this plan further this year.
11. Planning Applications received since last meeting
20/1731/HOUS. 6 Woodlands Close -Erection of rear extension. The Parish Council do not object to this application.
20/1790/PNTEL. Communication mast, Potterhanworth Road, Nocton. This prior notification was briefly discussed. It is within Nocton Parish but may be visible from Potterhanworth. No comments were made.
Decision notices
20/1310/FUL. Hanworth County Park -retrospective Shepherds hut -REFUSED
20/1346/HOUS. Alyth, Plough Hill -side and rear extension -APPROVED
20/1136/FUL. Plot 5, Red House Farm -APPROVED
20/1671/FUL. Plot adj to the Conifers, Barff Road -APPROVED
20/1536/VARCON. Hanworth Country Park. A committee meeting has been called for consideration on Tuesday 2 February. The Chairman will attend and will speak on behalf of Potterhanworth Parish Council.
12. Monthly Risk Assessment
The clerk is working on updating the Risk policy which will be added to the new website.
13. Precept setting
The RFO gave details of the planned precept, including the decision for the 0% precept increase. All Councillors agreed to this proposal.
14. Finance
December 2020
All Payments total = £1365.19
Balance total = £11246.35
NS & I balance = £13067.05
January 2021
All Payments total = £925.48
Balance total = £10320.87
NS & I balance = £13067.05
Cllr Ott raised concerns around damage to the village sign in the centre of the village. This will be investigated further.
15. Dates
Next meetings: 2021 – 22nd February, 29th March, 26th April, 24th May, 28th June, 26th July
Annual Parish Meeting Date TBD due to Corvid 19
Appendix 1. Cllr Oxby. LCC report January 2021.
The good news. Well it's happened, the Eastern-by-pass is open and already motorists are reporting it is having an impact, reducing traffic in the centre of Lincoln and making travel easier around the town. The next few months will see the final stages being completed, landscaping and clearing of the site.
The bad news. The covid situation has now resulted in another lock down for the next few weeks. Let's hope the Vaccine does it's job and a type of normality will resume.
Soon the Council will be discussing and agreeing the budget, with all departments carefully assessing their needs over the next year as will our Parish Councils. Increases in the general rate and Adult social care will be expected.
The council has agreed to established a joint committee to strengthen the working partnership with North and North east Lincolnshire Councils. As reported in earlier reports, this should enable these council to share some of the services they offer resulting in savings to our residents.
The Midlands Forum for Growth Virtual Conference took place in November, showcasing investment opportunities from the enterprise zones and energy opportunities in the north to the South Lincolnshire Food Enterprise Zone. This was an opportunity to champion Greater Lincolnshire. North and North east Lincolnshire have an abundance of investment opportunities across a wide range of industries such as advanced engineering, petrochemicals, ports and logistics, food and energy. The area also boasts the largest UK port by volume, making it a perfect location for import and export opportunities. A video link is available; https://lnkd.in/dv7hfhp.
The Greater Lincolnshire LEP is holding a series of on line jobs fairs until October 2021 on a new dedicated website. A November event welcomed over 400 visitors in three hours. The next virtual event took take place on the 16th December. Exhibitors are welcome to register for free and members of the public can visit for free and interact with the exhibitors, just like a physical event. More information is available at the website, ww.greaterlincsjobfare.co.uk or contact, jobsfare@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Lincolnshire Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing hotline is a joint initiative across health, social care and the third sector. It is available 24/7 for those needing to talk to someone who can offer emotional support during these trying times.
Medieval Lincoln castle. You can find about the integral roll played by Lincoln Castle in medieval times I the channel 4 documentary series 'Britain's Most Medieval Towns' hosted by Professor Alice Roberts. It is now available on catch-up TV on all 4.
Wishing you all a Happy new year and let's hope 2021 will give us and end to the dreaded Covid situation.
Appendix 2. Cllr Cucksey. NKDC report January 2021
It was agreed at the full council held on 17th December 2020 that Remote Meetings continue to be held until 6th May 2021, in accordance with current ‘Flexibility Regulations’ legislation. Given the current legal position regarding meetings, the continued use of Remote Meetings ensures that the Councils decision making continues in secure and robust environment. It also allows Members who may be classes as vulnerable, shielding someone who may be vulnerable or with caring responsibilities to continue to safely participate as a decision maker.
The spending review announced in December was a disappointment when local government expected much more following the impact of coronavirus. It is unfortunate that the opportunity has been missed by not allowing more discretion when it comes to setting the rate of Council Tax. No change to Councils being able to increase their Council Tax bill by 2% without needing to hold a referendum. This is a missed opportunity to provide the much needed financial sustainability for the sector, pushing the decision on to individual councils to decide on setting Band D Council Tax levels; which will be a difficult decision to make given the pandemic’s impact so far on local economies and tax payers. The Chancellor’s pledge to compensate for 75 per cent of irrecoverable council tax and business rates income and to extend the scheme to fund a portion of councils’ lost income from fees and charges during the early part of this year provides some much-needed stability.
The Government intended to reset Business Rates Retention and introduce 75% Business Rates Retention in 2020/21. However, as part of this, a reassessment of local government ‘need’ will take place with local government still having to achieve the Department for Communities and Local Government Spending Targets.
The Executive Board at their meeting recently agreed no change to the core Council Tax Support scheme for 2021/22. The scheme will continue with a £20,000 Exceptional Hardship Fund for 2021/22 to top up Council Tax awards in appropriate cases. (this amount is funded through the collection fund) This will be brought before the Full Council on 28th January 2021.
The Council received a further £8m in grant funding through the Local Restriction Support Grant this month to help support businesses locally through the pandemic.
Businesses that have not yet made an application but feel they fit the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply. In most cases if businesses have previously applied for a Covid business support grant and are affected by the latest lockdown, the council will use details previously supplied to make new grant payments.