October 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 26th October 2020
at 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
Item |
Discussion |
1.Attendance and Apologies |
Attendance: Cllr Sardeson - Chairman Cllr Watson -Vice Chairman Cllr Clarke Cllr Ott Mrs A Riggall – Clerk Mr B Spence – Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) Apologies: Cllr Oxby Cllr Foster Also in attendance: Cllr Lundgren – NKDC Cllr Cucksey – NKDC 1 member of the public |
1a. Acceptance of office |
All Councillors present agreed for Cllr Sardeson to become Chairman and Cllr Watson to become Vice Chairman of Potterhanworth Parish Council |
2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies |
Police Crime Report Police website has not been updated since last month.
LCC Matters: Cllr Oxby: Please see attached Appendix 1. Email also received from Cllr Oxby regarding one amendment to the report, the County’s bid for Devolution has not been successful this time round.
NKDC Matters
Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 2.
Cllr Lundgren: Began by congratulating Councillor Sardeson and Councillor Watson on becoming Chairman and Vice-chairman. Concerns have been raised in other areas of NKDC regarding local policing. The number of PCSOs and PCs has dropped to 3 in total, with 2 currently being off on long term absence, resulting in the whole area only being covered by 1 PCSO. Cllr Watson has sent an email to the Police Commissioner to highlight the concerns of Potterhanworth Parish Council. Cllr Lundgren has received a definitive map of defibrillators in the area and Potterhanworth is only showing the unit on the bus shelter. The Clerk will contact EMAS to ensure the defibrillator on the Pavilion is registered. With regards to planning, it has been noted that 4 applications have been refused in the past 4 weeks. NKDC’s tree strategy has been put out for consultation. More fly tipping has been reported, if residents are concerned please contact Cllr Lundgren, who will be happy to report this. Free school meals have been in the news recently, Branston has a small charity which raises money in order to provide this. If any families are struggling the Branston Covid support group have a food bank and are prepared to help people in Potterhanworth. Cllr Clarke raised the question of people isolating in Potterhanworth who may require help. It was suggested Potterhanworth should be linked to the Branston scheme for food bank purposes. The Potterhanworth group will be reinvigorated. The Chairman will make further enquiries. |
3. Public Open Forum |
4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest |
None |
5. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 28th September 2020 are approved as the Minutes |
It was resolved that the notes of Summary of Decisions sent on 28th September 2020 are approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.
6. Matters Arising from previous minutes |
7. Correspondence Received
8. Planning Applications received |
Planning Applications Potterhanworth
19/1753/FUL. Red House Farm. Plot 6. Variations to conditions 2 & 10. This application was discussed, and no final comment was made. 20/1310/FUL. Hanworth Park. Retrospective planning for Sheppard’s Hut for holistic use. Councillors discussed this application and the impact of applications received from Hanworth Park on the local environment. This application was approved by a majority of the Councillors but concern was raised regarding the possibility of other further such applications.
Planning Decision Notices
20/0829/FUL. Land North of The Park -Refused 20/1007/FUL. Hanworth Park. Caravan storage -Refused 20/1136/FUL. Plot 5, Red House Farm -Refused 20/0698/FUL. Plot Adj Conifers, Barff Road -Refused
9. Monthly Risk Assessment
One of the parts of the wooden trim trail is broken, this has been removed and Lincs Garden Services will repair when possible.
10. Pavilion Committee Update |
Keith Orton reported that the Pavilion continues to be used following safety guidelines. Enquiries are still being made including a possible spinning class. The link on the net at the tennis court is broken, Cllr Sardeson has offered assistance to repair. No update received on Solar Panels, Clerk to chase. |
18. Finance |
The setting of next years budget was discussed and a date for meeting to discuss this will be arranged at the next meeting. Money was set aside within the current years budget for a further defibrillator, to be placed at Moor Lane end of Potterhanworth. The Clerk will contact NKDC regarding the possibility of including this in the planned housing development.
19. Dates |
PARISH COUNCILLORS TABLE OF ACTIONS B/F and from meeting held on 26th October 2020
Action |
Resp. Person |
Start date |
Finish date |
Complete |
Covid 19 community response group -looking at link to Branston group and location of parish mobile |
Cllr Sardeson & Clerk |
26/10/20 |
Pavilion Defibrillator -Clerk to chase up unit manufacturer. Clerk to check unit is registered with EMAS |
Clerk |
28/09/20 |
School Safety Zone – Clerk and Cllr Sardeson will make further enquiries |
Clerk & Cllr Sardeson |
Ongoing |
The Park Defibrillator – Keith Orton to arrange suitable time with electrician. Nominal payment to be agreed for resident |
Keith Orton |
Ongoing |
Development of new website and increased social media presence. Policies to be incorporated into this |
Clerk, Cllr Clarke & Cllr Watson |
28/09/20 |
Meeting to discuss position between Parish Council and Pavilion committee |
All |
26/10/20 |
Promote Parish Councillor vacancy |
Clerk |
26/10/20 |
Solar Farm panels -contact provider |
Clerk |
Ongoing |
Defibrillator for Moor Lane -contact NKDC |
Clerk |
26/10/20 |
Pavilion cleaner -assess required hours and look at job support scheme if necessary |
Cllr Sardeson & RFO |
28/09/20 |
Mrs Andrea Riggall 02 November 2020
Appendix 1. Cllr Oxby. LCC report October 2020
Coronavirus is on the increase here in Lincolnshire with 34 schools reporting positive results. Our near neighbour's, Nottinghamshire reporting dramatic increases as well. Work has begun on a new testing site at the University of Lincoln. Testing both students and the general public.
Lincolnshire could be reunited again, devolution for Lincolnshire is again on the agenda. Martin Vickers MP for Cleethorpes says there has been progress on talks to create a 'Greater Lincolnshire' together with North Yorkshire.
A new tourism commission group has been set up to help the tourism sector affected by the covid 19 situation both here in Lincolnshire and Rutland.
East Midlands councils including Lincolnshire are launching a project called a' Place to Call Home' to find 40 foster homes for young refugees.
The council has suspended its flue injection program for now due to the great demand by staff. Currently it is monitoring the situation and as and when stocks are available again the program should resume.
The Collection Museums Wildlife Photography Competition 2020 is now underway. Visitors will be able to see both local and national amateur photography.
The Southern-by-Pass, the missing link will be the next step to complete Lincoln's ring road, although no timescale has been set, plans are progressing well. The Easter-by-pass is progressing well. Work on both the Greetwell bridge over the Lincoln to Market Rasen railway line and the viaduct over the River Witham are having their finishing touches completed during the next two months. Kerbing, electrics, drainage and other infrastructure continues along the whole stretch of the by-pass.
Appendix 2. Cllr Cucksey. NKDC report October 2020
The Council’s Annual Report 2019/20 was approved at a recent meeting of the Executive Board. The report contains information regarding the financial performance of the General Fund, Housing Revenue Account and Capital Programmes for the financial year 2019/20 and the report is available on the corporate website.
Investigations are undertaken into switching our leisure facilities to a
certified 100% renewable electricity tariff and into a solution to tackle emissions from gas consumption for heating at our leisure and culture facilities.
The Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan has been approved for public consultation.
In view of the Council’s continued commitment to promote cycling (and other sustainable transport measures) in line with the NK Plan and the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, the 2018 North Kesteven Cycling Strategy has been refreshed to take account of the current national and local policy position, as well as new opportunities to promote cycling.
The Councils decision to declare a Climate Emergency in July 2019, it was agreed that NKDC should produce a Tree Strategy. The strategy brief was both to explore how trees and green infrastructure could contribute to the organisation’s efforts to tackle climate change, and to support fulfilment of the Council’s ‘Our Environment’ corporate priority and its related ambitions to ”conserve” and improve NK’s heritage and natural environment.
The NK draft tree strategy was approved and will be will be subject to a six-week period of public consultation. The purpose of the consultation is to seek comments from stakeholders including our residents and businesses, Town and Parish Councils, and partners to gauge public opinion on the Strategy’s direction and and action plan, and to look for opportunities for enhancement and improvement
Business Rates income has been significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, initially as a result of the measures introduced by Government to assist businesses through this period. As a consequence, the net Business Rates due for the year has dropped from £28,880,424 to £20,830,889. To compensate the Council for the loss of its share of Business Rates Income, the Government has awarded £3,071,888 in additional section 31 grants. At this stage, the General Fund projected deficit is not included within the reserves position - the funding of the shortfall will be determined following confirmation of the level of Government support being provided.
The projected 2020/21 deficit position for the General Fund is £1,624,200.
The Executive Board at their meeting recently agreed for public consultation of the Localised Council Tax Support Scheme and the exceptional hardship fund (EHF) of £20,000 made available during 2020/21 to continued into 2021/22 with the fund reviewed on a regular basis.