February 2021 Agenda
Monday 22 February 2021, 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 8480 6433 Passcode: 969103
1. Apologies for Absence
2. To receive any declarations of interest
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.
- County Council
- District Council
- Police Crime Report
- Pavilion Committee
4. Public Open Forum (Limited to 20 Minutes)
5. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 25th January 2021 are approved as the Minutes
6. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
7. Correspondence received
8. Potterhanworth footpaths request
9. Speeding in Potterhanworth and Potterhanworth Booths
10. Tree strategy
11. History project update
12. Proposal to build an office and archive annex at the pavilion
13. Planning Applications received since last meeting
21/0149/HOUS. Alyth, Plough Hill -side and rear two storey extension (re-submission of 20/1346/HOUS)
21/0034/HOUS. Gap in the hedge -removal of existing chicken sheds & construction of new annex
Decision notices
20/1679/FUL. Land South of Branston Causeway -conversion and extension of barn to form holiday lets -Approved
20/1536/VARCON. Hanworth Country Park -variation of condition 3, to excuse 28-day residency -Refused
14. Monthly Risk Assessment
15. Finance
16. Dates
Next meetings: 2021 – 29th March, 26th April, 24th May, 28th June, 26th July. APM to be determined