November 2020 Agenda
Monday 30 November 2020, 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Co-option of new member of Parish Council
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.
- Police Crime Report
- County Council
- District Council
4. Public Open Forum (Limited to 20 Minutes)
5. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
6. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 26 October 2020 are approved as the Minutes
7. Matters Arising from previous minutes
- Covid 19 community response group -look at link to Branston group and location of parish mobile
- Pavilion Defibrillator -Clerk to chase up unit manufacturer. Check unit is registered with EMAS
- School Safety Zone – Clerk and Cllr Sardeson to make further enquiries
- The Park Defibrillator – Keith Orton to arrange suitable time with electrician. Nominal payment to be agreed for resident
- Development of new website and increased social media presence. Policies to be incorporated
- Meeting to discuss position between Parish Council and Pavilion committee
- Promote Parish Councillor vacancy
- Solar Farm panels -contact provider
- Defibrillator for Moor Lane -contact NKDC
- Pavilion cleaner -assess required hours and look at job support scheme if necessary
- Village walk -Cherry tree outside Gingerbread cottage
8. Village Local History Project
9. Grant Applications
10. Planning Applications received since last meeting
Decision notices
20/1202/HOUS. 1 The Park. Single storey side extension -Approved
20/1008/VARCON. Hanworth Park. Allow permanent occupation of one touring pitch for security purposes -Approved
11. Monthly Risk Assessment
12. Pavilion Committee update
13. Finance
To set a date for budget review meeting
14. Dates
Next meetings: 2021 – 25th January, 22nd February, 29th March, 26th April, 24th May, 28th June, 26th July
Annual Parish Meeting Date TBD due to Corvid 19