May 2020 Agenda
Monday 18 May 2020, 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
Collection of Parish Councillors’ signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office and Members’ Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests
1. Election of a Chairman
Election of a Vice Chairman
2. Apologies for Absence
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.
- Police Crime Report
- County Council
- District Council
4. Public Open Forum (Limited to 20 Minutes)
5. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
6. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 27 April 2020 are approved as the Minutes
7. Matters Arising from previous minutes
- Food bank -consider requirements and contact Branston food bank
- Bus shelter grant – Cllr Oxby to make further enquiries
- School safety zone – Clerk to follow up with school
- Play park repairs – to be finalised with Waldemar Belczynski
- Play park equipment painting – Clerk to ask for volunteers on Potter Spotted
- Defibrillator – investigate grants and options for sighting unit
- Football pitch drainage – Cllr Bourne to contact grounds person at Golf course
- Gardening & village maintenance – awaiting updated grass cutting quote
- Christmas lights -to be repaired
8. Correspondence received
-email from LCC regarding website update
-contact with Stuart Watt regarding hedges around play park
-email from LCC regarding footway resurfacing work
-email from Continental regarding grass area outside Church
9. To resolve purchase of a defibrillator and cabinet to be mounted in The Park
10. Reimbursement of expenses for Cllr Hollidge to upgrade mobile phone data
11. Review of Policies and Procedures
12. Planning Applications received since last meeting
20/0496/HOUS. 7 Church Lane -retrospective planning permission for demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey extension
13. Pavilion Committee update
14. Annual Governance and Accountability Return
15. Finance
- To agree payments
16. Dates
Next meetings: 2020 – 29th June, 27th July, 28th September, 26th October, 30th November
Annual Parish Meeting Date TBD due to Corvid 19