September 2020 Agenda

Monday 28 September 2020, 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic

1. Apologies for Absence

2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.

  • Police Crime Report
  • County Council
  • District Council

3. Public Open Forum (Limited to 20 Minutes)

4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

5. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 27 July 2020 are approved as the Minutes

6. Matters Arising from previous minutes

  • Speed signs – Clerk and Cllr Foster to arrange purchase of new signs
  • Annual litter pick - rescheduled to 5th September
  • Moveable speed signs
  • Stiles on Footpaths -Cllr Sardeson to give LCC information to Cllr Foster
  • Bus Shelter Grant – Cllr Oxby will make further enquires
  • School Safety Zone – Clerk to make further enquiries
  • Defibrillator – Cllr Orton to contact 3 electricians for quotes
  • Football pitch drainage and levelling – Cllr Foster to meet grounds person at Golf course
  • Hedgerows around Playpark -Cllr Orton to arrange with Stuart Watt
  • Policies -Clerk to add all policies as agenda item to future meeting
  • Broadband for Potterhanworth Booths -Cllr Foster to look further into options
  • Asset of Community Value -renewal due October 2020
  • Grass cutting at The Park and around War Memorial -5 cuts remaining this year

7. Correspondence received

              -email received regarding local government service pay agreement 2020-21

              -LCC website training session and information received regarding website accessibility

              -email from EMAS regarding new defibrillator

8. Planning Applications received since last meeting

20/1136/FUL. Red House Farm. Plot 5. Erection of one dwelling

Decision Notice

20/0339/HOUS. Leander, Moor Lane. Erection of a double garage -Approved

20/0998/FUL. Hanworth Country Park. Erection of shop and ice cream parlour -Approved

20/0908/HOUS. 9 Rectory Close. Erection of side and rear extension -Approved

9. Monthly Risk Assessment

10. Pavilion Committee update

 11. Finance

 12. Dates

            Next meetings:            2020 – 26th October, 30th November

                                                Annual Parish Meeting Date TBD due to Corvid 19