Minutes January 2020


Minutes of Meeting held on 27thth January 2020

at 7.00pm, Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth




1.Attendance and Apologies


Cllr Orton – Acting Chairman                              

Cllr Sardeson                                                       

Cllr Foster                                                                                              

Cllr Watson

Cllr Burns

Mrs A Riggall - Clerk      


Cllr Bourne

Cllr Hollidge

Cllr Cucksey

Also in attendance:     Cllr Oxby - LCC

                                    3 members of the public

2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

LCC Matters

Cllr Oxby: Debbie Barnes has been appointed as the new Children’s Services Director. Regarding roadworks, the A46 Riseholme roundabout will be closed from next month and is due to be completed in July. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue will have an 8 million pound investment, this will enable Lincolnshire to have the most up to date equipment in the country. Equipment that is no longer required will be sold on to other Fire Brigades. The equipment will be replaced with 33 new Scania Fire Appliances and state of the art ColdCut Cobra units.

Following a tour of the Lincoln bypass, it has been confirmed that the new bridge on Heighington road to the top of Canwick hill will open later this week. The road from the A15 to Branston Road is virtually complete, a foot bridge and cycle bridge just need to be installed at the Waddington end. Due to the rain the bypass completion has been delayed until Autumn 2020. It may be possible to open the A15 to Branston section earlier if complete.

A member of the public asked Cllr Oxby about temporary traffic lights being installed near the top of Canwick hill at the junction to Heighington road, during the period when the bottom road to Washingborough will be closed. Cllr Oxby confirmed that this has been agreed and computer-controlled traffic lights will be installed. The member of the public also enquired about the collapsed drain on Moor lane, Potterhanworth. Cllr Oxby will make further enquiries.

NKDC Matters:                

Cllr. Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 1.

Police Crime Report

The police report for December 2019.  2 crimes reported on or near Fosters Gardens, 1 relating to anti-social behaviour and the other violence and sexual offences.

3. Public Open Forum

A member of the public queried NKDC housing policy in relation to the neighbourhood plan and building permission being granted for gardens, particularly off Barff road. Following objections from individuals and the Parish council, permission has still eventually been granted. Concern was raised about more parking spaces being required, the lack of green space and the potential for flooding.  The question was raised as to the purpose of the neighbourhood plan. Cllr Watson responded and confirmed that the neighbourhood plan has been created to provide guidance and that policies should be followed when making a worthy objection to NKDC planning. The member of the public referred to Cllr Cucksey’s district report regarding new homes bonuses which rewards local authorities for house building in their area. Cllrs Sardeson and Watson discussed how developers may be able to address some issues and objections, which may eventually lead to permission being granted. Cllr Orton referred to the Parish Councils objection to the last planning application off Barff road, due to parking issues, proximity to other properties and reference was made to the neighbourhood plan. There is an allocation of how many houses may be built in a specified area, but there are also houses classed as infill.  The member of the public then expressed concerned about individuals being powerless to stop infill housing. Cllr Watson explained how the neighbourhood plan may need to be reviewed following a change in national policy and the Lincolnshire local plan is currently being reviewed. The current plan, which is shared with Nocton, should reflect issues which are relevant to this Parish and will need to be reviewed in future. The member of the public added comment that the housing that is being built may not be relevant to what is needed. Cllr Orton responded that 8 council houses have been approved next to Fosters Gardens. Cllr Oxby was asked to comment and referred to the background of the neighbourhood plans and the member of the public was invited to return to the next Parish meeting when one of NKDC councillors should be in attendance.

Another member of the public enquired as to whether any further information was known about a crime being committed in Potterhanworth Booths.  No further information is known by the Parish Council at this time.

Mr Holmes reported that the Christmas tree lights had been broken. Attempts will be made to fix them, if this cannot be done a new set will be sourced.

Waldemar Belcynski introduced himself as the new Parish gardener. He explained that he completed one hours work in November but hopes to make a series of improvements to the village this year. It was agreed that he would meet with the Councillors to discuss the requirements.


4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest


5. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 25 November 2019 are approved as the Minutes

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 25th November 2019 be approved as a correct record and were signed by the Acting Chairman.



6. Matters Arising from previous minutes

  • Lawnmower belts have been purchased but not yet fitted by Cllr Orton.
  • Bus shelter grant.  The grant has been refused due to safety reasons, Cllr Hollidge sent email 20 December but nothing has been heard back as yet.
  • No further updates on the school safety zone.
  • Cleaner has been appointed and contract signed.  
  • Play park committee. Cllr Foster intends to promote this in next month’s Grapevine.
  • Play park repairs. Painting still needs to be done but will discuss further with Mr Belczynski
  • TSB forms. Additional delegate forms have now been submitted
  • Exposed pipe at oil tank.  Mr Ing has offered to remedy this and has ideas, but not yet fixed.  Cllr Orton will check.
  • Third defibrillator. Clerk contacted Western Power, they have no experience of defibrillators being added to lamp posts and suggested LCC may be able to provide further advice on the whether this is possible. Cllr Oxby requested verification that the lamp post in question is LCC responsibility. Cllr Sardeson, as an LCC employee, offered to contact highways to find out whether this would be possible.
  • NKDC questionnaire has been distributed on Facebook Potter Spotted site and posters placed on noticeboards.
  • Moor Lane road closure. Anglian Water have been carrying out works without a permit and have now requested retrospective permission for digging up the road.
  • Hedges around playpark.  Work still to be competed by Stuart Watt, but cannot be completed at present due to weather conditions
  • New bench for play park is on order, colours decided as blue and yellow.



Correspondence Received


  • Wicksteed play park inspection has been booked but has not yet taken place
  • Enquiry from a member of the public regarding the former Prison of War camp. Cllr Burns responded to this enquiry with further information and signposted them to the library.
  • Email from Cllr Lundgren regarding the Boundary review. This has been forwarded to all Councillors and posters have been displayed on noticeboards.
  • Email received from Beeswax Dyson regarding a spring walk in Nocton wood. All present agreed that this would be of interest to Potterhanworth residents.


Football pitch


Due to ongoing issues with drainage on the football pitch Cllr Foster has been in contact with Sleaford Rugby club regarding whether work could be done to fix this problem.  The cost is likely to be around £500, but this could not be done until the pitch has dried out as a tractor would be unable to get onto the pitch. Cllr Foster will again try to contact them to request a pitch inspection. Cllr Orton suggested that it may be worth contacting Pottergate golf club regarding their equipment or whether they have a recommended contact.  


War Memorial


The centenary of Potterhanworth War Memorial will take place on 9th March 2020, in order to mark this some minor maintenance work is needed. The clerk has contacted the Parish Clerk at Bardney, who have recommended a company that may be able to carry out improvement works. Photographs will be sent in order to establish the level of work required. A member of the public suggested that it may be worth finding out if a grant could be given from the War Memorials foundation.


Gardening & village maintenance requirements


Following on from the earlier discussion with Mr Belczynski, this will be clarified when he meets with the Councillors.

11. Pavilion Committee update

The cleaner’s hours were discussed, as the pavilion is used by more groups more cleaning has been required. The cleaner is currently contracted for 4 hours, but is temporarily doing extra hours, this has been agreed and is in her contract.This will need to be discussed further to establish whether this needs to be increased permanently. Cllr Watson commented on the link between the success of the increased use of the Pavilion, generation of more income and the cleaner requiring more pay for the work that is being done.


12. Planning Applications received

Planning Applications Potterhanworth

19/1665/TCA.  Glenwood, Barff Road.  Silver birch fell, T2 Walnut, remove ivy. Closed. Comment submitted

19/1540/VARCON.  Plot 3, behind Red House. Variation to windows. Closed. Comment submitted

19/1753/FUL.  Plot 6 Red House Farm.  Erection of dwelling & outbuilding. Councillors requested more time to consider this application.

20/0019/HOUS.  Gap in the hedge, Moor lane.  Single storey side & rear extension. No objections

Decision Notices                             

19/1412/FUL.  Rear of Shumac & Elm View.  Erection of 1 dwelling.  APPROVED

19/1661/VARCON.  Hanworth.  Sewage. APPROVED                   

13. Finance



Grant applications have been approved for the following:

Youth club              £150

Over 60's group     £150

Preschool                £150

Church bells            £162

Football team         £150

Community choir   £50 Final amount confirmed by Choir following the Jan meeting 

TOTAL                      £842

Precept was read out by the Acting Chairman, as per attached sheet.

The Acting Chairman proposed a vote to clarify the precept, this was unanimously agreed to raise the precept by approx. 3%.

The clerk requested the purchase of a document shredder for confidential information, at the cost of £50.  This was unanimously agreed by all councillors present.

December 2019

All Payments total = £2,564.45

Balance total = £9,125.36

NS & I balance = £12,884.56


January 2020

All Payments total = £839.92

Balance total = £8,285.44

NS & I balance = £12,884.56

11. Dates

  • Date of next meeting:  24th February 2020
  • Future meetings: 2020: 30th March, 27th April, 18th May, 29th June, 27th July
  • Annual Parish Meeting: 11th May



B/F and from meeting held on 27th January 2020


Resp. Person

Start date

Finish date


Lawn Mower – to fit new belts 

Cllr Orton




Bus Shelter Grant – Chairman and Cllr Hollidge to discuss email response to Grant decision





School Safety Zone – awaiting start date





Play park committee – information to be shared in The Grapevine

Cllr Foster




Play park repairs/paint - awaiting improvement in weather





TSB forms - check for response





Oil tank pipe – to cover exposed pipe (Mr Ing)

Cllr Orton




Defibrillator – investigate lamp post access with LCC

Cllr Sardeson




Football pitch drainage – to follow up possible contacts

Cllr Foster & Cllr Orton




War Memorial -minor maintenance work quote & look into available grants





Gardening & village maintenance work -requirements to be decided





Cleaner – additional hours requirements to be decided





Mrs Andrea Riggall     3rd February 2020


 Appendix 1. Cllr Cucksey. District Report January 2020 

The local government financial settlement for 2020/21 was announced in December 2019.

The proposals set out in this consultation will give local authorities a 4.4% real-terms increase in their Core Spending Power. In brief - the Rural Delivery Grant will continue to recognise the extra costs of delivering services in rural areas and propose to maintain last year’s Rural Services Delivery Grant of £81 million. It will be distributed using the same methodology as 2019-20. 

Council Tax - Local authorities will be able to increase council tax in 2020-21 by a core principle of up to 2%, without holding a local referendum. 

New Homes Bonus -To reward local authorities for house building in their area, the government confirmed that they will make a new round of allocations of the New Homes Bonus for 2020-21.

The Executive Board at their December meeting approved the publication of the  2018/19  North  Kesteven Authority Monitoring Report and this will be available to view on the Councils website.

The Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) is a factual report produced annually looking back at the previous financial year from the 1st April to 31st March.  

The purpose of the AMR is to monitor indicators in order to assess the performance of planning policies. The data and commentary contained within the AMR also form part of the evidence base required to demonstrate Local Plan delivery. The AMR is a comprehensive document containing a range of monitoring information covering housing, the economy and the environment in North Kesteven.  The legislative requirement to produce an AMR is less prescriptive on what should be included and allows individual authorities to develop their own monitoring framework. The content of the AMR has been developed inconsultation with Central Lincolnshire partners and will be used to inform the overall Central Lincolnshire Local Plan delivery monitoring. 

It was agreed by the Executive Board at their meeting recently to increase the cost of the green bin collection to £35 for the first bin and £17 per subsequent bin. The garden waste collection service is a popular discretionary service for the Council for which a reasonable charge can be made. In line with best practice guidance it is important we achieve cost recovery so as to ensure that only those using the service pay for it and that it is not subsidised by the Council Tax payer. The charge was last reviewed by Council on 17th December, 2015 and at that time a £5 base increase was agreed. Since then charges have been reviewed annually but no changes have been recommended until now. The number of subscribers to the service has continued to rise each year, although expenditure is also rising. In light of this, work has been undertaken to calculate a revised charging structure that would achieve full cost recovery.