April 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on
Monday 26 April 2021, 7:00pm remotely via Zoom, due to Covid 19 Pandemic
1. Attendance and Apologies
Present: Cllr Sardeson -Chairman, Cllr Burns, Cllr Foster, Cllr Ott, Cllr Clarke, Cllr Battle, Mrs Riggall -Clerk, Mr Spence -RFO
Apologies: Cllr Watson -Vice Chairman
Also in attendance: Cllr Lundgren -NKDC, Cllr Cucksey -NKDC
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Cllr Battle declared an interest in any planning applications relating to Hanworth Country Park.
3. Reports received from representatives on outside bodies
LCC Matters:
Cllr Oxby: Please see attached Appendix 1.
The Parish Council thanked Cllr Oxby for his services and for representing Potterhanworth.
NKDC Matters:
Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 2.
Cllr Lundgren:
Due to being in a period of purdah information from Councillors may be limited. The Hanworth Park application 17/1818/FUL resubmission has been called in. Planning application 21/0034/HOUS annex at Gap in the hedge has been refused. Members of the community have raised concerns that mobile homes at Hanworth Park are currently occupied, this is being looked into further.
Police Crime Report
No further updates since the last meeting
4. Public Open Forum
5. To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 29 March 2021 are approved as the Minutes
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 March 2021 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.
6. Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
The stile on the footpath off Barff Road has now been replaced by a metal gate.
Wicksteed have replaced the damaged cradle swing seats. Councillors and clerk met with Waldemar from Lincs Garden Services to discuss remedial work needed following the Wicksteed inspection report.
The Parish litter pick took place on 10th April, 34 bags of rubbish were collected. Thanks to all volunteers who attended. Cllr Burns added that unfortunately more rubbish was dumped within hours of the litter pick taking place. Councillors considered whether bins could be placed at the unofficial layby at the end of Station Road.
The next Parish meeting on 24th May will be face to face at the Pavilion, this will also be the annual meeting of the Parish Council. The 28th June meeting will be the annual Parish meeting, with local groups being invited to attend.
7. Correspondence received
An email was received from the headteacher at the school expressing concern around the new parking restrictions. Councillors discussed the parking restrictions and Cllr Battle highlighted that Chequers carpark is not currently available for parents to park due to current restrictions. The parking restrictions have been carefully considered by LCC and suggestions were made for encouraging walking and cycling to school. Cllr Clarke added that the school are currently considering bike racks and trying to find a suitable location. A sponsored walk may also encourage walking. The chairman will send a response.
An email was received from a resident expressing concern about the large amount of garden waste stored at a neighbouring property. Cllr Sardeson has contacted NKDC regarding presentation of properties and they will contact the tenant.
The Church warden has been in contact following the passing of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. The church opened for reflection the weekend 10-11 April. The Church are also looking at producing a welcome leaflet for people who are new to the village, this will include contact information for the Parish Council.
The County Council and Crime Commissioner elections will take place on 5th May at the Pavilion.
A concerned resident has been in contact regarding youths wearing black knocking on people’s windows and running away. It is now hoped that this matter has been resolved.
8. New Street naming
NKDC invited the Parish Council to name the new road off Moor Lane. It has been highlighted that the name should be unique to this area of North Kesteven. Several suggestions have been put forward, Mill View Gardens being the first put forward, but this was not possible. The Councillors have now put forward Curtois Gardens.
9. Flagpole
Cllr Battle raised a suggestion on behalf of a Parishioner for the addition of a village flagpole. The Parishioner noticed that several other villages in the county have flagpoles and suggested that this would be a welcome addition to Potterhanworth. It was suggested that the Church may be the best location for this. Cllr Battle will arrange to speak with the Church Wardens.
10. History project update
The history group have agreed on the final number and themes of signposts. Information is currently being collected and organisations have been contacted regarding potential funding. The next meeting will take place at the end of May and will include a physical inspection of materials.
11. Pavilion and playing field
Cllr Clarke is planning to go through the constitution with the Pavilion committee.
The Bardney & Potterhanworth dog show will be taking place 23rd May.
No mow May was raised by Cllrs Clarke & Sardeson in order to try and restore flowering plants for insect life during May. This may involve some changes to expected presentation of the village. After some discussion the majority of Councillors agreed to not cut the grass where the area is planned for the community orchard and the triangle of grass on Cross Street opposite the pub. In the longer term it may be that bulbs are planted in key areas where No mow May could take place in future.
12. Planning Applications received since last meeting
21/0383/FUL Hanworth Park. Construction of reception block with associated car parking and landscaping and relocation of the security hut. This was discussed by the Councillors and they do not object to this application.
21/0535/TPO Thorpe House, Barff Road -T1 weeping ash -trim 3 metres. The Councillors discussed this application.
21/0552/TCA Red House, Main Road -T1 Holly, T2/3 Cooking apple -fell. No comments were made on this application.
Decision notices
21/0149/HOUS. Alyth Plough Hill, Potterhanworth Booths. Erection of a side and rear two storey extension (re-submission of 20/1346/HOUS) -Approved
21/0213/HOUS. Baytree House Station Road Potterhanworth. Formation of new vehicular access and gates -Approved
13. Monthly Risk Assessment
Following the meeting with Waldemar, repair works will be taking place at the playpark.
14. Finance
April 2021
All Payments total = £1,488.83
Balance total = £31,481.41
NS & I balance = £13,161.13
Cllr Foster requested the purchase of replacement 30mph speed signs
15. Dates
Next meetings: 2021 – 26th July, 27th September, 25th October, 29th November
28th June - Annual Parish Meeting
Appendix 1. Cllr Oxby. LCC report April 2021
Welcome to my final County brief report before the elections take place on the 6th May. We have now entered Purdah. This is the six week period preceding an election, where we will be voting for our candidates who have put their names forward to represent us for the next four years at the County Council.
Four years ago I cannot imagine both how quickly these years have flown by and covd19 descending upon us, altering our way of life for some considerable time to come.
My monthly reports, hopefully have kept you all up to date with the general day to day workings of the council and those little extras that keep being announced, including the long awaited Eastern By-pass. With a shaky start we finally made it and what a difference!
The vaccinations of our residents has been well received with praise from those receiving the jab, stating how well the system is being run.
The past year has seen the Council adopt a different way of working with a great number of staff working from home and council meetings taking place via 'Teams' on our computers. Parish councils have also had to adopt to meetings via 'Teams' or 'Zoom' as well. Apologies from me, as unfortunately the council has not allowed us to use 'Zoom', so some parishes will have had only my monthly reports to rely on and not seen an appearance by me on their computer screens for some time.
As stated at the beginning of my report this is my last report before the elections, but, it will also be my final report as well. I have decided not to stand in the forthcoming elections. Having represented the Heighington and Washingborough Ward for the district council from 2003 to 2019 and from 2007 to 2017 the same Division for LCC. The electoral commission then changed the boundaries and the newly formed Potterhanworth and Coleby Division was created in 2017 where I was elected to represent the residents of this 'new' much larger division.
It has been a pleasure to meet so many people in this new division and I hope I have represented you all in these past four years, being the go between the parishes and council, but the batteries in my magic wand are running a little low and mother nature is telling me to take it a little easier, although I will not be retiring totally, carrying on with my property maintenance company for the time being at least.
Wishing you all good health and happiness and hope to see you all again sometime in the future.
Kind regards Ron.
Appendix 2. Cllr Cucksey. NKDC report 2021
District Report - March
Council Tax
Up to the end of January 2021, in-year collection for Lincoln and North Kesteven are down by 2.83% and 1.47% respectively, compared to the same point in 2019/20. Due to the financial impacts of Covid-19 on residents’ incomes, officers have been allowing deferrals of payments in relevant circumstances, although this means that these deferred monies will still need to be collected in the coming months. Therefore, in the current climate, these reduced levels of collection are not unexpected.
NK Plan
NK Plan 2021-24 was recommended for approval by the Executive Board at their meeting held on 18th February. In the NK Plan 2021-24, the Council retains its five core priorities – Communities, Council, Economy, Environment, and Homes. The response to and future recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic is reflected within the NK Plan structure, with the inclusion of a specific extension to the Council’s purpose statement and amendment to the Our Economy priority. The NK’s recent annual refreshes have been supported by significant resident survey responses alongside consultations with a range of stakeholder groups. A total of 828 residents and stakeholders responded to the single consultation survey, with this, from an NK Plan perspective, focused on what residents and stakeholders view as “most important” and “most in need of improvement”.
Delivery of the Test and Trace Support Payments project from September 2020 to January 2021 was a key project to help people cope with changes in financial circumstances due to needing to self-isolate. Working under the Head of Shared Revenues and Benefits, a cross-Councils project team came together with members from a range of service areas, to proactively develop processes, an online application form as well as a policy for discretionary scheme cases. This was a great example of a holistic approach to service delivery, taking on board a range of expertise and ideas.
The Executive Board on 17th February approved the revision of the Safeguarding Policy. The council is to support the dissemination of the revised Policy and roll out of refresher training to complement that defined by the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Boards. Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership is a statutory multi-agency board made up of representatives from the Local Authority, Police, Health Authority, Probation Trust, Youth Offending Service, the Voluntary Sector, and others. Whilst the overarching responsibility for investigation into abuse and appropriate action sits with Lincolnshire County Council and the Police, the District Council has a statutory duty to safeguard children and adults, and to cooperate with other agencies.
Following the practice in recent years, a Tenant Liaison Panel discussion on the Housing Revenue Account Budgets has been undertaken where the Tenant Liaison Panel voted in favour of the proposed 1.5% rent increase for 2021/22. Furthermore, the rent increase was also supported by the Performance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel at its meeting on 18th January 2021. Rent levels for 2021/22 had been calculated in accordance with Government requirements for Councils to set ‘Formula Rent’ per the Rent Standard 2020 Guidance. Social Landlords has now returned to formula rent for 2020/21 to 2024/25 after 4 years of 1% reductions (2016/17 - 2019/20).
NK Financial Plan 2021/22 – Council – 2 March 2021
Over many years now this Council has successfully looked to balance the difficult financial position that it has faced as a result of the economic recession of 2008 and the subsequent impact on Local Government funding, along with its desire to see growth and continued investment in the district.
Whilst this last year and the Covid 19 pandemic has been a challenge for the Council, experiencing, like many businesses within the district, significant financial stress as a consequence, the Financial Plan, once again allows us to take a long term view to help guide the Council with its spending and investments plans.
It is very pleasing to see that the considerable effort that we have put in over the last 12 months has once again led to a balanced and strong financial position moving forward. While we may not be quite out of the woods yet with Covid 19, we have once again been able to maintain a robust financial position with prudent estimates and provisions in place that not only allow the Council to financially chart a way through what is a period of unparalleled uncertainty but that continues to allow for the development of its ambitious and achievable capital investment plans that are aimed at seeing significant economic growth and the development of housing within the district over the next 10 years.
On top of this we are also looking to invest some of the windfall that the Council will receive next year as a result of the Government’s decision to again delay the reviews of Local Government Finance by both supporting its long term plans and by allocating specific amounts to help deliver against key priorities; the delivery of the Environment Strategy; targeted initiatives focused on Public Health, Health and Wellbeing and Mental Health and by looking to pump prime projects, building on the agile and remote working initiatives that have been deployed over the past year.
I am pleased to say that the Council has established comprehensive, long term budget plans that drive forward the achievement of its priorities outlined