July 2021 Minutes







Cllr Nigel Sardeson - Chairman

Cllr Andrew Watson - Vice Chairman   

Cllr Foster                                                  

Cllr Ami Clarke     

Cllr Martin Ott                                                                     

Bob Spence - Responsible Financial Officer  


In attendance:

Cllr Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council

2 members of the public                                         












Welcome and apologies


The Chair welcomed all in attendance.


Apologies were received from Cllr Battle and Clerk Andrea Riggall. Apologies were also received from LCC representative Cllr Carrington and NKDC representative Cllr Lundgren.








Declarations of pecuniary interest
















Reports received from representatives of outside bodies


NKDC Matters:

Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 1.


LCC Matters:

Cllr Carrington. Please see attached Appendix 2.


Police crime report:

No further crime reports yet available.














Public Open Forum

Member of the public raised concerns about the village sign in the centre of the village. The wooden edging is showing signs of damage and the varnish may have blistered in places. Cllr Sardeson and Cllr Watson will investigate this further and repair if possible.

Representatives from FG Battle will trim hedging around playpark when possible.










To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 28 June 2021 are approved as the Minutes

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2021 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.







Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding


NKDC have confirmed that Lindum will supply and install a defibrillator unit on the new development at Windmill Gardens.
















Correspondence received


The developer of Branston Solar Farm has now donated £10,000 to Potterhanworth Parish Council. Thanks were given to Cllr Cucksey for pursuing this. It is unclear at this stage whether solar panels for the Pavilion are still possible. Cllr Sardeson will attempt to contact the current owner.

The village Grapevine newsletter will be restarting shortly.






















Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review


Parish Councillors have been looking at documentation relating to the Central Lincolnshire local plan review. Responses relating to the proposal may be submitted until 24 August. Councillors discussed several points relating to the proposed plan including development outside of the village limits, infilling, flooding and wind turbines. Questions were raised around connections to the existing Neighbourhood plan for Potterhanworth and Nocton.  


A member of the public provided further information on wind turbines and the previous Nocton Fen windfarm application from 2015. Sustainability and renewal energy were discussed along with the benefits and drawbacks of each.


Cllr Sardeson and Cllr Ott will draft a response and share with other councillors before submitting.






















Antisocial behaviour


The Clerk along with Cllr Clarke, Cllr Foster and Cllr Burns met with Karen Atherton from the Anti-Social behaviour team at NKDC. Different options for tackling antisocial behaviour were discussed. It has been agreed that the first approach will be to send out a letter from the anti-social team within the Grapevine. If the issues persist other more targeted options may then be taken.








Lockups/garages at the playing field


Cllr Sardeson raised this issue on behalf of Waldemar from Lincs Garden Services regarding damage to the garages next to the playpark. This was discussed with the Chairman of the Pavilion committee, who explained that this matter is in hand and will be repairs will be made when time allows.












Pavilion and playing field


Cllr Clarke gave an update on the orchard. A quote for 16 trees has been received, this was approved and the invoice for this will be paid. An application will then be made for an environmental grant. Individuals have also offered funds towards this.









History project


Cllr Ott gave an update on the noticeboards. The text is now at its final draft stage. A recent funding application has been turned down, as there is more than one planned location.









Planning Applications received since last meeting


21/0872/HOUS Alyth Plough Hill Potterhanworth Booths - Erection of a side and rear two storey extension (re-submission of 20/1346/HOUS & 21/0149/HOUS) - This was discussed by the Parish councillors and no objections were made.













Monthly Risk Assessment


Nothing to report















July 2021

All Payments total = £1,262.44

Balance total = £36,179.04

NS & I balance = £13,161.13
















Any Other Business


Member of the public raised the issue of areas of the playing field and the playpark not being cut. This will be raised with the Clerk.






Date and time of next meeting           Monday 27 September 2021, 7:00pm



Appendix 1. Cllr Cucksey. NKDC report 2021

District Report – July 2021

District Report for July

Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan - After declaring a climate emergency, the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan (CESAP) was approved by Executive Board in September 2020 for delivery. Since then, we have set clear net zero emissions reduction targets (95% by 2030), and established baselines (corporate from 2008/09, district from 2005.) The public have been consulted, with a postal version to be sent to all households this summer, and further consultation of residents, businesses and land managers is being planned for later this year.

At the recent Executive Board meeting, it was agreed to progress with delivering the Climate Emergency Strategy and for the Action Plan and the updated corporate Environment Policy was approved. It was also agreed to appoint a Sustainability Officer to assist in the development and delivery of the sustainability agendas, funded from the “Our Environment” Reserve for 36 months and thereafter be reviewed.

The Economic Recovery Plan (Draft) for North Kesteven was approved and will form the basis for future actions in support of the recovery and subsequent growth of the District Economy. These actions the Council is taking is to specifically support its business community and the economy of the district. The actions outlined should be seen as supporting and supplementing the wider Economy Recovery Plan actions and proposals as developed by the LRF at a countywide level.

Whilst the Council has worked closely with partners across the Greater Lincolnshire Area through the work of the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum(LRF), which has included work on a short term recovery plan for the countywide economy and work to develop a medium term action plan in support of the wider economy of the County, it has also been recognised that it is important to outline what the Council has done at a District level to provide more immediate support and assistance where it is most needed to the local economy.

Supporting the districts businesses, residents and communities to recover from the impacts of covid and grow and develop into the future the Council could have considered not developing a Recovery Action Plan, however given the impact that Covid has had on the wider business community and the economic impacts that it has created, it is considered important that the Council is clear and overt about the support that it is delivering to the local economy.

If you require a copy of the Draft Recovery Plan just let me know.

The Draft Cycling Infrastructure Plan 2021-24 was approved by Executive Board. The Council recently refreshed its Cycling Strategy reaffirming our commitment to encouraging cycling in North Kesteven and setting out priorities for increasing cycling. We understand that for our residents, one of the key barriers to cycling is the quality and availability of cycling infrastructure, as good quality cycling infrastructure makes cycling easier, feel safer and more secure.

Cycling Infrastructure Plan the production of a Cycling Infrastructure Plan is proposed to inform the Council’s priorities for cycling infrastructure over a 3-year term with a proposal to review and refresh at the end of that term. Whilst the delivery of cycling infrastructure is heavily dependent on securing external resources it is considered the document will assist the Council in bidding for funding opportunities and provide a framework for Officers working to increase cycling infrastructure in the district. Cycling infrastructure includes:

• Dedicated cycling provision, such as cycle paths, defined cycle lanes on shared roads, signage, lockers etc.

• Wider provision shared with other users, such as public roads and designated shared use pavements etc.

Although the Council does not have significant funding to increase cycling infrastructure at this time, we work closely with our partners to highlight and define cycling issues and lobby and bid for funding opportunities that support cycling. To inform any future bidding, we are keen to understand your local priorities for cycling infrastructure

North Kesteven Lottery - Having successfully been granted a remote lottery licence by the Gambling Commission in March, North Kesteven’s Community Lottery will launch in the autumn of 2021. There are several stages to pass before the actual launch, and not least is the creation of a brand for the lottery, after which a website can be built, and the marketing materials can be developed. Over the next two months, promotion of the lottery will begin, and a list of potential good causes will be identified. Whilst any community group or charity will be able to submit an application to become a good cause, ultimately all applications will need to be approved by the District Council before they are appointed and subsequently publicised as good causes. In terms of the actual launch of the lottery, there are three key events:

· Monday 13 September Good Cause Launch · Saturday 12 October Tickets on sale · Saturday 11 November First draw





Appendix 1. Cllr Carrington. LCC report 2021

LCC Briefing Note July 2021

Extra £2.5m for improved mental health services for Lincolnshire's young people

The national funding will be used to develop a new approach to supporting the mental health of children and young people (CYP) with complex needs.

The investment was successfully secured from NHS England (Health and Justice) through a joint bid by Lincolnshire County Council, NHS Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LPFT). The money will go directly to benefit those in the community including in foster arrangements, care homes or other care settings, adopted children, or those with other complex social care or health needs, including severe learning disabilities or autism.

LCC Children’s Services national Recognition

LCC have been commended for the quality of Children’s Services and now goes to the national finals of the MCA awards for work with High Needs and Special Educational Needs children.

£20m bid submitted for 'Levelling Up' in Lincolnshire

The county council's bid to the government's Levelling Up Fund has now been submitted for road improvements.

The bid is being boosted with letters of support from business leaders, local MPs and all councils across Greater Lincolnshire.

Local Main Roads

- Pelham Bridge works started on 7th June and are running on time and on budget. A ten week programme will see the bridge deck rejuvenated and re-proofed and new safety barriers installed.

- A15 emergency repairs continue on time and on budget. Final phase will be rebuilding the Cranwell junction with night-time weekday closures from 26th July for up to three weeks - diversions via the A17/A607/B1178. Works on track to finish by mid-August

- Holdingham roundabout: work in July will include signal; ducting, kerb laying and building main road surface. Funding sources included LCC, Government and developer contributions arranged in a collaborative bid by NKDC and LCC ensuring infrastructure matches development.

Highways improvements map

LCC has a new interactive map of upcoming maintenance works for details of resurfacing, surface dressing, footpath improvements and more happening across Lincolnshire. You can filter the results by works, date, division and town or parish. For more details please visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/worksprogrammes. This supplements the existing roadworks mapping at https://one.network/custom/lincolnshire .

Falls Response Unit launch

The Falls Response Unit has been launched in the county for people who need urgent medical attention following a fall.

Lincolnshire County Council and Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group have committed £273,000 each per year to fund the service up to March 2024, with emergency response charity LIVES providing teams to support those in need who call 999.

LIVES, who manage the response service, has been providing a successful pilot since December 2018. It's shown to have a significant impact on reducing hospital admissions with just under half of patients avoiding a trip to the hospital and allowing them to safely stay at home after being assessed and treated by the LIVES Falls team.

Household Recycling Centre

From September it is planned that the Household Recycling Centres will be open as was ‘normal’ before the pandemic. A booking system for vans will still apply, but householders will be able to bring their cars to the centres without booking in.