October 2021 Minutes
Cllr Nigel Sardeson – Chairman
Cllr Paul Burns
Cllr Martin Ott
Cllr Ami Clarke
Cllr Annabel Battle
Bob Spence - Responsible Financial Officer
In attendance:
Cllr Lundgren -North Kesteven District Council
Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council
Cllr Ian Carrington -Lincolnshire County Council
Maise McMahon -Safer Together Coordinator for North Kesteven
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Welcome and apologies The Chair welcomed all in attendance. Apologies were received from Cllr Andy Watson, Cllr Nick Foster and the Clerk, Andrea Riggall. |
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Declarations of pecuniary interest None |
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Reports received from representatives of outside bodies LCC Matters: Cllr Carrington. Please see attached Appendix 1. Cllr Ott spoke about the transport and highlighted concern that the train from Metheringham to Sleaford has now been changed, making it no longer possible for school children from the village to travel by train to schools in Sleaford. Cllr Carrington is aware of this issue and will look into it further. NKDC Matters: Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 2. Cllr Lundgren: Following an audit it has been confirmed that NKDC is still financially sound, and services should be safe for the next 12 months. Lots have emails have been received regarding confusion about the recycling bins. This was discussed and further information can be found on the NKDC website. Police crime report: August 2021: 3 crimes reported of violence or sexual offences, one of which is currently under investigation. 1 report of anti-social behaviour on or near Fosters Gardens Maisie McMahon, Safer Together Coordinator North and South Kesteven was in attendance and spoke about the work of the Police Crime commissioner’s office. The current issues with antisocial behaviour of youths in the village was discussed. It was highlighted that any crimes such as these should be reported to 101. The community policing team cover a wide area and will only be able to monitor Potterhanworth more closely if crimes are reported. Cllr Clarke raised the reoccurring reports of violence or sexual offences on the monthly crime reports for Potterhanworth. Further details cannot be obtained but Freedom of information requests may available. Concern was also raised on behalf of some village residents about an individual who is currently in prison and where they will live on their release. This will be discussed outside of the meeting. The annual Precept survey will be available shortly and all residents are encouraged to take part and have a say on policing in Lincolnshire.
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Public Open Forum None received |
To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 27 September 2021 are approved as the Minutes It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2021 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman. |
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Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding The play equipment has been painted by Waldemar of Lincs Garden services. Unfortunately, due to insects landing on the yellow paint another coat will be required. The War Memorial area will be tidied and cleared prior to Remembrance Sunday. The Textile bank is now in place next to the bottle banks in the Pavilion carpark. The annual Parish walk will take place at 10am on Saturday 13th November. The wreath for the War memorial has been purchased. The Christmas tree is yet to be ordered, but the RFO will follow up on this. Salt offered by LCC for the winter will be stored by FG Battle, with thanks. A meeting will be arranged on 25th November at the pub to discuss the Queens Platinum Jubilee. This will be publicised on Facebook PotterSpotted. Funding has now been finalised for the flagpole. |
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Correspondence received None received |
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Village internet speed This speed in the village has been questioned by some residents. This was discussed and the speed may vary depending on the internet provider and the Wi-Fi set up within individaul homes. |
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Wi-Fi for the pavilion It would be desirable for the pavilion to have internet connection, but there would be a charge to have this installed. Cllr Clarke will approach the Pavilion committee to get their views on this. |
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History group update Unfortunately, applications for funding for information boards have so far been unsuccessful. Cllr Ott discussed the difficulty with gaining funding. Some groups and individuals may be able to donate but this would not be enough to cover the £7,000-£8,000 total costs. Suggestions were made by the District and Councillors as alternative streams may become available. It may be necessary to look at purchasing each sign separately, although it would be preferable to purchase together. |
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Community orchard The school has been contacted and would like to participate in the tree planting. Planting is likely to take place between December and February. |
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Planning Applications received since last meeting 21/1331/HOUS Southcote Barff Road -Proposed two storey rear extension and single storey rear and side extension. This was discussed by the Parish councillors and no objections were made. 21/1446/HOUS 5 Woodlands Close -Erection of porch. This was discussed by the Parish councillors and no objections were made. |
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Monthly Risk Assessment None |
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Finance October 2021 All Payments total = £1,579.43 Balance total = £31,898.09 NS & I balance = £13,161.13 |
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Any Other Business None |
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Date and time of next meeting Monday 29 November 2021, 7:00pm |
Appendix 1. Cllr. Ian Carrington – October 2021 LCC briefing note:
Strategic Roadworks
Works on Pelham Bridge and the A15 are now complete. Works to increase capacity at the Holdingham roundabout at the Seaford end of the A15 are ongoing and on time and budget for completion later in the year.
Resident surveys have launched in Sleaford, Grantham, Skegness and Mablethorpe to enable people who travel in those areas the chance to have their say in shaping their local transport network over the next 15 years.
Local on-street traffic surveys are now under way in various locations to assess flows and speeds now the Eastern Bypass is fully open.
Gritting Programme
From 1 October Lincolnshire’s gritters will be on call 24/7 until April, keeping the county moving during our coldest months. As usual, the team will be monitoring the weather around the clock, with the gritters ready to hit the road whenever needed.
When temperatures drop, they’ll treat every A and B road in the county - that’s nearly 2,000 miles of highway. They’ll also ensure that, where possible, there’s a treated link to all the main villages, schools and hospitals. LCC has stockpiled around 25,000 tonnes of salt - enough for the harshest winter. You can keep up to date with the latest news from the gritting team by following @LincsCC_roads on Twitter. For further information about gritting, including a map of treated routes and winter driving advice, visit our website.
Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue
Lincolnshire firefighters who attend medical incidents will all be trained to the same standards in trauma response thanks to a new contract between Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue and LIVES. Our firefighters have carried out co-responding duties for more than 20 years in Lincolnshire, and saved hundreds of lives. This training scheme will mean all fire crews have the same enhanced level of training in the latest equipment and techniques, boosting the training they already receive and enhancing the safety of the public.
Thousands of new trees to be planted in Lincolnshire
Lincolnshire County Council has been successful in securing a grant to plant trees in non-woodland settings. Funded by Central Government's Local Authority Treescapes Fund, the county council will
now work with volunteers, farmers, land-owners, and district, town and parish councils to plant them across the county.
This is part of the council's ambitious plan for tree planting in Lincolnshire – particularly in hedgerows, parklands, along footpaths and riverbanks and in copses and shelterbelts. This can make a huge difference to carbon absorption, flood protection and give great support for biodiversity.
Schemes have already been identified in main towns and also in many smaller communities around the county. We're also looking to plant more trees along the Lincoln Eastern Bypass and on the County Farms Estates. Plans are being discussed to create something special for the Queen's 70th Jubilee.
County Council hosts first ever Lincolnshire Climate Summit
All parish councils were invited to attend the first Lincolnshire Climate Summit held on 12th October. A wide range of organisations and individuals attended at the Epic Centre for a day of discovering new ways of working together to reach net zero carbon emissions and finding out about the amazing things going on in Lincolnshire to tackle climate change. The event brought together like-minded partners to help inspire the change necessary to work for a better future and reach our net zero target.
Pandemic Response
The pandemic isn't over, and LCC continues to lead the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum which coordinates the County's response in co-operation with District councils, the NHS and other bodies. Vaccination take up is very positive including among the young. For example in our part of Lincolnshire well over 80% of 18 - 30 year olds have has their first jab and around 75 are double jabbed - national Top Ten figures. However, no vaccine is 100% effective, and LCC carries out all its operations with COVID safety in mind and urges every local organisation and resident to do the same.
Pandemic Recovery
LCCs Economy and Environment Scrutiny panel has welcomed the Greater Lincolnshire Pandemic Economic Recovery Plan. All Lincolnshire’s unitary and district councils are partners in the plan which is being coordinated by the Greater Lincolnshire Enterprise Partnership.
Local Transport Plan
The public consultation for the latest version of the Local Transport Plan is now live and details of the consultation documents and how to respond can be found here: www.letstalk.lincolnshire.gov.uk/local-transport-plan
Appendix 2. Cllr. Ray Cucksey – October 2021 NKDC District Report
Community Lottery – Having successfully been granted a remote lottery licence by the Gambling Commission, the North Kesteven Community Lottery will be launched in the autumn. Branding for the lottery had been approved. Promotion of the lottery will begin over the next few months and a list of good causes would be able to submit an application to become “a good cause”, ultimately all applications would be subject to approval by the District Council.
Neighbourhood Planning
There are currently three Neighbourhood Plans in the final stages of production. The process that was followed when appointing an examiner had remained the same since the advent of the Localism Act. Examiners were appointed using the Neighbourhood Planning Independent Examiner Referral Service (NPIERS), as commissioned by the DHCLG. However, that was no longer the only route and other local authorities were now opting to use alternative companies to appoint examiners. These alternative companies often offered a better, more cost effective service, and it was suggested that NKDC should use these services.
Community Grant Funding
In partnership with the Lincolnshire Community Foundation (LCF), the District Council established a COVID 19 Response and Recovery Fund. This fund was made up of a contribution from NKDC of £20,000, matched by a contribution of £20,000 from the LCF. Grant applications were open to any voluntary or community group and 11 applications totalling £23,361 had been approved.
Medium Term Financial Strategy
North Kesteven’s Medium Term Financial Strategy is the means by which the Council demonstrates how it will use the financial resources it has available to deliver its priorities which have been set following consultation with residents, businesses and stakeholders in the district. Whilst the budgets have been balanced, savings targets remain. These are largely due to be achieved through the Council’s developed programmes around cost reduction and income generation plus two additional initiatives, introduced in recent years, the Heads of Service savings programme and the NK25 programme which was designed to identify savings of £1million. The Council recognises its responsibility to ensure that value for money is delivered from all of its activities, however they may be funded. The Council is committed to the pursuit of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, which together add up to Value for Money.
The Executive Board on 19th October approved for public consultation and scrutiny the options for the 2022/23 Council Tax Support scheme for which the full Council will need to approve by the end of January 2022.
Option 1: No change to the current scheme
Option 2: ‘All working age’ banded scheme for 2022/23, an option being put forward is to make a fundamental change to the way CTS is calculated for all working-age customers. Part of this proposal is due to the way Universal Credit is re-assessed on a monthly basis by Department of Work and Pensions (DWP).
Option 3:‘Minimum Threshold’ scheme – An option, which could be applied across all working age CTS recipients.This would effectively ‘ignore’ any change in circumstances which affects weekly CTS entitlement by less than £4.00. This would reduce the need for customers to contact the Revenue and Benefits Office, or Customer Services, to query their change to entitlement/new Council Tax bill.