June 2021 Minutes
Cllr Nigel Sardeson - Chairman
Cllr Andrew Watson - Vice Chairman
Cllr Paul Burns
Cllr Ami Clarke
Cllr Martin Ott
Cllr Annabel Battle
Andrea Riggall - Clerk
Bob Spence - Responsible Financial Officer
In attendance:
Cllr Ian Carrington – Lincolnshire County Council
Welcome and apologies
The Chair welcomed all in attendance.
Apologies were received from Cllr Foster and from the representatives from North Kesteven District Council; Cllr Cucksey and Cllr Lundgren.
Declarations of pecuniary interest
Cllr Clarke declared an interest in planning application 21/0753/FUL, 9 Moor lane |
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Reports received from representatives of outside bodies
LCC matters: Cllr Carrington brought to the Parish Councils attention the plans for business economic recovery to follow the easing of lockdown. LCC are active members of the Lincolnshire Enterprise Partnership. Several events are currently taking place which give advice and guidance to local businesses.
LCC have been put forward for a national award for their children’s services work.
National carers week has taken place, lockdown has highlighted the importance of carers. LCC has systems and support in place, if anyone needs these services information can be found on the website or by contacting Cllr Carrington directly.
A wellbeing survey is taking place, responses from all would be beneficial, but particularly those with extra and additional needs. Another survey taking place is for women’s services.
Heritage sites are beginning to reopen. This is a gradual process ensuring government guidelines are followed. Full service should return on 19th July when almost all restrictions should end.
It has been identified that subcontractors working at the development off Moor Lane have been parking inappropriately. This has been escalated with Lindum and it is now hoped that the situation has been resolved.
NKDC Matters: Cllr Lundgren: Please see attached Appendix 1.
Cllr Cucksey: Please see attached Appendix 2.
Police crime report: April 2021: No crimes reported May 2021. 1 report of violence or sexual offences on Queensway, this is currently under investigation. 3 crimes reported on Fosters Gardens: 1 of anti-social behaviour and 2 violence or sexual offences. All have been recorded as unable to prosecute.
The continuing issue with reported crimes was discussed further. The clerk will contact Maisie McMahon the area representative from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to see if she is able to attend any future meetings.
Youths are still causing issues around the village, this includes being seen in private driveways, dangerous riding of bikes and smashed glass bottles repeatedly found in the playpark. Cllr Carrington suggested contacting the anti-social behaviour team at NKDC. The clerk will make contact and highlight concerns.
Public Open Forum
The beer festival has been arranged for Saturday 4 September
A letter was received regarding concerns relating to planning application 21/0753/FUL 9 Moor Lane and the negative impact on a nearby property. It was noted that the application appears to have changed since the last notification and may no longer be as demonstrated to the Parish Council.
To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 24 May 2021 are approved as the Minutes
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 24 May 2021 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman. |
Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
Due to current restrictions the Annual Parish meeting has been postponed again; it is hoped that it will now take place in September when all remaining restrictions should be lifted.
The defibrillator at The Park has been showing a fault, this has now been repaired and is in good working order.
The clerk has been in contact with NKDC regarding the possible addition of a defibrillator to the new development off Moor Lane. It is hoped that the contractor would welcome the opportunity to work together on this. This will be followed up by Cllr Watson and the clerk.
The Queens Platinum Jubilee is due to take place next June. There will be an extra bank holiday and the May bank holiday will be moved to Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June. Communities are being encouraged to take part in the big Jubilee lunch which will take place on Sunday 5 June. It is hoped that a community group will be able to lead this with some support from the Parish Council. This will be promoted prior to the Annual Parish meeting, then discussed further.
Correspondence received A phone call has been received regarding concerns about the state of the edging around the village sign in the centre of the village. Cllr Sardeson will look into this further.
An email has been received regarding concerns about the number of heavy goods vehicles travelling through the village. Suggestions have been made for diverting the traffic. This was discussed and Cllr Carrington added that it may be possible to do a traffic survey later in the year.
History Project update
Cllr Ott has meet with someone who is in possession of historical items relating to Potterhanworth, these have now been added to the Potterhanworth research collection.
The texts for the signposts are almost ready. A decision from the National lottery fund is expected in September, it is then hoped that production can begin. |
Flagpole update
The flagpole group met recently, which proved to be successful. Several questions were raised around where the flagpole should be, and which flags would be appropriate. It was agreed that a Saltire, St Georges cross, Lincolnshire flag and a Union flag would be the most suitable. The Church offered to fund the Saltire and a Parishioner offered to fund the Union flag. Work will now be done to assess the Church and its existing fittings; it is hoped that a local structural engineer may be able to assist.
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Pavilion and playing field
Nothing currently to report |
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Planning Applications received since last meeting
21/0769/HOUS Field House Moor Lane -Alterations to dwelling and erection of new detached garage. This will be considered further by the Parish councillors a decision will then be made.
21/0753/FUL 9 Moor Lane -Proposed Alterations to driveway, vehicle access and fencing. The Parish Council were unable to discuss this application as the plans have changed since notification was received.
21/0711/HOUS Holly Tree Farm Plough Hill -Demolition of conservatory, erection of a single storey extension and double garage. This was discussed by the Parish councillors and no objections were made
Decision notice 21/0387/HOUS The Stables Barff Road -Erection of a single storey rear extension -Approved
21/0556/HOUS & 21/0557/LBC Gingerbread House, The Green -Erection of a single storey rear extension - Approved
The Parish council discussed the issue of planning applications which are received in-between meetings. The possibility of a planning subcommittee was then considered. The clerk will contact LALC regarding the requirement to give 3 clear days’ notice before a planning application can be discussed.
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Monthly Risk Assessment
The clerk confirmed that the current restrictions allow the full Parish Council plus up to 6 members of the general public to attend Parish meetings. |
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June 2021 All Payments total = £1,181.46 Balance total = £27,442.08 NS & I balance = £13,161.13
The audit information has been sent to the auditors. Information from this will be displayed on the noticeboards and website.
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Any Other Business
It is hoped that the playpark committee will soon be reformed. Cllr Clarke will promote this on Facebook. |
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Date and time of next meeting Monday 26 July 2021, 7:00pm |
Appendix 1. Cllr Lundgren. NKDC report 2021
District Report – June 2021
There’s not a lot to report from NK this month. The focus seems to be on providing services as the COVID restrictions are slowly lifted but hopefully all NK services will continue seamlessly from the residents point of view. A limited number of necessary meetings are going ahead with councillors meeting in person. One meeting is the planning committee meeting on Tuesday and I have called in the Hanworth Park application to vary the occupancy conditions. As you know the previous application to vary the conditions was refused but the applicant has provided more information with relation to the business case which the planning committee will be considering. Your chairman has kindly offered to attend to represent the parish council and there will be an objector as well.
I have had some comments about the contractors vehicles parking near the Lindum site. As we know building contractors come with an umbilical cord connecting them to their vans and getting them to park considerately is always a challenge. Hopefully the situation is improving.
If there is anything else of concern or nothing I can help with please contact me and I’ll be happy to help.
Appendix 2. Cllr Cucksey. NKDC report 2021
District Report – June 2021
District Report for June
Twin Stream Recycling Collection
It was approved by the Executive Board at their last meeting for the introduction of a district-wide twin stream recycling collection and to expand current separate kerbside paper and card collections to remaining households within the North Kesteven district. The council had agreed to Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy and members will work together to protect the environment by delivering sustainable waste management services and establish best value waste management for the benefit of Lincolnshire. The framework has been carried forward in the Environment Bill 2020 currently making its way through Parliament. Councils will be expected to collect quality recycling, and make separate food waste collections. Currently, the quality of Lincolnshire’s recycling is poor, with around 30% of recycling collected countywide classed as `contaminated’. The rate of contamination in North Kesteven District’s Council’s recyclate in recent months averages around 30% despite local campaigns to help clarify which items should be placed in which bin.
The Empty Homes Policy has been approved and Its purpose is to set out the Council’s position on bringing empty homes back into use and the various approaches that are taken depending on the individual circumstances empty homes present. North Kesteven District Council recognises the importance of bringing empty properties back into use and is committed to this objective. The policy is intended to provide guidance to the general public on the work in returning empty homes back into use. In May this year in North Kesteven, there were 795 empty private sector homes of which 409 dwellings were classed as long-term privately-owned empty homes (over 6mths) of which 101 empty homes over 2 years or more.
Face to Face Presences
Since the closure of the face-to-face service at Sleaford and North Hykeham in early 2020, due to the pandemic, there has been a considerable, albeit forced shift away from face-to-face engagement. Customers have been able to undertake all other transactions over the phone or online dependent on their preference. If after speaking with a Council colleague the customers have been unable to resolve their issue or complete their transaction, they have been able to book a Covid Secure appointment at Sleaford. Changes to face-to-face opening hours are to be provided from both Kesteven Street, Sleaford, Sleaford Office (9:00 – 17:00, Monday to Wednesday) and the North Hykeham Info link (9:00 – 16:30 on Fridays) for a 6-month trial.
Council Tax For the financial year 2020/21, in-year collection for North Kesteven is down by 1.43% compared to 2019/20. Due to the financial impacts of Covid-19 on residents’ incomes, officers have been allowing deferrals of payments in relevant circumstances, although this means that these deferred monies will still need to be collected – however over an extended period.
A brief look at Numbers for NK district 4th Quarter 2020/21 Recorded Crime Data as of the year-end, September 2020, revealed that 4,855 crimes were committed in North Kesteven. 397 crimes less than in the previous year (5,252). Out of the 4,855 crimes that were committed in 2020, the highest numbers of crimes were: violence against the person (42%) and theft offences (28%). Yet, the theft offences have also seen the highest decrease in offences during 2020 out of all recorded crime types, (by 273). 68.2% of adults are classified as overweight or obese as of 2018/19 (England, 62.3%)
NK’s Housing Waiting List 2010-2020 The number of households on NK’s housing waiting list has risen from 1,671 in April 2019 to 1,946 in April 2020.