February 2022 Minutes





Cllr Nigel Sardeson – Chairman

Cllr Paul Burns

Cllr Nick Foster

Cllr Martin Ott                                          

Cllr Ami Clarke     

Cllr Annabel Battle                                                              

Andrea Riggall – Parish Clerk

Bob Spence – Responsible Financial Officer


In attendance:

Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council

Cllr Peter Lundgren -North Kesteven District Council

Cllr Ian Carrington -Lincolnshire County Council

Representative from OnLincolnshire

1 member of the public                                           








Welcome and apologies

The Chair welcomed all in attendance.

Apologies were received from Cllr Andy Watson




Declarations of pecuniary interest



























Reports received from representatives of outside bodies

NKDC Matters:

Cllr Lundgren: Budget setting is currently taking place. The District Council appears to be in good financial health given the last few years. Services remain secure and the Council is able to provide 3 x £1 million-pound projects; climate change action plan, Covid recovery and improving thermal efficiency of some Council housing stock. The local plan is going through its final stages and a consultation is expected in mid-March.

Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 1.

LCC Matters:

Cllr Carrington: The County Council budget has now been set. There is a 3% increase entirely devoted to adult social care and 2% for other services. The Government has set targets for improving social care and particularly for those leaving hospital who can continue their recuperation without being in a clinical setting. The 2% is to continue to invest in services. The Government has cut 25% from the rural roads scheme, but LCC have taken this from reserves for 2 consecutive year, although this is not sustainable in the long term.

There is a new fund to support those who have been affected by flooding, expertise and funding may be available to those in need.

The transport strategy has been published and can be viewed. Cllr Carrington met with Cllr Sardeson and a highways officer to walk around the village looking at areas requiring improvement. The highways officer will now investigate this further.

Following the fatal accident on Bardney Causeway County councillors have visited the site but no further details can be given until information is received from Lincolnshire Police accident investigators.

The Local plan is a partnership between North Kesteven District Council, City of Lincoln council and West Lindsey. There is now an authorised draft and there will be a consultation which will begin in March.

Cllr Ott and Cllr Foster raised the question of cycle paths both between Potterhanworth and Nocton and between Potterhanworth and Branston. Cllr Carrington will look further into this.

Cllr Foster thanked those involved for improving the pathway on Queensway.

Police crime report:



A representative from OnLincolnshire was invited by Cllr Clarke to attend the meeting with regards to the possibility of adding WiFi to the Pavilion. They spoke about different options for obtaining full fibre broadband to the village. Some areas of the Parish have full fibre but other areas do not. Project Gigabit has been launched by the Government and aims to reach remote homes and businesses. Cllr Foster spoke about previous issues with internet access at Potterhanworth Booths and Quickline grants were discussed.










Public Open Forum

A member of the public was in attendance and requested an update on the village sign which is currently missing from the centre of the village. Cllr Ott explained that the wooden edging has now been replaced and a conservator will be repairing the artwork. The deadline is the end of April it should be back in place before the Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June.









To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 31 January 2022 are approved as the Minutes

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2022 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.











Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding

Cllr Lundgren provided an update on the member of public who enquired about housing in the village at the last meeting. They are now in contact with the right people at NKDC and hope to be moving in the right direction.

The clerk spoke about the improvements to the footway on Queensway and also the new trees which have been provided by the Treescape scheme and have been planted on Queensway, Main Road and The Park.

Information has been posted on Potter Spotted regarding the cost of the repairs to the bus shelter and parents of those responsible have been invited to come forward and contribute to the costs. Nobody has come forward yet.













Correspondence received

An email as been received regarding proposals to changes to Constituency boundaries; this has now been forwarded to all Parish Councillors.

Bardney Parish Clerk has been in contact regarding the Causeway. Any further correspondence regarding the road will be shared between all local Parish Councils.

Correspondence has been received regarding a suggestion to create red, white & blue bunting to add around the village for the Platinum Jubilee. Cllr Clarke will contact the school to see if they could help.











Parish Grants

Two grants have been received from the Church and the football team The Church have submitted an alternative grant request asking for money towards upkeep of the churchyard. The football team have applied for a grant for new equipment and a football kit. It was agreed that £500 would be given to the Church and £350 to the football team.









Grass cutting

The clerk met with a representative from Continental landscapes following suggested changes to the current programme. It was suggested that the grass directly in front of the church and the area of the orchard are no longer cut. It was also suggested that areas in the centre of the village near the war memorial and bus shelter are cut instead. The actual price would only increase by £8.90 per cut. This was discussed amongst the Councillors and agreed by all those present.









Community orchard & tree planting

Trees were planted on Sunday 6th February, with the help of volunteers. Wildflowers and bulbs will be added. Cllr Clarke will contact the school to ask if they would like to get involved.












History group & interpretation boards

Cllr Ott gave an update. The company with the best quote, DAB graphics, was chosen to produce the signs. The text information is now with the sign company.

Due to limitations with the website currently used by the Parish Council an alternative website has been considered for development. Individuals with website design skills in the village have offered to help and have found that this would cost about £25 per year. In the future it may be possible to transfer other Parish information on to there. This was discussed and agreed by the Parish Councillors.







Platinum Jubilee

Jubilee leaflets have now been distributed around the village. The Culfrey Trust have kindly offered to sponsor some of the events. Insurance for the celebration was discussed, it is believed that celebrations involving less than 500 people at any one time will be covered by the existing Parish council insurance. This will be checked and confirmed by the Clerk and RFO.

Cllr Ott has been gathering photographs for the celebration.  There are different options for displaying them including display boards and producing booklets.




Planning Applications received since last meeting

22/0254/HOUS & 22/0132/LBC The Old Farmhouse, The Green - Alterations to existing outbuildings to include replacement cladding, new openings and replacement windows/doors. This was discussed by the Parish councillors and no objections were made.








Monthly Risk Assessment

Insurance for Platinum Jubilee celebrations and any other village events needs to be in place.












Finance & budget setting

February 2022

All Payments total = £4,384.66

Balance total = £22,524.24

NS & I balance = £13,162.45

The contract for electricity will be ending soon, after comparing prices British Gas continues to be the cheapest option. It is possible to tie in for a further 3 years with a £300 increase per year. Due to the current market uncertainty, it was agreed that this was a reasonable quotation.














Any Other Business

A village litter pick will be arranged sometime in April.

Cllr Clarke spoke about parking issues on Moor Lane near the new housing development. Cllr Carrington believes the work is due to end either at the end of March or the beginning of April.

The Clerk spoke about 30mph signs, Cllr Foster will look further into replacing the damaged signs.

The Clerk spoke about the plans to recoat the benches in the village, particularly the bench near the War Memorial. Cllr Foster will look further into this.









Date and time of next meeting           Monday 28 March 2022, 7:00pm




Appendix 1. Cllr. Ray Cucksey – January 2022 NKDC District Report

District Report:

Homeless Strategy                                                                                                                                                                              

The Executive Board agreed to endorse the Lincolnshire Homelessness Strategy 2017-2021 for a further 12 months to comply with statutory requirements and allow time for a comprehensive review to be completed. This will be carried out by the seven local authority areas in Lincolnshire (Boston, Lincoln, East Lindsey, South Kesteven, North Kesteven, South Holland, and West Lindsey). The purpose of the review is to establish the current level of homelessness across the county, to identify what is currently being done and by whom, and to identify what level of resources are available to prevent and tackle homelessness in the future.

Knife Crime Project                                                                                                                                                                             

The project aims to educate young people around the pressures, risks, consequences, and impact of knife and weapon-based offending. This project is being coordinated, managed, and delivered by Lincolnshire police. There is presently no project of this nature available in the county, and data suggest that there is an increase in young people being referred to agencies regarding knife crime. It is a Countywide programme, and in no way reflects any additional concern around knife and weapon crimes in our area. It is being located here as there are the facilities available to allow this project to be delivered in the format being proposed.


Sport and Physical Activity Strategy                                                                                                                                                 

In 2016, the Council developed a clear vision for sport and physical activity in North Kesteven which was consistent with national policy. ‘Inspiring everyone to be more active, more often’. The strategy was underpinned by a set of priority outcomes:

· Addressing obesity and risk of diabetes and heart disease by inspiring everyone to be more active, more often. ​

· Engaging with specific groups and localities to expand the number of people involved and to increase the frequency they participate in physical activity.

· Improving community cohesion through sport and physical activity.

· Delivering a positive customer experience. 1.3 The Strategy was well received and has been a useful document, clearly setting out the Council’s position on promoting sport and physical activity when engaging with stakeholders, partners, and the general public.

We recognise that physical and mental health are a result of a complex and adaptive local system, and we cannot achieve real and lasting change alone. This strategy acts as a reset and provides the direction of travel, but real change is reliant on the development of clear and measurable strategic action plans.


General Fund Budget                                                                                                                                                                   

A General Fund Net Revenue Budget of £15,815,200 is being recommended for 2022/23 and it had been secured within the funding available. Business Rates represents the biggest financial risk faced by the Council. Detailed work to model income trends including growth and potential business rate appeals has been undertaken as part of the budget setting process. Furthermore, monitoring of the actual business rates position is performed monthly throughout the year.