March 2022 Minutes





Cllr Nigel Sardeson – Chairman

Cllr Paul Burns

Cllr Martin Ott                                          

Cllr Ami Clarke     

Cllr Annabel Battle                                                              

Andrea Riggall – Parish Clerk

Bob Spence – Responsible Financial Officer

In attendance:

Cllr Ian Carrington -Lincolnshire County Council                                                











Welcome and apologies


The Chair welcomed all in attendance.


Apologies were received from Cllr Andy Watson, Cllr Nick Foster,

Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council, Cllr Peter Lundgren -North

Kesteven District Council







Declarations of pecuniary interest


Cllr Battle declared an interest as the Treasurer of Christs Hospital Endowment in relation to agenda item 9.






























Reports received from representatives of outside bodies


NKDC Matters:

Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 1.


Cllr Lundgren. Please see attached Appendix 2.


LCC Matters:

Cllr Carrington: At the next executive board meeting the proposal for the last stage of the Lincoln ring road will be up for approval. If approved Balfour Beatty would be the lead contractor. Planning permission is expected in 2023. Construction would start in 2025 with the target end date of 2028.

Children’s’ and young person’s mental health. There is a new joint agreement between the Lincolnshire Clinical commissioning groups and the County Council. Work is being done and a review is taking place with regards to how this is delivered.

For the third quarter of 2021 2451 potholes were reported by the public to LCC and 14260 potholes were filled in.

People from Ukraine will be coming to Lincolnshire. LCC along with district councils are involved with the family scheme. A variety of services will be needed to support them and LCC will be leading on this.

The pandemic is still with us, LCC continues to play a leading role in the Lincolnshire Resilience forum. Agencies continue to work together.


Police crime report:

8 Crimes reported in January: 3 on or near Main Road, 2 of violence of sexual offences & 1 other crime. 3 on or near Fosters Gardens, 2 of criminal damage or arson & 1 of violence or sexual offences. 2 on or near Queensway, 1 of criminal damage or arson & 1 of violence or sexual offences.












Public Open Forum













To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 28 February 2022 are approved as the Minutes


It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 February 2022 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.






















Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding


Following a vote, the 30th April was chosen as the date for a litter pick, but this is the bank holiday weekend, 7th May was agreed as an alternative date. This will be promoted by the Clerk on Facebook. NKDC can provide bin bags and collect the waste afterwards, but now have very few litter pickers. It was agreed that the Parish Council will purchase own litter pickers, the RFO will source and purchase.


Bardney Parish clerk has been in contact regarding a letter from LCC about planned road improvement works on Bardney causeway. A date has not yet been given for these works.


The Parish Council insurance will cover Platinum jubilee events for up to 500 people at any one time.














































Correspondence received


An email was received from a resident on The Park regarding trailers/motorhomes/caravans parked on driveways, tip rubbish outside properties & rules on changing property facades without planning permission. This was discussed with Parish Councillors and Cllr Carrington. The clerk will contact the resident.


The clerk received a phone call from a concerned Barff Road resident. Issues raised included cars parked on the road in the centre of the village, by the village sign. Other vehicles and residents with reduced mobility are unable to get around the vehicles. Councillors will monitor the situation and contact those involved if possible.

The state of the roads around the village and the footpath on Barff Road were also raised. The Parish council will continue to raise any problems with the road to LCC, the potholes on Middle Street were discussed and this will be raised again. The footpath on Barff Road is currently concrete and it is hoped that this will be replaced, as has been done on Queensway.


An email has been received regarding the defibrillator on the side of the bus shelter and the lack of paediatric defibrillator pads. This unit is managed and maintained by EMAS.


No further information has been received on a new defibrillator which was offered by the developer of Windmill Gardens. The clerk will follow this up with NKDC. It was also discussed whether a new unit could replace the old one on the Pavilion, if it is not possible to locate it on the new development.


Consent was needed for the new interpretation boards which will be located on highways land, this has now been approved.

































Central Lincolnshire Local plan review


The Parish Councillors discussed the plan. Proposed sites for development include Battles yard and a small amount of windfall land, but other land previously proposed for development no longer appears to be included. Larger villages such as Branston & Metheringham have more land proposed for development.  Landowners can contact Strategic Housing Land Area Assessment (SHLAA) if potential housing land is available. This is the 5 year review plan and is likely to be adopted at some point in 2023. The plan will then run through to around 2036, but 5 year reviews will continue to take place.













Memorial Hall


Availability of the Memorial hall was discussed, the Parish council chairman will meet with the Chairman of the Christs Hospital committee to discuss this further. The hall is used in the daytime on weekdays during term time by the school, but the committee is keen for it to be used by outside parties outside of these times.



















Pavilion Committee & community orchard


Cllr Clarke has spoken with the Chairman of the Pavilion committee regarding potential Wi-Fi and discussed whether there is enough need for this service. Cllr Battle spoke about the option of now being able to hold hybrid Parish meetings. The need for Wi-Fi was discussed further, Cllr Clarke & the RFO will look further into potential costs.


The wildflower seeds have now been sown at the orchard. The grass is no longer being cut by Continental and options for how the grass in the orchard area will be maintained were discussed.















History group & interpretation boards


The first drafts for the boards have been produced and were shared with the Councillors. Cllr Ott explained about what will be on each sign, including the double sign which will be in the centre of the village. The Heritage fund logo will be included in each panel, as they provided the funding. QR codes will be included in the signs and will be linked to the new website. The website has been created but is not yet operational.









Platinum Jubilee


The jubilee group continues to meet, and plans continue to develop. It was discussed whether parishioners of Nocton should also be invited. Nocton have tea on the green planned. Potterhanworth events will span over the 4 day long bank holiday weekend.






Planning Applications received since last meeting












Monthly Risk Assessment


The playpark inspection has taken place, there are some minor issues but nothing requiring immediate action.














March 2022

All Payments total = £2,307.36

Balance total = £20,255.91

NS & I balance = £13,162.45


Cllr Battle raised the staff wages, due to the increased cost of living. The cleaner’s wages will rise in line with the national living wage. The Clerk and RFO are paid in line with LALC guidance.














Any Other Business


Cllr Foster is still working on the coating for the benches in the village and has been in contact with a local company.







Date and time of next meeting           Monday 25 April 2022, 7:00pm




Appendix 1. Cllr. Ray Cucksey – March 2022 NKDC District Report

District Report

The full council recently approved the Corporate Plan for North Kesteven (NK Plan 2022-2025). It ensured the Council’s 2030 Community Strategy, the NK Plan 2022-2025 should retain its five priorities, namely, Communities, Council, Economy, Environment and Homes.  


The NK Plan’s recent annual review has been supported by significant resident survey responses alongside consultations with a range of other stakeholder groups. Despite the challenges of Covid a significant resident response was still achieved as part of last year’s development cycle supporting the changes made within the NK Plan’s priorities and ambitions in terms of tackling climate change and recovering from the impacts of Covid-19. 
The NK Plan had been based upon a concept of a “green thread” ensuring that climate action was built into all service areas, key projects, and investment activity. This included housing investment programmes, the delivery of an ecologically conscious development at Sleaford Moor, and the allocation of funds for the Council’s tree strategy. Increased costs had been incurred because of the COVID pandemic but funds had been allocated to maintain resilience in service delivery and planning. The Council was committed to advancing plans to stimulate economic recovery. The Council over the past several years focused on the main challenges related to the local economy, housing needs, community support, and infrastructure planning and delivery. 

General Fund 
The gross expenditure budget of £54,327,000 less gross income of £38,511,800 giving the net General Fund budget requirement for 2022/23 of £15,815,200, was approved.

Approval was given for a £4.95 (2.84%) increase in Council Tax for 2022/23.


Constitution & Governance Arrangements 

It was approved by the full council to amend the structure of the Planning Committee by dissolving the two current Planning Sub Committees and the Planning Committee and replacing them with a single Planning Committee comprising of 15 members. The new committee will take effect from the Annual Council, 2022, and will meet every three weeks (unless not required) and these arrangements will be reviewed in 12 months. The changes were one of the recommendations of the Peer Review for a reduction in the Committee size of the Planning Committee. Currently, all 43 Members of the Council sat on the Planning Committee which they considered being a highly unusual arrangement and of the view that it made the planning process difficult to manage and absorbed significant Member capacity. Planning represented a significant investment in time and resources, requiring detailed coordination in terms of planning, legal and democratic services advice. It had therefore been concluded that a more streamlined process, where Members had specific roles and could add value to the decision-making process, should be introduced. A benchmarking exercise of the arrangements in other Lincolnshire local authorities had been undertaken which had shown all operated a single Planning Committee comprising between 23% and 43% of the Council membership.




Appendix 2. Cllr. Peter Lundgren – March 2022 NKDC District Report

On district council matters NKDC has been shortlisted for the national LGC council awards, one of just five councils shortlisted with the winner announced later this year.

But District council matters seem to have been overtaken by international events and I’ve attached below some information about the NKDC response in support of Ukrainian refugees and a community fund that has been set up to help those fleeing the war in Ukraine access services and other needs.

If I can be of any assistance please contact me.

Keep well


Lincolnshire's councils and partners are working together at pace to prepare to welcome Ukrainian refugees as part of Phase 1 of the Homes for Ukraine scheme. Please do share the following information with your communities.

While we await more detail on how the resettlement scheme will be applied, this hasn’t stopped teams around the county joining up to develop plans and put in place effective partnership arrangements to oversee the local response.

The initial focus is on providing links to local services, developing local donations and appropriate property and safeguarding checks.

Meanwhile, while waiting on refugee arrivals, a structure has been set up by the Wellbeing Lincs service to offer advice and signpost to services, and a community fund is in place dedicated to helping those arriving in Lincolnshire to meet specific costs and needs.

Wellbeing Lincs can be accessed by Ukrainian arrivals or their hosts to ensure connections are made for all the advice and support they need, as well as statutory services such as healthcare, education, benefits and council services. Initial contact by email is preferred to: or call on 01507 613044between 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday; 10am to 4:30 pm Fridays.

The first of its kind in the country, the Lincolnshire Community Foundation ( offers a mechanism for everyone to contribute to the Lincolnshire welcome. Every penny received will go towards helping people who come to Lincolnshire for resettlement, helping the new arrivals to access transport, broadband and digital resources, access to leisure facilities, vouchers for toys, etc.

For further information on Lincolnshire’s response to this crisis, including donations please see Lincolnshire Ukraine response