January 2022 Minutes
Cllr Nigel Sardeson – Chairman
Cllr Nick Foster
Cllr Martin Ott
Cllr Ami Clarke
Cllr Annabel Battle
Andrea Riggall – Parish Clerk
In attendance:
Cllr Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council
PC Matt Roberts
PCSO Sarah Lingard
1 member of the public
Welcome and apologies
The Chair welcomed all in attendance.
Apologies were received from Cllr Andy Watson, Cllr Burns, Cllr Lundgren, Cllr Carrington and Bob Spence.
Declarations of pecuniary interest
None |
Reports received from representatives of outside bodies
NKDC Matters: Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 1.
Police crime report: November 2021: 8 crimes reported; 1 of violence & sexual offences on The Park, 3 crimes on or near Barff Road relating to anti-social behaviour, criminal damage & arson and a vehicle crime. 2 crimes on Queensway relating to anti-social behaviour and burglary. 2 crimes on Fosters Gardens relating to criminal damage & arson and vehicle crime. December 2021: 3 crimes reported; 1 vehicle crime on Cross Street, 1 report of violence & sexual offences on Queensway and 1 report of anti-social behaviour on Fosters Gardens
PC Matt Roberts spoke about the different crimes reported in Potterhanworth and how they are allocated to police officers. PC Roberts then talked about the vehicle crime and its connections to Northamptonshire. The burglary on Queensway was discussed and all involved have been identified. Following the spate of anti-social behaviour from youths in the village, most young people and their parents/guardians have now been spoken to about their conduct. The damage to the bus shelter was discussed and the 3 youths involved have all been spoken to, when the incident occurred it was reported as damage, but a criminal complaint was not made by the Parish Council. No restorative justice or request for payment can be made without an official complaint being made. Cllr Ott asked whether it would be acceptable for the Parish Council to approach the families of those involved and ask for payment. As none have admitted causing the damage and no official complaint this would prove difficult. If any further incidents occur the Parish Council will file a criminal complaint in order for further action to be taken.
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Public Open Forum
A member of the public was in attendance and requested an update on the new social housing which is being built off Moor Lane. Cllr Cucksey spoke to them individually and also to those in attendance giving a background on the development and how people are prioritised for the properties. The clerk has spoken to the builders and it was initially hoped that the properties would be completed in March, but due to challenging building conditions this has been delayed.
Nocton Cricket club are looking for new members for their new session. Residents of Nocton and all surrounding villages, including Potterhanworth, are welcome.
To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 are approved as the Minutes
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2021 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.
Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
Radial joinery has provided a quote to replace the wooden frame on the village sign along with a further quote for the re-painting of the sign. This was discussed, but due to the cost further quotes will be gathered before a decision is made.
A parking warden has been present recently to monitor the parking within the school safety zone.
Cllr Clarke has spoken with the Pavilion committee regarding potentially adding Wi-Fi. As this may be useful for the CCTV, this is now being considered further. Cllr Clarke has been in contact with OnLincolnshire regarding funding, a groundwork investigation needs to take place before a quote can be given.
Cllr Clarke spoke about the survey which was sent out to parents at the school regarding the playpark. Cllr Watson is looking into potential funding options. |
Correspondence received
Bardney Parish clerk has been in contact regarding Bardney causeway. Bardney Parish Council would like to work with Potterhanworth and Branston to press LCC for improvements to the road or a reduction in speed to 40mph. |
Parish Grants
One Parish grant request has been received from the Church requesting £500 towards new heating inside the church. Due to the Local Government Act 1894 local authorities are not prohibited from awarding funding to churches. Grants can only be given to groups that support the whole community.
Further time will be allowed for more grants to be received.
Grass cutting
A quote has been received from Continental landscapes for the next 3-year grass cutting contract. There has been a slight increase in all areas. The Parish council discussed this contract, which was agreed in principle, but some changes may be needed. Some areas no longer need cutting but other could be included in future. The clerk will contact Continental to discuss this further.
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Community orchard & tree planting
Planting of the trees will take place on Sunday 6th February. Several members of the public have offered to help. Flower seeds will then be sown in early spring. |
History group & interpretation boards
Cllr Ott reported that a National Lottery grant has been awarded for the interpretation boards and community activities. Texts and photographs are now being finalised and it is hoped that they will be unveiled in June.
Residents of Potterhanworth have been invited to shared photos relating to the village over the past 70 years, this will then form part of commemorative booklet.
Cllr Ott commented on the positive impact of the jubilee planning committee. Different people and groups are working well together to make a positive contribution to the village.
Planning Applications received since last meeting
22/0034/HOUS Cherry Tree House Moor Lane Potterhanworth -Installation of Air Source Heat Pump to rear elevation of property. This was discussed by the Parish councillors and no objections were made.
Monthly Risk Assessment
None |
Finance & budget setting
January 2022 All Payments total = £2,122.15 Balance total = £26,389.40 NS & I balance = £13,161.13
Following a budget meeting a 0% budget increase was decided. This was confirmed and agreed by Parish councillors present.
Any Other Business
None |
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Date and time of next meeting Monday 28 February 2022, 7:00pm |
Appendix 1. Cllr. Ray Cucksey – January 2022 NKDC District Report
The Council agreed at their meeting on 27th January for no changes to the core Council Tax Support scheme for 2022/23. The Council is required to review their current Council Tax Support (CTS) scheme. The proposals and recommendations sought to ensure the Council has a robust review of its current scheme and understands the implications of adopting a new scheme. Covid-19 had an impact on the amount of CTS awarded, with significant increases in caseload and cost of the scheme.
The Exceptional Hardship Payments (EHP) provided financial support to those who had been disproportionately affected by the changes made in 2022 to the CTS Scheme. The cost of EHP is borne solely by the Council and as at 31st August 2021, a total of £5,894 had been awarded in 2021/22 financial year.
The Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy 2022/23 to 2024/25 sets out the framework for a general increase in the Council’s discretionary fees and charges of 5%. A detailed review had been undertaken resulting in a more appropriate fee recommendation for each income stream, rather than a blanket increase.
The Council approved the fees and charges 2022/23.
- Car Parking Fees for 2022/23 are being frozen at 2021/22 rates.
- Garden Waste collection charges to increase from £35 to £40 from 2022/23 due to increase in costs to deliver the service. The Garden Waste collection fee is reviewed annually with the aim of achieving cost recovery over a rolling 5-year period. The cost of raw materials had continued to rise and the increase reflects this impact.
- Refuse Collection Large Bulky items (including electrical): 1-3 items remains the same at £30
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Dwelling Rents for 2022/23 will be increased by 4.1%. The Council is mindful that the last 18mths have been difficult and continues to be difficult for many of our tenants. Other options for rent setting have been considered. However, given the priorities agreed by tenants, the need for more energy efficient homes, drive to achieve carbon neutral and the general increase in cost of contracts and components, all options other than the maximum permitted within regulation would in fact mean a reduction in funding and budgets available, and in turn difficult decisions in the near future on service delivery. Rents of social housing in England was reduced by 1% a year for 4 years from a frozen 2015-16 baseline. An increase of 4.1% ensures that we are working within regulation and enables us to fund the priorities in accordance with our current HRA Business Plan. It is important to note the range of practical and financial assistance the Council has in place to assist with tenants struggling financially:
· Discretionary Housing Payments
· Homeless Prevention Payments
· Transfer Incentive Scheme
· Money Advise Service
· Domestic Energy Officer
· Tenancy Sustainment Officers
Dwelling rent levels are calculated in accordance with the Government’s requirement for Councils to set ‘Formula rent’ per the Rent Standard 2020 Guidance. The Council continues to provide practical and financial assistance to tenants who require support. In addition, garages would see a 1.5% increase.
The Peer Report highlights the Council’s IIP (Investment in People) achievements to date and expresses confidence in the Council’s ability to take this beyond the current gold standard award. Equally the focus on colleague wellbeing is highlighted by the Peers. The improvement opportunities are recognised particularly in terms of succession planning, with HR due to lead on this specific area within the Council’s Action Plan.