April 2022 Minutes





Cllr Nigel Sardeson – Chairman

Cllr Paul Burns

Cllr Nick Foster

Cllr Martin Ott                                          

Cllr Ami Clarke     

Cllr Annabel Battle                                                             

Andrea Riggall – Parish Clerk

In attendance:

Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council          

Chairman of Pavilion committee                           











Welcome and apologies


The Chair welcomed all in attendance.

Apologies were received from RFO Bob Spence.Cllr Ian Carrington -Lincolnshire County Council, Cllr Peter Lundgren -North Kesteven District Council







Declarations of pecuniary interest


Cllr Battle declared an interest in planning application 21/0258/FUL Land Between Station Road and Cross Street















Reports received from representatives of outside bodies


NKDC Matters:

Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 1.


Cllr Lundgren. Please see attached Appendix 2.


Police crime report:

2 Crimes reported in February: 1 on or near Main Road of violence or sexual offences, 1 on or near Fosters Gardens of a public order offence











Public Open Forum













To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 28 March 2022 are approved as the Minutes


It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2022 be approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.




















Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding


The Annual litter pick will take place at 10am on Saturday 7th May. The Clerk will promote this event. The RFO has purchased litter pickers, due to NKDC shortages. NKDC will provide bin bags and will collect the following Monday.


The Annual Parish meeting will take place at 7pm on Monday 16th May. Several representatives from Parish groups have responded. The Jubilee committee and the History group will also provide an update on activities.


The potholes on Middle Street were going to be reported. The Clerk and Chairman will follow up on this. The parking issue in the centre of the village, near the village sign appears to have been resolved.



















Correspondence received


None received.










Notice of vacancy in office of Parish Councillor due to resignation of Andrew Watson


Notice has been given of the vacancy. If a request for an election is made by 10 electors an election will be held within sixty days. If no such requests are made the vacancy can then be filled through co-option.

The Vice-Chairman vacancy will need to be filled. It was agreed that this will be decided at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council to take place on Monday 23rd May.




























Pavilion Committee & Community orchard


Three further trees have been planted in the orchard. This year has, so far, been particularly dry. Some of the trees planted around the village have not survived, the remaining trees will need to be watered.


Cllr Clarke gave a further report on the potential addition of Wi-Fi to the Pavilion. Three quotes will be received, the Parish Council will then consider the quotes in more detail. The Chairman of the Pavilion committee requested further details on why Wi-Fi is being considered by the Parish Council. Reasons for and against were discussed in detail. Once all quotes have been received and security has been taken into consideration, a decision will then be made.


The grass in the centre of the village is now being cut by Continental. It was highlighted that the grass should all be cut to look neat before the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The clerk will contact Continental. 


The Pavilion committee has coordinated the cutting of some hedging along the edge of the playing field.






























History group & interpretation boards


The village sign has now been restored and has been returned to the centre of the village. Cllr Ott was thanked for coordinating. The organisation involved were thanked for the professional restoration. This work was completed using National Lottery funding.


The final drafts of the illustration boards are being submitted. The boards should be complete by the end of May. There have been some technical issues with the location of one board near the Car Dyke, it is hoped this will soon be rectified.


The website is live and once the text for the signs is finalised this will then be added. This site will be used to provide long term information about the village.






















Platinum Jubilee


Platinum Jubilee plans are going well, all events have now been organised. Cllr Clarke spoke about the scarecrow trail, as final plans are being put in place for this.


Tickets are available for the children’s tea party and the barn dance from the pub and Hanworth park.


The Jubilee flagpole has now been lifted on to the top of the church and the installation team will be putting it into place shortly. The first raising of a flag will occur on Thursday 2nd June at the start of the Jubilee celebrations.


Cllr Ott spoke about an individual who creates songs about Lincolnshire. It was discussed whether a song could be created about Potterhanworth and whether any local singers are available.







Planning Applications received since last meeting


21/0258/FUL Land Between Station Road and Cross Street - Erection of 10 no. dwellings comprising the erection of 6 no. detached dwellings and 2 semi-detached dwellings, alterations and extensions to a range of barns to form 2 no. dwellings, demolition of a portal framed farm building and removal of existing hardstanding

- This was discussed by the Parish councillors, and it was noted that the change to include semi-detached affordable housing was a welcome addition. No objections were made.









Monthly Risk Assessment


Nothing to report


















April 2022

All Payments total = £1,847.79

Balance total = £52,231.60

NS & I balance = £13,162.45


Cllr Battle raised the issue of funds which are ring fenced for certain projects, such as new playpark equipment and history boards. It was suggested that this is demonstrated in future monthly expenditure spreadsheets.























Any Other Business


Cllr Clarke raised future playpark plans. After the Jubilee celebrations it is hoped that a dedicated working group will be formed in order to progress these plans. It was suggested that it may be helpful to contact other parish councils who have recently obtained new playparks.


It was reported that the climbing frame paint is peeling. The Clerk will contact Lincs Gardening services.


Cllr Foster discussed holiday clubs held in other villages in the area. It was discussed whether this would be possible in Potterhanworth. Cllr Battle highlighted that the village currently has a holiday club, run by Bright Sparks and located at the Memorial hall.








Date and time of next meeting           Monday 23 May 2022, 7:00pm






Appendix 1. Cllr. Ray Cucksey – April 2022 NKDC District Report

General Fund

The council received £99,103 from the Income Compensation Scheme – the funding relates to the loss within the ‘Fees & Charges’ income. The council received also a one-off Services Grant of £214,700. This was as a result of the local government finance settlement 2022 to 2023 to provide funding to all tiers of local government in recognition of the vital services delivered at every level of local government. The Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) legislation imposes a duty for all social landlords to have in place a policy for dealing with anti-social behaviour, which needs to be reviewed periodically. The North Kesteven District Council policy was last reviewed and updated in 2018. In addition to the North Kesteven District Council policy, with anti-social behaviour being a Countywide priority, there is also a duty to have in place and undertake regular reviews of the Lincolnshire ASB policy. The Executive Board revised several NKDC policies at their meeting on 31st March to reflect changes to legislation. · Specific reference to reporting neighbour disputes, to reflect the work taken to ensure consistent advice across all local authorities and partner agencies' website advice. Specific reference to reporting parking issues to reflect the advice we can provide and how this is managed. · Removing reference to the use of mediation services for victims of ASB since this service was re-commissioned and is no longer available to local authorities.

The NK Community Lottery was launched in December 2021. There are currently 56 live good causes. The annual projected funding for good causes is £37,065.60, based on current ticket sales. For every £1 community lottery ticket sold, 60p goes to local charities, voluntary organisations and other good causes that have been approved by the District Council. Lottery players can choose which good cause they want to support when they buy their tickets, and 50p from every ticket bought goes directly to their chosen cause. To play – go to the NKDC website and there is a link to North Kesteven Community Lottery.

Capital Programme for 2022/23

At a recent Executive Board meeting approved for the Council’s Capital Programme for 2022/23 include a scheme to increase solar generation of renewable energy at a cost of £150,000. The scheme is to increase the solar panels on the Council’s offices roof for the generation of electricity to power the offices and reduce both the Council’s costs and CO2 footprint.



Appendix 2. Cllr. Peter Lundgren – April 2022 NKDC District Report

NKDC has reviewed the way scrutiny works and has brought forward proposals to change the structure of the scrutiny panels for discussion at Council later this week. Scrutiny plays an important role at NKDC with elected members overseeing the work of the council to ensure best practice and value for money on behalf of residents. There is also an opportunity for individual members to bring issues of concern within their own wards for consideration by their peers. Therefore, whatever structure is settled upon its important members and residents have full confidence that scrutiny is working well at NK.

I'm aware that Ukrainian refugees are arriving and taking up residence with their hosts. I would like to thank the people who have opened their homes to those fleeing the war in Ukraine. Contrary to some negative reports in national media of national policy towards the Ukrainian refugees, NK is fully supporting the process and supporting the refugees and their hosts as they arrive in our communities.

I note that LCC Highways has sadly not been successful in its bid for extra funding towards repairing our roads. This makes it even more important to report and keep reporting potholes through the LCC Highways portal. If a pothole becomes really dangerous - dangerous to life - then police should also be informed and an emergency fix can be arranged.

And there will be significant road works in Branston from now until Mid June. I'm sure Highways will do their best to limit the impact on motorists but you might like to consider your route to Lincoln, and consider the wisdom of using the back lanes which will probably be even more busy with traffic trying to avoid any congestion in Branston.


Any questions or issues please contact me.