November 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on
Monday 28 November 2022, 7:00pm at The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth




Cllr. Nigel Sardeson -Chairman

Cllr. Ami Clarke -Vice Chair

Cllr. Paul Burns

Cllr. Nick Foster

Cllr. Martin Ott

Cllr. Sarah Copsey 

Cllr. Karla Vaile


In attendance:

Cllr. Ian Carrington - Lincolnshire County Council

Cllr. Peter Lundgren - North Kesteven District Council


Apologies: Cllr. Ray Cucksey, Andrea Riggall, Clerk.  Bob Spence, RFO



1.          Welcome and apologies

1.1        The Chairman welcomed all in attendance. 

1.2        Apologies received from the Clerk & RFO 

2.          Declarations of pecuniary interest

2.1         None

3.          Reports received from representatives of outside bodies

3.1        LCC Matters

Cllr Carrington will email December’s report for circulation.
There have been 3 replacement street-lamps on Nocton road and pot holes have been filled on Middle street and 2 on the carriageway.
A grant scheme has been launched by the district council for Community groups (not Parish Councils).  Councillor Copsey informed Cllr. Carrington that this has already been applied for by the Culfrey Trust.  The Grant Cllr. Carrington was referring to is a Wellbeing Grant.  
Significant long-term works will begin on the Causeway in the coming year.
Cllr Lundgren suggested that now would be a good time for the state of Wasps Nest road to be reviewed 

3.2        NKDC Matters

Cllr. Lundgren: Grants – Better health and Wellbeing grant has been administered by The Lincolnshire Community Fund.  There is also a Special Justice Fund which helps with keeping people warm by providing warm spaces.  There is a warm spaces register called Warm Welcome UK.  
Code of Conduct on-line briefings provided by NKDC are available to Parish Councils.  Cllr. Lundgren recommended councillors attend LALC Councillor training courses. 
The Green Strategy is currently being worked on and is going for scrutiny shortly.  NKDC should be in contact soon regarding how to get involved. 

Cllr. Foster questioned whether services and amenities, such as pools, are in jeopardy due to costs.  Cllr. Lundgren did not believe they were in jeopardy, but they are challenged.

3.3        Police Crime Report 
No crimes reported during September (we are 2 months behind with Police crime reports).

4.          Public Open Forum


5.          To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 31 October 2022 are approved as the Minutes

5.1        Correction to no. 6, which should read AC not AR
Correction to no. 11 which reads “still considering” should actually read “no longer considering.”  
Correction to 3.3 Cllr. Ott had already sent an email to the Police and Crime Commissioner and is still awaiting a reply.  
Correction   Cllr. Foster was actioned to make brackets for the speed sign. 
The minutes of the meeting held on 31 October 2022 will be amended as discussed and were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

6.          Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding

6.1        A temporary Clerk will be recruited to cover long term leave for the present clerk.
The present RFO will be leaving the post in January and a new RFO will be recruited.

6.2        A Maintenance person is still required.  The Chairman will enquire as to available budget.

6.3        Defibrillators
Bus shelter:  is in correct working order
Windmill gardens: is to be fitted Tuesday 29 November 2022.
The Park: is being repaired.  The electricity charge is due to be paid to owner of electric supply.
The pavilion: requires a new unit.  The Chairman will investigate costs.

6.4        Solar panel erection is still on course.  Delay is due to the sourcing of an MCS installer to enable certification to charge for exported electricity.

6.5        Our thanks go out to F & G Battle and Tom for supplying the fork-lift and assisting with the erection of the Christmas tree. 

6.6        Thanks to Cllr. Carrington for his involvement with the parking outside of the school.  Clarification is that blue badge holders are able to park on the yellow lines.

6.7        The PC entered a wreath which came 2nd at the Church Christmas Fair

7.          Correspondence received

Thanks from Andrea to Cllrs. Ott, Foster and Burns and The Chairman for arranging the Christmas tree. 

8.          Adoption of New Code of Conduct

8.1        Cllr. Foster has edited the recent, revised Code of Conduct.  It is recommended by Cllrs. Lundgren and Carrington that we follow the Code of Conduct issued by NKDC.
Cllr. Lundgren advised that most councils have now signed up to the revised Code of Conduct.  It is important to know what the Code says and how it affects you.  It is also a protection, if you are within the code, you are within the law.  
Cllr. Carrington added that it is in the interest of every councillor to know what the Code of Conduct is as it protects all.  It is not new, but a revised version.  
The Chairman advised all to attend training courses on the subject.  This will be discussed at the next meeting 
The Chairman advised that should anyone be unhappy as to what they are signing up to, to bring their concerns to the next meeting, otherwise it will be resolved to sign the Code of Conduct.

9.          Planning for Winter

9.1        Warm spaces initiative
The Chequers will be hosting meals and warm/soft drinks on Friday afternoons, in the restaurant area, 11:00 – 17:00.  Payment will be by honesty box (guidance of £1.50 per person or whatever is affordable).  
The Culfrey Trust have donated £500 to this fund.  It is expected 6-30 people will take advantage of this opportunity.  
Flyers have been included with the Grapevine and it will be advertised on Spotted.  Depending on the popularity of this initiative, The Culfrey Trust will apply for the “Warm place/rural communities” funding of £5000.00.
Cllr. Ott suggested that the £1000.00 unused from the history project, could be used for this initiative as gap funding until the money arrives from the grant.
Cllr. Copsey is organising a “village project” planning to get local support to help with the supply of heating/crockery/long term, future planning of this project.  
Cllr. Carrington advised Cllr. Copsey that the closing date for the Bishop’s fund is 30 November. The Chairman will assist Cllr. Copsey with this application.
The Culfrey trust are taking the administrative role in this initiative.
Cllr Foster agreed to discuss with the Chef, whether it would be agreeable for “the village group” to help with the running of the kitchen if required. 
Dan is keen to support the “village group” and to use the Dining area as a “hub”.  
Cllr. Ott thanked the Culfrey Trust for their initiation of this “village group”

10.         Playpark update

10.1      Cllr. Ott has distributed to all the FCC Communities Foundation application.  Cllr Vaile agreed to check over the application as a “new” set of eyes prior to Cllr. Ott submitting the application (7/12/22).   The school meeting has not yet taken place.  Cllr Clarke will approach the school directly as she has not received a reply to her email.  

11.          Pavilion Committee

11.1        Cllr Clarke has discussed with Keith Orton the post box provision, which he will arrange.

12.          Planning Applications received since last meeting

12.1        22/1670/TPO.    The Park.  No objection

12.2        Decision notices
22/0995/FUL Potters Lodge, Plough Hill.  Approved

13.          Monthly Risk Assessment


14.          Finance 

14.1        November 2022

All Payments total = £3,324.73
Balance total = £33,753.14
NS & I balance = £13,162.45

14.2        The Chairman to confirm budget for Maintenance person salary.

14.3        Cllr. Ott informed all that there may be a further VAT charge of £281 for the Heritage fund.

14.4        The electricity charge is due to be paid to owner of the electric supply (see 6.2)


15.          Any Other Business

15.1        Cllr. Clarke shared pictures of items she had found recently whilst metal detecting.  Cllr. Carrington advised recording these details with the County Council Heritage Team.  He will supply contact details after this meeting. 

16.          Date and time of next meeting           

16.1        Monday 30 January 2023, 7:00pm