May 2022 Minutes


Minutes of the Annual meeting of the Parish Council held on

Monday 23 May 2022, 7:00pm at The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth


Cllr Nigel Sardeson

Cllr Paul Burns

Cllr Nick Foster

Cllr Martin Ott                                          

Cllr Ami Clarke     

Andrea Riggall – Parish Clerk

Bob Spence -Responsible Financial Officer

In attendance:

Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council       

Cllr Peter Lundgren -North Kesteven District Council 

Sarah Copsey -joined meeting at 8:10pm












Election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman


Councillor Sardeson stood down as Chairman. Councillor Sardeson stood to be voted in as Chairman, this was proposed by Cllr Foster, seconded by Cllr Burns and unanimously agreed.

Councillor Clarke stood to be voted in as Vice-Chairman, this was proposed by Cllr Sardeson, seconded by Cllr Foster and unanimously agreed.

Acceptance of Office forms were then received and signed.









Welcome and apologies


The Chair welcomed all in attendance.

Apologies were received from Cllr Ian Carrington -Lincolnshire County Council







Declarations of pecuniary interest

























Reports received from representatives of outside bodies


NKDC Matters:

Cllr Lundgren: Began my congratulating the Chairman and new Vice-Chair. There is currently a by-election therefore certain rules must be followed. The current Hanworth Country Park planning application is unclear. The planning officers have been contacted to request further clarification. NKDC have a climate change newsletter which is available on the NKDC website. Areas where people feel unsafe can now be logged via Street safe on the Police website.


Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 1.


LCC Matters:

Cllr Carrington. Please see attached Appendix 2.


Police crime report:

4 Crimes reported in March: 2 on or near Queensway of antisocial behaviour, 2 on or near Cross Street of violence or sexual offences












Public Open Forum


Cllr Foster raised an issue on behalf of a parishioner. It has been noted that there is an area to the right of the bus shelter which does not have a footpath. For parishioners with mobility issues, this can increase the distance for someone walking to the bus shelter from Barff road, as they have to walk right around the back first. Cllr Sardeson will communicate this matter to LCC highways.


Cllr Foster raised another issue on behalf of a parishioner. It was asked why the Beer Festival is being advertised so early, even before the Jubilee celebrations. It was highlighted that the beer festival committee are advertising earlier due to competition from beer festivals being held in other local villages.












To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 25 April 2022 are approved as the Minutes


It was noted that the paint on the climbing frame is wearing off rather than unfinished. It was also noted that Cllr Cucksey was present, and Cllr Carrington was absent. Once these matters were resolved the minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 202 were approved as a correct record and will be signed by the Chairman.




















Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding


LCC has been contacted about the road surface breaking up on Cross Street and the damaged road in front of the bus shelter. LCC have responded stating that both works does not require urgent action. Cllr Sardeson will request a site meeting with LCC.

Continental have been contacted regarding the grass cutting before the Jubilee to ensure the village looks neat. It has also been noted that someone has cut the no-mow May area in the centre of the village.

The village litter pick took place on Saturday 7th May.

The Annual Parish meeting took place on Monday 16th May and was well attended with several groups and organisations around the village being represented.





























Correspondence received


A letter has been received from Maureen Good thanking the Parish Council for the flowers received at the Annual Parish meeting. The flowers were given as a token of thank for the years of service to the village compiling and distributing the Grapevine newsletter.


NKDC have been in contact regarding the new defibrillator on Windmill Gardens. It is hoped that it will soon be in place.


Nocton Parish Council have offered a snooker table and football table to the Youth club.


Following an incident at the Church the defibrillator at the bus shelter was accessed and so is now currently unavailable until it can be serviced. There were also issues with EMAS having the correct code. The unit on the bus shelter is managed by EMAS with the PC managing the other devices. The clerk will ensure that the unit codes are all correct and accessible on The Circuit.






















Notice of vacancy in office of Parish Councillor due to resignation of Andrew Watson


Sarah Copsey has come forward for the Parish Councillor position. Cllr Sardeson recommended this appointment, it was seconded by Cllr Ott and was unanimously agreed.




















Pavilion Committee & Community orchard


Cllr Clarke has purchased a new first aid for the Pavilion. There are birds currently nesting in the cigarette box outstand the Pavilion, and a temporary out of order sign has now been added.


The Pavilion is not currently registered with Royal Mail, which as now delayed progress with the plans for WiFi. The Chairman of the Pavilion committee is now looking into this further.


The barrier to the playing field as now been moved from the entrance slightly further down the lane.




























History group & interpretation boards


Cllr Ott explained that the boards will be installed later this week. A photographer has offered to take photographs during the installation of the interpretation boards, they will also be taking photographs over the Platinum Jubilee weekend.


The texts for the website are now ready. Cllr Ott spoke about the new website currently running in parallel to the existing website but it is hoped that in the future all Potterhanworth information can be moved to the new site. The Potterhanworth song ‘Rest your Weary Head’ by Duir! has now been added to the new website.


Ian Jackson has been working on photographs showing the past 70 years in Potterhanworth to commemorate the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. These will be displayed during the Jubilee weekend but will also be available in book format and can be ordered by anyone who may be interested.












Platinum Jubilee


Final preparations are being made for next week. The marquee will be going up early next week. The celebrations will begin with the flag raising at the church at 12 o’clock on Thursday 2nd June.






Planning Applications received since last meeting


22/0499/VARCON Hanworth Country Park Station Road Potterhanworth - Application to vary condition 15 (approved plans) attached to planning permission 17/1818/FUL - Proposed change of use to form a camp site to include 27 touring caravans, 12 static carvans/ mobile units, 11 glamping pods, 5 hobbit hut glamping pods, access tracks/ paths, parking and an amenity block/ cafe to allow for revised arrangement of touring caravan, glamping pod and hobbit hut pitches, together with removal of 4 hobbit hut pitches and provision of a decking area to the remaining hobbit hut pitch, which is to be renamed as a 'Sheppards Hut Modern' pitch.

-Accompanying documents appear to be missing from the application. More information will be requested before a decision can be made.
















Monthly Risk Assessment


A risk assessment for the Jubilee celebrations will be available beforehand.











Approval of Accounts for 2021/22


The Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022 was read out by the RFO and approved by the Chairman, then signed by the Chairman and Clerk. The internal audit has been completed by Glenn Urquhart.










May 2022

All Payments total = £2,822.31

Balance total = £50,138.93

NS & I balance = £13,162.45





















Any Other Business


Cllr Clarke spoke about further plans for the playpark. Cllrs Clarke and Battle will meet with the Washingborough playpark committee to discuss their plans. Following the Platinum Jubilee it is hoped that a Potterhanworth Playpark committee will be formed.


The black and white pole sign in the centre of the village would benefit from cleaning. It was suggested that Eclipse cleaning could be contacted. It was agreed that someone from the Parish Council would clean it.


The clerk asked all Councillors to check their Declarations of Pecuniary interest on the NKDC website to ensure all information is sill correct.















Date and time of next meeting           Monday 27 June 2022, 7:00pm






Appendix 1. Cllr. Ray Cucksey –May 2022 NKDC District Report

District Report for Potterhanworth

The Executive Board at their recent meeting agreed for the sum of £60,000 to be put in place to fund Health and Wellbeing Grants for voluntary and community groups, who provide sustainable health and wellbeing support services and initiatives, particularly those dealing with mental health issues in the North Kesteven district. This would be an important step in the Council’s focus on health inequalities, particularly down to a Ward level. This would be in line with the Executive Board’s support of the Mental Health Task and Finish Group/the Communities and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s recommendations at the January 2022 Executive Board meeting.

Council's Scrutiny Structure

 At the full council held recently approval was given for changes to the Council's Scrutiny Structure moving from the current three to two Overview and Scrutiny Committees'. It will support effective governance and the current three Overview and Scrutiny Panels will be dissolved with effect from the Annual Council 2022. The Task and Finish Group function at the council will be retained to scrutinise items at a more in-depth level as and when required but is streamlined to make it more fit for purpose and renamed 'Review Groups'. 

Face to Face Opening                                                                                                                                            

 North Kesteven District Councils face to face opening hours, following the current trial of reduced face to face opening hours from the Kesteven Street, Sleaford office (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 9.30 – 13.00 & 14.00 – 17.00), be extended to 30 June 2023. The current face to face offer at North Hykeham Infolink continues as ‘appointment in advance only’ be extended to 30 June 2023.



Appendix 2. Cllr. Ian Carrington –May 2022 Lincolnshire County Council Report

Hykeham Relief Road

 LCC Exec Board approval granted - contractor will be Balfour Beatty on + £212 million design & build contract. Detailed design work in hand - planning application/approval 2023; construction starts 2025; planned to be completed 2028. 


Branston Road Works

 Works to rebuild sections of the carriageway on Station Road, Silver Street/Mere Road and the central B1188 now under way and will last until late June - the works are scheduled to be carried out at night and whilst access to individual dwellings will of course be possible the area is best avoided between 8pm and 6am, especially when the work moves into its final phase involving the reconstruction of the B1198.



Let us know what you think about local pharmacy provision

Your views are needed about the locations, accessibility and services provided by pharmacies in Lincolnshire both now and with a view to the future, as part of a review. Detailed background information and a survey is available at Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 | Let's Talk Lincolnshire.


£4million for adult maths in Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire County Council has been allocated £4million from the Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund to improve adult numeracy skills. The money will fund courses for adults aged over 19 who don’t already have a maths GCSE at grade 4 or above.


There is already help available for adults to improve maths and numeracy skills including fully funded maths courses up to GCSE to enable people to get the maths skills they need. For more information see



 LCC working with partners councils and agencies. Evacuees will be offered assistance with all services; NKDC leading on housing matters. This is a major effort at a time when the Afghan refugee settlement is still ongoing - all parties are working very hard indeed to ensure that evacuees get thew welcome and services they need.


Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue have contributed kit for fire fighters in Ukraine including fire boots and masks as well as gas monitoring equipment. This will make a real difference to firefighters in Ukraine who are often responding to severe emergencies with old or damaged kit.


The deployment of these donations is being supported by funding from the Home Office, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and the FIA Foundation, as well as through a public appeal via JustGiving -



 LCC continues to lead the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (LRF). The pandemic has reduced in lethality but has not gone away, and the LRF continues to monitor and coordinate a continuing response. The message is continue to take every care!


OFSTED praise work with vulnerable children

 During a recent visit, Ofsted found that the county council ensured families received the right help at the right time, with a clear focus on the needs of the children. In particular, they praised the strong relationships between social workers and the families they support and recognized that partnership working was well-established.


This is a ringing endorsement for the excellent work of the hard-working staff who ensure children, young people and their families receive the services they need. Ofsted also acknowledged that, despite the pandemic, services for children remained a high priority and resources had been not only protected but enhanced since their last inspection in 2019.


Funding for voluntary groups

 Voluntary Centre Services and Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service offer a free web-based funding information advice service for groups and organisations who are looking for sources of funding to help them grow and develop. 


Their dedicated web page has information and advice about local and national funding opportunities, links to funding search engines, information on how to apply for funding, links to relevant local county strategies and details of the Lincolnshire Funding Ready training programme.