June 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on
Monday 27 June 2022, 7:00pm at The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth
Cllr Nigel Sardeson
Cllr Paul Burns
Cllr Nick Foster
Cllr Martin Ott
Cllr Ami Clarke
Cllr Annabel Battle
Cllr Sarah Copsey -joined meeting at 8.10pm
Andrea Riggall – Parish Clerk
Bob Spence -Responsible Financial Officer
In attendance:
Cllr Peter Lundgren -North Kesteven District Council
Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council
Cllr Ian Carrington -Lincolnshire County Council
1 member of the public
Welcome and apologies
The Chair welcomed all in attendance. Apologies received from Cllr Copsey due to expected late arrival. |
Declarations of pecuniary interest
Reports received from representatives of outside bodies
LCC Matters: Cllr Carrington. Please see attached Appendix 1.
NKDC Matters: Cllr Lundgren: Began by congratulating everyone for the flag raising event along with the other events which took place over the Platinum Jubilee weekend. The development at Windmill Gardens is now finished and has been built to a high standard. Fly tipping continues to be an issue, a reminder that it can be reported via NKDC. Where Council properties and public spaces are not being maintained sufficiently, this should be reported to NKDC. If private homeowners are unable to maintain their property due to ill health it may be possible for volunteer organisations to help. The North Kesteven walking festival is due to take place.
Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 2.
Police crime report: 1 crime reported in April: antisocial behaviour on or near Queensway |
Public Open Forum
Member of The Pavilion committee asked for volunteers to help clear mole hills on the Playing field.
The village tap outside Mill Cottage on Moor Lane needs to be painted. George Holmes has offered to paint it.
Cllr Foster raised the issue of the War Memorial on behalf of a Parishioner. There is concern that the memorial is not being maintained to a high enough standard. It was discussed whether to continue with the existing service or look for alternatives. Volunteers may be able to help. The Clerk will check this situation with regards to Public liability insurance. Other potential gardeners/handymen will also be taken into consideration.
Following the No Mow May area being cut by a member of the public this was discussed further. It may be necessary to do this differently next year.
Cllr Foster raised the new village signs on behalf of a Parishioner, specifically the two next to the village sign. This was discussed further and if any members of the public would like to discuss this further, they are invited to attend the next Parish meeting.
The clerk raised the issue of trains travelling from Metheringham to Sleaford, on behalf of a Parishioner. The timetable does not match with the school start and end times. This was discussed previously and there are still no plans to change the timetable.
AR |
To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 23 May 2022 are approved as the Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2022 were approved as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.
Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
The defibrillator on the bus shelter is still out of order. This is owned by EMAS and the clerk is currently chasing to find out when it will be back in working order.
The path and the flooding by the bus shelter has been raised with Cllr Carrington.
Cllr Clarke is still trying to change the status of the Pavilion with the Post Office in order to obtain WiFi.
The black & white sign in the centre of the village has not been cleaned. Cllr Sardeson & Cllr Clarke will clean it. |
Correspondence received
Several letters and words of thanks have been received for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
Platinum Jubilee
Cllr Clarke thanked the Culfrey Trust, money was donated for the band, entertainer and children’s tea party. This enabled the event to be free for the village. Cllr Copsey thanked the Beer Festival committee who gave a generous contribution which paid for the bands and the portable toilets. The Christ Hospital endowment were also thanked for the medals for the children. Thanks, were also given for the Spitfire flyover. It was also noted how many others helped to make this such a successful weekend. Many thanks to all those involved.
The flagpole was discussed, and Cllr Battle explained that the current plan is to raise a flag on 18 occasions throughout the year, dependant on the weather conditions. There is a flagpole group who will coordinate this. The cost of the flagpole has also significantly reduced thanks to generous donations.
Cllr Ott thanked Ian Jackson for his participation in the Jubilee celebrations, explaining the background to the photographs and the new village history books. The next steps for the History group will be to create a new booklet for the church. Cllr Copsey suggested creating history related activity sheets for children linked to the history boards via the QR codes.
Playpark update
Cllr Clarke and Cllr Battle have met with Washingborough Parish Council to discuss their plans for a new playpark. Following this meeting a new playpark group has now been created. Cllr Clarke has taken responses from the playpark survey and contacted some suppliers for quotes. The current state, and remaining lifespan, of the existing play equipment was discussed. Some funds have been put aside but further funding streams will need to be considered. Going forward children will be consulted on their preferred play equipment. The state of the tennis courts and skate ramps has been raised by the Pavilion committee, so may need to be considered separately.
Pavilion Committee
Cllr Clarke recently attended a Pavilion committee meeting. Several items were discussed including the planned increase in hire costs to £20 and the building is going to be repainted. It was also proposed that they purchase a lawn mower, as they have a volunteer who would be prepared to cut grass. The Parish Council discussed this but agreed that the contract with Continental for the regular grass cutting should remain in place.
Planning Applications received since last meeting
None |
12.1 |
Monthly Risk Assessment
Two incidents occurred during the Jubilee celebrations. A fall and cuts to a hand, both were added to the accident book and the first aider responded to the cut hand.
June 2022 All Payments total = £8,368.05 Balance total = £41,301.88 NS & I balance = £13,162.45
Any Other Business
Cllr Copsey raised concerns about the junction between Nocton Road and The Park. It was discussed whether it would be possible to add a mirror to view around the corner. It was also discussed whether the 30mph limit could be extended further back. Cllr Sardeson will raise this with LCC
Cllr Foster noted that an undercover police vehicle is sometimes now being deployed on Station Road.
Cllr Clarke spoke about potentially moving the speed indicator further down Moor Lane, closer to the entrance to the village.
Cllr Foster raised the planters around the edge of the village. These are currently being maintained by volunteers.
18. |
Date and time of next meeting Monday 25 July 2022, 7:00pm |
Appendix 1. Cllr. Ian Carrington –June 2022 Lincolnshire County Council Report
Road Works
Works to rebuild sections of the carriageway on Station Road, Silver Street/Mere Road and the central B1188 have now been completed - on budget and ahead of time.
Various top-dressing resurfacing schemes on more minor roads are under way across the Division in the summer months. And a major resurfacing scheme in Potterhanworth village is scheduled for early August details of which have already been circulated to the Parish Council. Comments I have received from PC members regarding farm access, drainage near the bus stop and a footway link to it from the school have been passed to the LCC officer in charge of the scheme. Every effort will be made to minimize disruption and businesses and residents will be contacted by LCC officers and contractor’s staff and diversions sign-posted in advance.
LCC is very much aware of the need for works on the adjoining area of road near the church. The budget is finite and the works are what can be afforded in this financial year 22/23. However I have discussed the situation with officers and a further phase of works covering that area is penciled into the programme for 23/24 - I will do everything I can to ensure that this budget item is firmed up.
As ever please report any potholes using Fix My Street .
Engaging on devolution
The ten councils across Greater Lincolnshire have asked our Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to undertake an engagement exercise with local businesses, about a devolution deal for our area.
Following the Levelling Up white paper we are all determined to seek a devolution deal later this year when the government accepts further submissions. We already have a ten-point plan that we want to develop and refine.
In order to do this, we need to hear from businesses across the area on issues around growth and jobs and gain valuable feedback about what devolution could mean for them. A series of roundtable events are being held across the area, and website and survey is available to give more information and hear the views of our business community – visit www.devolutionlincolnshire.co.uk.
Progress on Lincolnshire's Special School provision
The county council is making great progress on delivering improvements to SEND provision across Lincolnshire. In May, Boston Endeavour Academy and an extension to Bourne Willoughby Academy were officially opened.
These new facilities have not only increased the numbers of special school places in Lincolnshire, but improved services and allowed these sites to cater for more specialist needs. This means that more children with SEND will have the opportunity to attend a local school rather than having to travel large distances for their education.
Receiving a high-quality education within their local communities will make a life-changing difference for pupils and their families – both now and in the future.
Apprenticeship Champions celebrated at awards
The achievements of Lincolnshire apprentices, trainers and employers have been recognised at an awards ceremony in Lincoln on 20 May.
The ceremony provided a great platform for promoting and showcasing apprenticeships and those who came away with awards should be so proud of their achievements and show the huge variety of apprenticeships available for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Apprenticeships are becoming the qualification of choice not just for individuals, but for employers, who are recognising the tailored approach and benefits they offer.
Continued equipment support for people with long-term conditions and disabilities
With the present contract for the Lincolnshire Community Equipment Service coming to an end in March 2023, the county council’s Executive has agreed to a new procurement process for the service to award a 5-year contract to single provider to cover the county.
This service provides important support for many people with long-term conditions and disabilities. Loaning items like walking frames, perching stools, domestic trolleys, and shower stools where required. New Improvements to the contract will also include wheelchair provision and the potential for Disabled Facilities Grant items such as ramps and stairlifts - this service is operated in conjunction with District councils like NKDC.
Additionally, there is added incentive for the new provider to collect and recycle items that are no longer needed. As perfectly good equipment is sometimes cluttering up living rooms or ending up in domestic waste.
The county council recently launched a pilot drop-off facility at Lincoln Household Waste Recycling Centre to help residents support a greener, more economic healthcare, which will be expanded to more sites.
Local Plan
Work continues on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan statutory Five Year Review - the revised draft text reduces housing numbers and gives serious heft to environmental matters including the tools to allow planning authorities to ensure new developments really live up to the highest environmental and carbon net zero standards. Responses to the consultation recently completed are being collated - these will be reviewed by the Central Lincs Joint Strategic Planning Committee in September and also forwarded to the Planning
Inspectorate ahead of the Enquiry In Public (EIP) likely to be held in the latter part of this year. The EIP will provide a further opportunity for interested parties (including parish councils) to play a part in the process of the Five Year Review of the Plan.
Appendix 2. Cllr. Ray Cucksey –June 2022 NKDC District Report
District Report for Potterhanworth
District Report
The Executive Board agreed to appropriate £96,871 to the ‘Our Council IT’ Reserve, resulting from the receipt of the Sec31 Grant for the purpose of improving the Council’s Cyber Security development and training. Furthermore, £103,916 has been appropriated to the Homelessness Reserve, resulting from the receipt of the Central Government Homelessness Prevention Grant. The purpose of the grant is to give local authorities control and flexibility in managing homelessness pressures and supporting those who are at risk of homelessness.
Although performance for the first 3 quarters of the year remained within target, the final quarter saw wide economic issues, including the ongoing financial impact of Covid-19 on tenants, continue to take their cumulative effect on rent arrears. The continued increase in inflation from 5.4% in December to 7.0% in March had a detrimental effect on tenants’ ability to meet their rent liability. A primary focus for the coming year needs to be on increasing levels of engagement with our tenants while supporting them through these difficult times.
£232,300 has been appropriated to the Refuse Vehicle Replacement Reserve to provide additional funds to meet the short-term impact of price rises on refuse fleet replacement.
The Unacceptable Customer Behaviour Policy was approved at the recent meeting of the Executive Board. Currently, the Council has several processes which relate to different types of customer behaviours that the Council considers unacceptable. Each process is different and is managed in a different way, but essentially all seek to achieve the same thing – ensuring customers can access the services they need but being clear that some behaviours will not be tolerated, and colleagues must be kept safe. However, a small minority of customers may behave in an unacceptable way while undertaking such interactions, and while there may be a number of reasons for such behaviour to reveal itself, North Kesteven District Council will take all reasonable steps to ensure colleagues, Elected members and partners are supported when they feel they have been subject to unacceptable behaviour and when behaviour is at its most extreme.