March 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on
Monday 27 March 2023, 7:00pm at The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth
Cllr. Nigel Sardeson - Chairman
Cllr. Ami Clarke -Vice Chair
Cllr. Paul Burns
Cllr. Sarah Copsey
Mrs. Jackie Bourne – Acting Clerk
Mrs. Mel Gray – RFO
In attendance:
Cllr. Ian Carrington - Lincolnshire County Council
Cllr. Peter Lundgren - North Kesteven District Council
Cllr. Ray Cucksey – North Kesteven District Council
Mr. Keith Orton representing the Pavilion Committee
Mr. George Holmes representing the Pavilion Committee
Mr. Ralph Wilford representing the Pavilion Committee
Apologies: Absent:
Cllr. Martin Ott Cllr. Nick Foster
Cllr. Ray Cucksey
1. Chairman’s remarks
1.1 The Chairman welcomed all in attendance.
Additional late Agenda items were read out:-
8b Finance
• Paddocks to Pitchfork £300 – Warm Space ingredients
• Playpark 3rd Party funding request £9826.58
• E-on Invoice £33
9. Correspondence
• Email re slip hazard on Church Hill caused by leaves
• Email re Baytree house water pool on footpath
• Policing team being reduced from 3 to 1, PC Matt Roberts
10. Planning
• Nocton refusal. Appeal. APP/R2520/W/23/331434
11. Pavilion Committee
• Wicksteed inspection. Post to make safe
14. Dates
• Village litter pick – agree date
2. Apologies for Absence
2.1 Cllr. Martin Ott
Cllr. Ray Cucksey
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
3.1 None
4. Notes of the last meeting held on 27 February 2023 to be approved as the minutes
4.1 An amendment requested by the Chairman to 7.1 “Cllr, Ott refused to update a Pecuniary Interest Form.” Amendment to add “before an election”. All Council were in agreeance to this.
5. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies
5.1 Police Crime Report: For January 2023, 1 public order, 1 violence
5.2 Cllr. Carrington’s monthly report:
Appendix a.
Addition to attached Report. Cllr. Carrington, as Chair, attended a pre-meet for the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee which will be held next week. Regarding the cardboard and waste paper collection. This is 99% pure and is working well. When you take paper and card out of the mix, it usually gets messed up with other things. The Difference in its useability is such that the stuff that we’re producing doesn’t go to a recycling centre, it goes straight to a paper mill and it can be recycled providing its returned in a similar way, anything up to 6 or 7 times. This really increases its value so at the moment the money coming in for disposing for this is paying for the service of doing it and there is an environmental benefit.
5.3 Cllr. Lundgren’s monthly report:
Congratulations to all for the successful play park grant.
We have moved into the pre-election period so extra care will be taken regarding this month’s report
The budgets are now set. The important thing is, there is enough money to do the basics, so services are safe. We do have a financially stable council.
Branston Beer Festival is on 24 June. A loan of chairs would be appreciated.
5.4 Cllr. Cucksey apologies received.
6. Public Open Forum
A wheelchair user got stuck going along the public footpath to Hanworth park. Is it possible to divert the footpath? A member of the public mentioned that there was a request in the 60s/70s to reinstate the path, apparently there was a path at this site which probably went into disuse when the railway closed in the 50s. The application at that time was denied due to cost. Cllr. Sardeson will enquire with Highways. Action Cllr. Sardeson
7. Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
7.1 Hot Pot Hub. The FSA inspection gained a 5* Hygiene award.
The original Chef has “paused” from the hub. Emily Webster has been doing a fantastic job running the kitchen. The proposal now is to pause the hot meals but still have soup, cakes and tea. This has proved to be an excellent social gathering point as well as a warm space. The aspiration is to start the hot meals in the autumn.
Cake bakers are required although Emily does have somewhere to source out, but homemade would be preferred. The outdoor shelter area is planned to start when the weather improves.
The pavilion is likely to be required on Fridays from 12:00.
7.2 Election Update: A meeting didn’t go ahead, instead, communication was made by email.
7.3 Solar panels. Plans have been sent to the Solar Panel company as well as electric bills, so hopefully they will source a fitter and start the work soon.
A member of the public asked about the path the solar panel company were supposed to have built. Cllr. Sardeson replied that a permissive path has been put in, you are allowed to walk between the hedge and the solar farm. It links in with the footpath on the heath at the far end of the solar panels, you can follow this around to Branston without going on the main road. There is a sign saying “Permissive Footpath” but this can only be seen when there. Action Cllr. Sardeson
Cllr. Ott’s unanswered email to PCC – discuss at next meeting.
8. Financial Matters
8.1 Monthly Financial report distributed at meeting. Appendix b
Expenditure total £13,439.88
Income total £99 (predicted as £399 with repayment from Culfrey for Paddocks)
Balance £26,047.99 (predicted end of month £14,641.63)
8.2 To consider payments to:
• Paddocks to Pitchfork – Warm space ingredients commencing 17/2/23 to 24/3/23 (recharged in full to Culfrey Lands Charity) £300. Approved
• Playpark third party funding request. FCC Environment match funding shortfall re Landfill Committees Fund (this also refers to 12a Playpark next steps) £9826.58. Approved
• E.on street lights £33.00. Approved
• Eclipse Bus shelter clean £25. Approved
• Pavilion hot pot hub for February 3 sessions £60 (reinvoiced to Culfrey and already paid). Approved
Clarification required by Cllr. Copsey and Cllr. Clarke regarding the total budget available from the FCC Grant (including the 3rd party contribution). To check with Cllr. Ott
8.3 Youth Club Funds. Paperwork and banking is being finalised. Cllr. Clarke is aware of 3 people interested in running the Youth Club. Hopefully more people will come forward. All agreed that paperwork will be stored with Mel as RFO and funds ringfenced for future Youth club use. Youth Club assets (2 x X boxes, 1 playstation, 1 VR system, 1 pool table, 1 table tennis table, craft) will remain in pavilion store cupboard for future youth club use. DBS/Safeguarding, specific youth club activity insurance, youth club leader training used to be available via the council, but unknown if this is available now. A rolling programme of training may also be required. DBS checks for volunteers is unlikely to incur a charge. Contact the Council to enquire. Action Cllrs. Copsey and Clarke
The Mother and Toddler group still have a lot of old toys stored in the container. This needs to be removed. SC and AC will do an inventory. Action Cllrs. Copsey and Clarke
9. Correspondence
9.1 Email from FCC confirming grant success
9.2 Congratulations from several parishioners regarding the grant success.
9.3 Email from parishioner regarding leaves on Church Hill causing a slip-risk. Action Cllr. Sardeson
Cllr. Sardeson will contact Highways and/or NKDC
9.4 Email received from parishioner regarding the new entrance to Baytree House, Station road. It appears to be at a height that now creates a pool across the path causing people to walk around on the road which is dangerous as is just after the bend. Cllr. Sardeson will contact Highways and/or NKDC. Action Cllr. Sardeson
9.5 Telephone conversation with PC Matt Roberts. He was informed on 16 March that the 3 strong team is being reduced to one, that being Matt. Cllr. Sardeson will contact the PCC. Action Cllr Sardeson
10. Planning matters
10.1 For Info Nocton: Appeal by AG Property Associates Ltd. Land South of Wellhead Lane. APP/R2520/W/23/331434
11. Pavilion Committee
11.1 Pavilion Management Committee review.
Requested by Cllr. Ott who is absent today. It is useful that Keith, George and Ralph are here today. It is apparent that the use of the pavilion and fields have changed significantly since the 2008 Constitution was drawn-up. So, it is worthwhile to review how it should be run, as it is a totally different function now from when originally set-up.
Discussions were held regarding the history of the Pavilion committee and the need for the PC to be more aware of their responsibilities as Trustees.
A draft Constitution has been drawn up by Cllr. Ott which was shared with all.
Following discussions, the Pavilion Committee agreed to read and digest the draft paper and a further meeting will be arranged with the pavilion committee and the parish council to discuss the way forward regarding a new Constitution.
Action for all to arrange a meeting
11.2 Wifi plug ins. These run the same as a mobile contract so they are still on a similar price as the internet (maybe a bit cheaper).
The Beer Festival would find them useful. Wifi hotspot would be cheaper, but a signal is still required. EE appears to work better here. For an event which happens once per year, to pay a cost of £30 a month really isn’t feasible. Whichever system is used a mobile connection is required.
It was agreed that Wifi plug ins are too expensive. To look into mobile hubs with Beer festival. Action Cllr. Sardeson
11.3 Wicksteed Inspection: one immediate repair to trim trail required. Keith has repaired one part and this appears to have been the issue. Clerk will forward full report to all including Keith. Acton Clerk
12. Playpark
12.1 Grant application.
FCC Communities Foundation. Grant application of up to £91,410.00 received.
The grant is great news and Cllr Ott’s completion of the application was excellent, and also the consultations that Cllrs Clarke and Copsey have carried out.
The work will take a total of 6 weeks to complete, there will be Heras fencing so all of the area will be secured. Completion date will be mid September, or end of October.
Cllrs Copsey and Clarke had queries regarding the actual total of grant available to use for quotes. After a discussion between councillors it was suggested the figures are clarified with Cllr. Ott.
The swings will be kept and the climbing frame will be given to another community.
13. Monthly Risk Assessment
13.1 A child caught his finger in the tennis court fence. The gate is hinged and if the wind catches it, it will shut. This will be removed when new park is installed
14. Dates
14.1 Date of next meeting: Monday 24th April.
Village Litter Pick – Saturday 29 April 10:00
Parish Council Meeting dates 2023
15 May Annual meeting of the Parish Council,
Monday 22 May Annual meeting of the Parish,
Monday 26 June, Monday 31 July, Monday 25 September, Monday 30 October, Monday 27 November.
(Monday 8 May 2023 – Coronation B/H. No events have been planned but a community led group would be encouraged)
The Council agreed to move into a closed session to discuss 2 personnel matters
• Recruitment of cleaner and Maintenance person
Appendix a
Cllr. Ian Carrington (LCC & NKDC) – latest News March 2023:
North Hykeham Relief Road (Lincoln Ring Road Phase 4)
Preparation work on this £ multi-million investment is progressing well, and LCC has an update ready on the design and planning of the new road. Details include route optimization, environmental management, construction plans and walking & cycling routes. And some very important modelling data showing traffic impacts on villages near the route.
Drop-in sessions include:
Wed 15 March Waddington Community Hub, High St LN5 9RF 3pm to 8pm
Thursday 16 March Bentley Hotel, Newark Road LN6 9NH 3pm to 8pm
Friday 17 March Bracebridge Heath Pavilion, Bath Road LN4 2TU 1pm to 6pm
LCC officers will be available to answer questions on the scheme which has great significance for Lincoln AND surrounding villages – parish councillors and members of the public will be very welcome.
Lincolnshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy
From November this year almost all planning permissions will have to demonstrate a biodiversity net gain (BNG) of 10% secured for 30 years. Individual schemes will be approved by the Local Planning Authorities (in our case, NKDC), and the Nature Recovery Strategy will provide a strategic framework and LCC will be the body in charge of this for Greater Lincolnshire.
BNG will be a very big change in the planning system with the potential to make improvements to both the environment and the quality of life in new developments. LCC will work in partnership with local planning authorities and others to help maximise these benefits as the system gets introduced.
RAF Waddington
Operation Cobra Warrior is under way at RAF Waddington (and roaring over my home as I write this!) and will run through to 6th April. Details of various highways restrictions have been circulated to parish councils and can be found at
Improved support for domestic abuse victims
Lincolnshire County Council, with support from Lincolnshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner and NHS Integrated Care Board, has commissioned a new-look domestic abuse service which will see us work closely with partners to develop a more joined-up approach to support.
Local support services are an important first step for people in abusive relationships looking for help. So it’s important people are aware of the support that is available. In making sure victims of domestic abuse are supported as soon as possible we can help reduce the impact on families and the likelihood of re-victimisation through early intervention.
To find out more about domestic abuse and support available please visit
Nominations open for Lincolnshire’s Apprenticeship Champion Awards 2023
I’m a passionate supporter of apprenticeships – they can make a real positive difference to young people’s lives and I’m proud to say that at the County Council we have over 300 apprentices developing their skills whilst serving their community. Applications are now open for the Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Awards.
The three categories for nominations are:
• Lincolnshire Apprentice Champion 2023
• Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Employer Champion 2023
• Lincolnshire Apprenticeship Training Provider Champion 2023
The awards seek to acknowledge and celebrate the efforts and commitment of apprentices, and those who have supported or delivered apprenticeships. The awards are run in partnership between the Public Service Compact group, Lincolnshire County Council and the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).
The deadline for nominations is Thursday 31 March 2022. More information and application forms can be found here.
New grant available to boost numeracy
Multiply is a government-funded programme that looks to help adults over 19 years old improve their maths skills. Employers and community groups can now apply for a £1,000 grant to support numeracy development and become a Lincolnshire Multiply Champion.
The grants are awarded on a first come, first served basis, and could be spent by employers on piloting innovative approaches to learning maths in the workplace, or dedicating staff time to encouraging numeracy progression. Community groups may come up with ways to support their wider community in taking up Multiply courses.
For further information and instructions on how to apply please follow this link .
To update last month’s briefing, I have spoken at both the County Council and North Kesteven to support our PCSOs who are currently threatened with a cut of almost half their numbers. Whilst it’s right that the service embraces new methods and technology, I am passionate about the need for community based policing to remain part of the mix. The police – be it warranted officers or PCSOs – should never be separated from the communities they serve. At NKDC the Leader and Chief Executive have opened a dialogue with the Chief Constable and Police & Crime Commissioner, and have also raised police budgets with the Home Secretary and policing minister. I will continue to back efforts by LCC and NKDC to support community policing in the future.
Voter ID
A reminder that photo identification will be needed to vote at polling stations for the first time at this year’s local elections. Valid forms of ID include passport, driving license or photo bus pass.
Maybe the simplest thing is to get a postal vote. If you don’t have one already you can apply via the Electoral Commission website
Or just ring Electoral Services at North Kesteven District Council on 01529 414155 or email .
And finally to confirm an item which came too late to mention to some councils in my Division last month:
County Council Budget
The council’s budget for 2023-24 was formally approved by the full council at their meeting on Friday 17 February – this section is repeated from last month’s news for those parish councils who met before the approval date.
The final budget included the addition of £8.7m to the development fund. The money for this will be drawn from the council’s reserves, and it will be used for projects that benefit local communities.
There was also an additional £7m for road maintenance, meaning the highways budget for 2023/24 has now risen to around £93m. Council tax will rise by 4.99% in total (this includes a 2% rise for adult care). However, Lincolnshire will still have one of the lowest council tax rates in the country. Despite the rise in council tax, and additional government funding, the council will still need to use a further £7.5m from its reserves to balance the books, based on current projections.
Potterhanworth & Coleby Division
Chairman, Environment & Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Facebook: Councillor Ian Carrington
Twitter: @CllrCarrington