July 2022 Minutes
Cllr Nigel Sardeson -Chairman
Cllr Ami Clarke -Vice Chair
Cllr Nick Foster
Cllr Martin Ott
Cllr Annabel Battle
Cllr Sarah Copsey
Bob Spence -Responsible Financial Officer
In attendance:
Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council
Cllr Ian Carrington -Lincolnshire County Council
Welcome and apologies
The Chair welcomed all in attendance. Apologies received from the Clerk & Cllr Peter Lundgren. |
Declarations of pecuniary interest
Reports received from representatives of outside bodies
LCC Matters: Cllr Carrington. Please see attached Appendix 1. The upcoming road closure in the centre of the village for resurfacing was discussed. Cllr Foster raised concerns about the plan to halt bus services to the village during this time with Brylaine instead offering a Call Connect service. Due to concerns around Parishioners who rely on the bus service Councillors have worked together with Brylaine and there will now be a temporary bus stop by Battles yard on Station Road. Cllr Foster also raised concerns regarding the changes to the bus timetable which may have a detrimental impact on some people in the village. Cllr Carrington explained that Brylaine is not subsidised by LCC but will now raise this with the Transport team at LCC.
NKDC Matters: Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 2. Cllr Battle thanked NKDC for following up with a Parishioner who should be moving to the new Windmill Close development.
Police crime report: 4 crimes reported in May: 1x antisocial behaviour on or near Fosters Gardens. 1x antisocial behaviour on or near The Park. 2x violence & sexual offences on or near Woodlands Close, these incidents are now under investigation.
Public Open Forum
Cllr Foster raised an issue on behalf of a Parishioner regarding a bus stop near the junction on Station Road. The Parishioner lives at the far end of Moor Lane and the existing bus stop at the War Memorial involves a much longer walk. Previously people were able to get off the bus at the junction but this was down to the discretion of individual bus drivers. This issue has been raised previously and it was decided that this was not a safe place to stop. As a stop on Station Road will be added temporarily during the road works it may be possible to raise this after the work has been completed. Cllr Battle will follow up on this with Brylaine. |
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To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 27 June 2022 are approved as the Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2022 were approved as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.
Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding
Cllr Clarke explained that the address for the Pavilion has now been registered with the post office. BT are now able to visit to look at the installation of Wi-Fi.
Cllr Sardeson has cleaned the black and white sign in the centre of the village.
The speed indicator device has now been moved to Nocton Road. It is hoped that a new pole for the indicator can be added further out towards the 30mph signs.
There is still no news on the new defibrillator, the Clerk will continue to chase this with NKDC.
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Correspondence received
Communication has been received regarding the planned changes to bus services, as discussed. |
Village maintenance person & grass cutting
The Pavilion committee have purchased a lawn mower and cut the grass before the beer festival. Volunteers have also flattened the mole hills. Cllr Sardeson continues to water the trees at the orchard. LCC plan to replace the trees around the village which have died.
Councillors discussed who is responsible for cutting different areas of the village, including some areas in the centre of the village which are cut 3 times per year by LCC, but additional cuts are now completed by Continental. The football pitch is cut by Continental, but the Pavilion committee is now planning to complete additional cuts. Waldemar of Lincs Gardening service has now finished all outstanding work and has invoiced for the final outstanding payments. A list will be created which demonstrates which duties need undertaking in the Parish and who is responsible. Cllr Battle raised the fact that the War Memorial area must be maintained. Cllr Copsey discussed the planters around the edge of the village and proposed the addition of chalkboard signs. Potential new maintenance/gardeners will be contacted to discuss options.
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Speed cameras
This is now in progress. |
Playpark update
A meeting will take place shortly at the park to discuss options. Wicksteed have visited and will provide a quote shortly. Cllr Copsey has been in contact with an organisation called HAGS who provide equipment and may be able to help with funding. Cllr Copsey has also been looking at organisations who may be able to provide funding. Cllr Battle highlighted that a demonstrable need must be demonstrated in order to obtain funding. Cllr Ott discussed the possibility of applying to FCC communities foundation for a larger grant.
Contact has also been made with Eastgate Tennis club, as it may be possible to obtain a grant for the tennis court in the future. It was agreed that the renovation of the tennis court should be considered separately at a later date.
Pavilion Committee
Wi-Fi planning is in progress.
The Pavilion committee have now installed a new external tap. |
Planning Applications received since last meeting
22/0995/FUL -Potters Lodge Plough Hill Potterhanworth Booths -Change of use of existing workshop into holiday accommodation including swimming pool, gym area and 2 no. holiday let apartments -This was discussed by the Parish Councillors and no objections were made.
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Monthly Risk Assessment
None |
July 2022 All Payments total = £1,250.82 Balance total = £40,185.59 NS & I balance = £13,162.45
Any Other Business
Cllr Ott raised a damaged sign near the woods at Barff Road.
The village tap has now been painted.
The hedge around the playing field will be cut by FG Battles. |
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Date and time of next meeting Monday 26 September 2022, 7:00pm |
Appendix 1. Cllr. Ian Carrington –July 2022 Lincolnshire County Council Report
Branston Road Works
Works completed on budget and ahead of time. Note that extensive resurfacing is planned around our area including during the first week of August in Potterhanworth. Some diversions will be necessary and will be clearly signed in advance.
Engaging on homes
We are exploring how we can support Lincolnshire residents to repair and improve their homes. Including those that need to make adaptations, so they can live independently.
We want to find out what information and support residents need and the services they need access to make these improvements. With this information we will put together a strategy to work towards meeting those needs.
We are working in partnership with the Centre for Ageing Better, Lincoln City Council and the District Councils on this new initiative. Currently called the ‘Lincolnshire Good Home Alliance’.
We are inviting people to get involved in a variety of ways. Either by filling out a short survey, or sharing their stories and ideas on our Let’s talk Lincolnshire platform here.
Integrated care
LCC plays a key role in health and social care provision. The Health and Care Bill received Royal Assent on the 28 April 2022, this requires each area in England to establish an Integrated Care System (ICS). An ICS is a partnership of health and care organisations that come together to plan and deliver joined up services and to improve the health of people who live and work in their area.
The aims of an ICS are to:
· improve outcomes in population health and healthcare
· tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, and access
· Enhance productivity and value for money
· Help the NHS support broader social and economic development
LCC has a duty under the new Act to jointly establish the ICP as a statutory joint
Committee and the matter comes before the Executive on 5th July for approval.
Best Start for Children
LCC is proud of its children’s services and pays particular attention to early years.
Lincolnshire County Council’s Children’s Services currently commissions the Best Start
Lincolnshire Services: Early Years and Family Service and Inclusion Service
The combined annual value of the current contracts is £1,936,712 and the Best Start Lincolnshire Services provide support for children aged 0 to 5 years and
their families and are primarily delivered in Lincolnshire’s 48 children’s centres.
This is a significant investment in our children’s future, and LCC is now looking to renew those contracts to continue providing these valuable services.
Substance misuse
Lincolnshire has won £1.4 million in government funding for FY 22/23 to help deal with substance abuse and its side effects of harm to health and crime. We will work with partners in the community to improve treatment services for those caught up in substance abuse.
Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub
The Growth Hub provides a single access point to a targeted package of information, diagnostic, advisory, coaching, mentoring and development programs. Currently funded via the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) worth over £7m across Greater Lincolnshire plus £280,000 from the Business ministry. Over 2000 businesses have enrolled in the scheme which is facilitating improvements for businesses of all types and sizes and is contributing to economic growth and quality employment opportunities.
Appendix 2. Cllr. Ray Cucksey –July 2022 NKDC District Report
District Report for Potterhanworth
Rough Sleeping Accommodation Programme.
The Council agreed to enter into a Rough Sleepers Accommodation funding grant agreement with Homes England and there are already several schemes of emergency accommodation that rough sleepers can access through previous funding rounds across the County. However, there are no provisions specifically for those that have complex and or high-level needs. This cohort is unsuitable for shared accommodation due to their complexities and subsequently ends up in a cycle of rough sleeping, as they are unable to sustain a tenancy. The Executive Board discussed the programme at their last meeting and agreed to the allocation of 4 units at ‘Grinter House’ Hykeham. NKDC’s contribution of £82,560 has been awarded to the scheme for 4 of the units at ‘Grinter House’ to cover refurbishment costs.
Animal Welfare Licensing - Pre-Consultation
The Council at their meeting held recently noted the changes in legislation and guidance relating to animal welfare, and the draft ‘Animal Licensing Policy’ was approved for consultation with all relevant parties. In April 2018, the Government passed the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018. This piece of legislation amalgamated and replaced several different statutes that govern the licensing of animal establishments. The 2018 Regulations provide a single licensing regime, and combine the following activities:
• Selling animals as pets
• Hiring out horses
• Breeding dogs
• Providing or arranging for the provision of boarding for cats or dogs and keeping or training animals fro exhibition.
It also increases the duration of licenses to between 1 and 3 years depending upon the risk posed by the business. The council currently has 90 licensed animal establishments, which operate out of a mixture of commercial and residential premises. Due to the potential impact, this policy may have on these businesses, combined with the sensitive and emotive subject of animal welfare, it is our intention to undertake a comprehensive consultation exercise. Accordingly, the draft policy was approved for consultation, and it will be communicated to all licence holders, relevant authorities and interested parties, for a three-month period. In addition, the consultations will also be publicised on the council’s website, and through the use of social media to inform the wider community. Upon completion of the consultation process, all responses will be duly considered and a further report produced. The delay to the policy has been brought about through animal establishments being closed to the public owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Interim Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations 2022.
The approved revised polling districts and polling places take effect from the local government district elections on 4 May 2023 and are to be used in the administration of the election from 1 February 2023. The review changes needed to be taken into account of the district ward boundary changes from the NKDC Electoral Review. The changes were approved at the full council held on 14th July which affected Potterhanworth ONLY. (Branston Ward) The proposed Polling Station is to be the Pavilion, Playing Field off Queensway, Potterhanworth. This will be a permanent change from the Memorial Hall to the Pavilion which is a larger venue and more accessible for electors. This was used for the 2021 combined elections).