October 2022 Minutes


Cllr Nigel Sardeson -Chairman

Cllr Ami Clarke -Vice Chair

Cllr Paul Burns

Cllr Nick Foster

Cllr Martin Ott                                          

Cllr Sarah Copsey                


In attendance:

Cllr Ray Cucksey -North Kesteven District Council       

Cllr Peter Lundgren -North Kesteven District Council

2 members of the public   











Welcome and apologies


The Chair welcomed all in attendance.


Apologies received from the Clerk & RFO






Declarations of pecuniary interest








































Reports received from representatives of outside bodies


LCC Matters:

Cllr Carrington. The County Council are actively involved in providing support and advice during the cost of living crisis. Lincolnshire along, with North & North East Lincolnshire, has put in a bid for two Enterprise zones. Recycling using the purple bins is going well, NKDC is one of the best suppliers for this, although there appears to be a slight reduction in the amount currently being recycled. Ukrainian guests are still being welcomed in Lincolnshire. North Hykeham relief road planning will happen in 2023, with work hoping to commence in 2025 with the aim of completing the work in 2028. With regards to roads, more than 300 surface dressing schemes have been taken place. Any issues with roads please continue to report either via Fix my street or LCC website.

Cllr Lundgren raised the issue of Bardney Causeway, Cllr Carrington will follow up on this.


NKDC Matters:

Cllr Lundgren.  The integrated care partnership is a point of contact for anyone who is currently struggling with the cost of living, it is important that anyone who may be struggling are made aware of who to contact. The Rural England prosperity fund is a national fund which supports local communities and local businesses. £750,000 has been made available to NKDC for rural businesses and community projects. More details will follow. NKDC are looking at plans for the upcoming year. Finances are a challenge but no services are under threat.

Cllr Copsey raised a recent initiative in the North of the county regarding funding from the Rural Services Network to provide mobile shops for those in rural areas.


Cllr Cucksey. Please see attached Appendix 1.



Police crime report for August: Potterhanworth Booths; 1 other crime reported. 6 crimes reported in Potterhanworth. 2 on Brewers Yard: Public order offence and other crime. 2 on Church Lane; violence or sexual offences. 1 on Main Street; violence or sexual offences. 1 on Station Road; violence or sexual offences.


Cllr Ott shared the budget for the Lincolnshire police crime commissioner and expressed his concerns (total budget 2021/22: 148 Mio, 43% funded by local council tax, 86 Mio on staff expenses, 60 Mio non-staff expenditure). This was discussed with both the District and County Councillors..   Cllr Ott has emaled the Police and Crime Commmissioner and is awaiting a reply.



















Public Open Forum


Cllr Foster raised concern on behalf of a parishioner regarding an incident in a nearby village where a defibrillator was not working when needed. Potterhanworth currently has 3 defibrillators. The defibrillator on the bus shelter is managed by EMAS. The clerk checks the status of the other 2 units and reports to The Circuit.


Cllr Foster raised concern on behalf of a parishioner in Potterhanworth Booths regarding speeding as people leave the Causeway.
















To resolve, notes of the meeting held on 26 September 2022 are approved as the Minutes


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2022 were approved as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.

















Clerk and Councillor’s report on matters outstanding


Cllr Clark has met with the Road safety partnership officer. A post is currently in situ on Nocton Road, so the speed monitor can be added in this location. On Moor lane there are different options. If another location is added at Potterhanworth Booths 3 new backing plates could be purchased.  Cllr Foster will make brackets for the speed sign.


A new maintenance person has not yet been appointed. Parish Councillors will meet at the War Memorial prior to Remembrance Sunday to tidy the area in preparation.




















Correspondence received


Email has been received asking whether the Parish Council would like to create a wreath. Cllr Sardeson will look further into this matter.


Email received asking whether area around the Post box in the centre of the village could be cleared to enable access. This has now been cleared.


Email received enquiring about village history, this has now been taken care of by Cllr Ott and Ian Jackson.


Email received regarding noise concern from the Chequers. This was discussed by the Parish Councillors.















Parish Councillor vacancy


An application was received from Parishioner Karla Vaile. Cllr Sardeson recommended this appointment which was seconded by Cllr Copsey.











Planning for winter


Suggestions have been made for various ways to support people through this winter. Cllr Copsey suggested that a subcommittee should be created with different people from the village. The pub would like to create a warm space, opening the function room as a place for children to play and provide food at reasonable prices. Cllr Copsey has discussed options with the 60’s group and other ways people can help. The Culfrey Trust and Beer Festival have offered to assist with funds. The Chairman of the Pavilion committee also offered the Pavilion as another option venue. 

Cllr Copsey has created an information poster with all helpful contact information.











Playpark update


Cllrs Ott and Copsey presented the results of the surveys and interviews regards community involvement. 73 questionnaires were returned with an overwhelming support for the project. The school invited the Play park group to discuss options for the upgrade of the park with the children for next Friday. Quotations from several suppliers were received and are under review. The group is now in the process of preparing the application for funding (deadline 7.12.202). 

In order to qualify for funding it was confirmed and now formally agreed that the Parish Council will commit to provide third party  funding of up to a maximum of £12,000 (requirement minimum of 10.75% of total costs) to the playpark redevelopment  project. In addition, the Potterhanworth Sports Pavilion Committee had already decided to invest 10.000 pounds from its own budget in creating a patio area with a timber framed roof and seating for adults and children using the play park in hot and wet weather. The next meeting of the playpark group will be held on Thursday, 3.11.22.















Pavilion Committee & security cameras


The Pavilion committee are no longer considering the different options for security cameras. The Pavilion is going to be painted shortly and a new paved area along with additional seating is also being considered.


Cllr Cucksey has successfully chased up the promised solar panels for The Pavilion. This was discussed further with the Parish Councillors. At the present time a battery for storage would not be purchased but this would be considered further in future. Cllr Sardeson will contact the supplier to confirm the number of panels along with other questions. Subject to the questions being answered satisfactorily it was agreed that the Parish Council would go ahead and accept the offer.



















Planning Applications received since last meeting

22/0995/FUL Potters Lodge, Plough Hill. Demolition of existing workshop and erection of swimming pool building and 1no. holiday let unit -This was discussed by the Parish Councillors and agreed.

Decision notices

22/1113/FUL Newland, Station RoadConversion of existing barn and rear single storey extension -Approved

21/0258/FUL  Land Between Station Road And Cross Street. Erection of 10 no. dwellings -Approved







Monthly Risk Assessment














October 2022

All Payments total = £1,688.95

Balance total = £35,783.09

NS & I balance = £13,162.45













Any Other Business


Cllr Ott gave an update on the History group and will write a final report shortly.


Cllr Clarke gave an update on Windmill Gardens. Almost all properties have now been filled. Concerns have been raised about the width of path and the placing of street lights. This will be followed up with the County and District Councils











Date and time of next meeting           Monday 28 November 2022, 7:00pm










Appendix 1. Cllr. Ray Cucksey –October 2022 NKDC Report

 The Council’s Annual Report 2021/22 was recently approved by full council. The report is accessible on the Council’s website. During 2021/22, the NK Plan contained four community focussed priorities: Our Council, Our Environment, Our Homes, and Our Economy. 

North Kesteven has been allocated £747,556 to use in line with the Rural Fund’s aims, and so the Council is proposing a range of capital grant schemes that include:

• Support for small rural businesses, large capital projects and for the wider visitor economy in the district.

• A grant scheme that will support communities and community groups aiming to make an investment in projects that will benefit the community or contribute to the district reaching net zero.

The aim of the Rural Fund is to support capital projects for small businesses and community infrastructure, to improve productivity and strengthen the rural economy and rural communities.

The two key priorities of the Rural Fund are focused on supporting rural, small businesses and entrepreneurs to either start-up, scale up or expand and helping rural communities to enhance digital infrastructure, community infrastructure and local green spaces and community-led projects.

To qualify for the funding, the Council will need to submit an addendum to our already submitted UKSPF (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) Investment Plan for consideration by the Government, with a decision anticipated in January 2023