Minutes January 2024



In Attendance   -              Cllr Sardeson

                                        Cllr Clarke

                                        Cllr Ott

                                        Cllr Nightingale

                                        Cllr Giles

Also in Attendance -       North Kesteven District Councillor Turner

1.         Chairman opened meeting by welcoming everyone back after the break.

2.         Apologies received from Cllr Copsey and NK District Cllr Lundgren.

3.         No declaration of interest to report.

4.         Draft notes from meeting of 27th November 2023 approved as Minutes.

5.         Reports from outside bodies –

    a.    Nothing to report in our area on the Police.uk website.

    b.     NK District Cllr Turner informed on the update of Poling Districts.  There are no changes in Potterhanworth, the only change locally was the closure of

            Branston Booths Polling Station.

    c.     He also informed of grants available locally both through Warmer Homes and the Rural England Prosperity Fund.  Links to both these sites are available

            on NKDC website.

6.         Public Forum

    a.     Cllr Ott asked Cllr Turner about the increase to Council Tax email we had received and discussion was had as to which percentage increase we would consider

            most appropriate.  It was decided we would consider 3% to be most appropriate.  Cllr Turner will provide the published Audit Report in due course.  Cllr Ott asked

            how the Council are looking to reduce costs, do they need, for instance, a Street Naming Officer.  Cllr Turner informed that they may chip into reserves for outgoings

            like road maintenance. 

    b.     Devolution was discussed, was it a fait accompli, is it something that Parish Councils have any influence over?  Cllr Turner informed he had sat in on some of the

            question-and-answer meetings.  Though it was obviously a bonus for the area to have potential access to increased funding, there were concerns raised over the

            complexity of an incoming Mayor and associated administrative costs.

7.         Matters from previous Minutes still outstanding -

    a.     Reduction in PCSO presence

            Chair informed he had watched an on-line District Council discussion recently and it was clear that the reduced rural policing numbers would not now change

            for the foreseeable.

    b.     Play Park Update

            Cllr Ott will look into funding for the second phase of Potter on the move, ie, the old tennis court                                                                                                                             MO      

    c.     Pergola and Raised Beds

            Cllr Copsey is still in discussions with potential suppliers regarding the building of the Pergola and there are still the raised beds to create.                                                          SC

    d.     Drainage and Dykes

            Cllr Giles informed of a new ditch he had just become aware of that ran off at right angles to Moor Lane at the end of the houses opposite Cllr Clarke’s house which                 JG

            appeared to be higher than the road.  He would go back to the, not long ago completed survey for an up-to-date plan.  Cllr Clarke informed she was in touch with                     AC

            NK District Cllr Carrington, though he had been out of the loop of late due to Covid.

8.         Financial Matters

    a.     Monthly Accounts for December and January were circulated.  Agreement was reached that we should ask for an increased precept this year as we had not done

            so for 3 years.  2% shall be requested of NKDC.  Cllr Ott expressed his dissatisfaction with the Annual Financial report and it was agreed a meeting should be held

            to bring in Bob Spence for advice as to how to have clarity of all expenditure and how all the information needed in the table could be made more visible.                                 LB/NS

    b.     Grants were briefly discussed but it was decided to discuss this further at the next Council Meeting

9.         Correspondence

    a.     Cllr Copsey had requested the Lincs Resilience Forum be on the agenda, however with her absence this would also be revisited at the next meeting.

    b.     National Grid have asked us to move the British Gas Meter Box from their pole as they are being replaced.  Chair to speak with British Gas regarding having the box

            relocated and set up to provide smart meter reads.

    c.     Discussion was had over the issue with the area at the back of the new houses.  It was noted that grass clippings were being dumped and the area directly behind the

            houses was starting to look like a compost heap.  It was suggested that maybe the Scouts could get involved and perhaps Grow Wild, who provide grants for community        AC

            groups, could be approached by the Scouts, to fund making the area beautiful.  Cllr Clarke would pass on the information.

    d.     The information regarding D-Day celebrations was discussed and though it was decided we did not want to participate with a Beacon, it was thought that the Church

            might like to get involved with the Ringing out for Peace that all Churches nationwide are being encouraged to do at 6.30pm on 6th June 2024. Clerk to forward email.            LB

10.        Planning Matters – Nothing to discuss

11.        Monthly Risk Assessment

12.       Clerk to ask Wickstead for a quote for playground inspection for both parks. Cllr Clarke will contact Hags for a quote.                                                                                         LB/AC

13.       Next Parish Council Meeting – Monday, 26th February 2024