Minutes of Meeting September 2024



In Attendance    -            Locum Clerk - Tony Shaw

                                        Cllr Sardeson (Chair)                          Cllr Clarke (Vice)

                                        Cllr Copsey                                         Cllr Ott

                                        Cllr Ellis                                               Cllr Giles           

Also in attendance           NK District Councillor Lundgren and Councillor Turner

                                         Also 5 members of the public

1.         Chairman’s Remarks:

            Councillor Sardeson announced his immediate resignation from the Council. Fellow Councillors formally thanked Councillor Sardeson for his service to the Parish.

            The Vice-chair took over as Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

2.         Apologies for Absence:

            Apologies received from Cllr Nightingale, County Cllr Carrington and the Clerk.

            RESOLVED: The reason for absence was accepted.

3.         To receive any Declarations of Interest:


4.         To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 29 July 2024 are approved as the Minutes:

            RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted.

5.         To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies:

            Police Crime Report

            61 crimes reported on the Police Website for July in the area as a whole.  Nearest to Potterhanworth was an incidence of anti-social behaviour at the junction with the Causeway.

            County Council

            No representative in attendance.

            District Council

            District Councillor Lundgren thanked Cllr Sardeson on behalf of all for his term as Parish Councillor and Chair. It was also stated that the Council is financially viable.

            Cllr Turner announced the appointment of the new Chief Executive of NKDC

6.         Public Open Forum (20 minutes)

            Several points were raised by residents including:

            - A new Chair for th Parish Council should be elected following the resignation of the current Chair.

            -  A query about the Cleaner's contract and why proposed changes were not discussed with the Playing Field Management Committee

            -  A comment that the Council's website hassome malfunctioning links.  Clicking on the months in 2023 brings up different months from 2023.

            -  A suggestion that the Council could make greater use of social media.

            -  Clarification of the correct number for the Council is 07919525418.

            -   An observation that the Clerk's attendance at meetings was not noted in the published minutes of 2024

7.         Matters from previous minutes still outstanding:

            Potter on the Move

            Chair suggested that this item be postponed.

            RESOLVED: It was resolved for Potter on the Move to be postponed for now.​​​​​

8.         Financial Matters:

            The following items were noted:

            -  A laptop has not been purchased

            -  Notes of an internal Audit have not been shared

            A list of payments that have been made was presented.

            RESOLVED: Council agreed to ratify the list of payments.

            Clerk Shaw suggested interim monthly payments be proposed at a meeting under a “scheme of delegation” for approving between meetings.

            It was asked if there was still only one signatory to the bank account, there are currently two Councillors and the Clerk.

9.         Correspondence:

            The Chair received a letter of resignation on 27.9.2024 from the Clerk/RFO, L Bannard. The last working day shall be the 25.10.2024.

10.       Playing Field Management Committee:

            It was noted that the hard standing for the pergola has been laid.

            Agreement over the hedge has been reached with the Playing Field Committee.

            RESOLVED: It was agreed that Councillor Giles will act as the liaison between the Parish Council and the Playing Field management Committee.

            RESOLVED: Council agreed to setup a meeting with the Playing Field Committee and invite LALC. The purpose of the meeting is to better understand respective

            roles and responsibilities.

11.       Training:

            Cllr Ellis suggested that a training pack for new Councillors that explained their role might be useful.  Cllr Clarke raised the training courses available to new councillors from LALC.

            It was noted that the Chair and Clerk have jointly attended training on effective meetings. Cllr Copsey was also booked onto Employment briefing course.

12.       Website:

            Cllr Lundgren said that the LCC template for the website has proved challenging to many PC’s. It was noted that the website is difficult to use and a review will be undertaken.

            Part of this review will be to consider all available channels of communication and how the website can be best used.

            The Clerk had been in touch with NKDC to get support with adding minutes and agendas to the website. It was noted that finances were not currently visible.

13.       Communication Task Force:

            Cllr Ott discussed the challenge of communicating effectively with all Parishioners and if all channels of communication should be managed by the new Clerk.

            Cllr Lundgren suggested a communication Working Group that worked on website and social media.

            Cllr Clarke asked for any volunteers for the working party.

            RESOLVED: Council agreed to form a Working Group to review its communications. Initial members will be Councillor Copsey and Councillor Ott.

14.       Nocton and Potterhanworth Neighbourhood Plan

            The Council has a joint Neighbourhood Plan with Nocton, which is due for a review. District Councillor Lundgren added that funding was available from NK for revising a NP.

            He also gave examples of oversights and improper wording in the Nocton and Potterhanworth NP which could unwittingly allow development. He also suggested that if we

            look at the Local Plan first and if we judge this to be appropriate, to go with this.

            Cllr Clarke and Cllr Copsey shared that they had been to Nocton Parish Council to introduce themselves and state that Potterhanworth Parish Council are considering looking

            into the review of the joint Neighbourhood Plan.

            RESOLVED: Council agreed to form a Working Group with Councillor Ellis and Councillor Nightingale as members. (Councillor Nightingale to confirm their interest.)  Their

            remit is to investigate how to progress with the Neighbourhood Plan

15.       Autumn Festival 2024

            Cllr Clarke, who attended the day, said what a great event it had been again and invited thanks to the Autumn Festival Committee.

            RESOLVED: Clerk to send an official letter of thanks to volunteers.

            Cllr Ellis suggested that if Autumn Festival Committee need additional help next year, that they give us plenty of notice.

16.       Employment Committee Report

            This will be during closed session.

17.       Planning Matters:

            No planning matters for consideration at this meeting.

18.       Policies:

            Several Council policies are due for review.

            RESOLVED: Council will review or adopt two policies at the next meeting. These will be Employment policy and Grievance Policy.

19.       Monthly Risk Assessment:

           The following items of risk were noted:

            -  Springs on the trampoline  -  Cllr Copsey informed she had been in touch with Hags who are coming out to repair the Trampoline springs.

            -  Both the Chair of the Council, and the Clerk/RFO have resigned.  A new Chair will be voted on at an EOM to take place before the next Ordinary Council Meeting.

            -   The regular village walk is due and this will identify any hazards

            RESOLVED: The Village Walk will take place on October 26th, meeting at the War Memorial 10am.

20.       To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session by the reason of confidential Personnel matters to be transacted. If this resolution is

            passed any members of the public/press present will be required to leave the meeting at this point.

            RESOLVED: Council agreed to move into a closed session.

            Discussion took place in the closed session which led to the following resolution:

            RESOLVED: Council agreed to uphold a grievance complaint from an employee.

21.       Dates - Next Parish Council meeting Monday 31st October 2024 - It was noted that this should be Monday 28th October 2024

            Parish Walk 26th October 2024 – meet at War Memorial at 10.00am


The meeting closed at 9.45pm