June 2024 Minutes



In Attendance
Cllr Sardeson
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Ott
Cllr Ellis
Cllr Giles
Cllr Nightingale

1.  Chairman opened meeting by noting apologies.

2.  Apologies received from Cllr Copsey and Cllrs Lundgren and Turner

3.  No declaration of interest to report.

4.  Draft notes from meeting of 29th April 2024 approved as Minutes.

5.  Reports from outside bodies.
a.  Police.uk website informed that for April 2024 there were 4 crimes logged in Potterhanworth.
1 incident of anti-social behaviour on Moor Lane outside Sevenlands and 1 on Queensway.
1 incident of vehicle crime also on Queensway and 1 incident of violence/sexual offence in Fosters Gardens.
A brief discussion was had on these figures and the hope was expressed that it was just a blip.  Our new Cllr Ellis was updated on the historical issues of policing in NK.
There were no reports from District or County Councillors.

6.  No members of the Public attended to raise points.

7.  Matters from previous Minutes still outstanding
a.  Potter on the Move Update – Cllr Clarke updated as to quotes received.  Quote received from Hags and from Smiths, who also expressed an interest in quoting for the Track as they had not done one before.  Cllr Clarke said she would speak to Keith as he had suggested someone who wished to quote.  It was decided that a further Potter on the Move meeting needed to be held to discuss these quotes.  Cllr Ott asked if the received quotes had quoted for resolving the drainage.  Cllr Clarke informed that both Hags and Smiths had discussed drainage with her on their visits and said she would circulate the quotes (AC).
Cllr Ellis asked if we produce a written spec against which we procure quotes. Cllr Clarke informed that though we know what we want, it is only as the initial quotes come in that we learn more of what we want and need.  It was felt that it would be helpful if Cllr Ellis could attend the Potter on the Move meeting.

b.  Pavilion Wi-fi Update
As Clerk is now lead on this project, she reported on the latest information in from BT.  The costs involved in bringing a line down the drive to the Pavilion were prohibitive.  It was then suggested by our Business contact at BT, John Rickard, that an EE 5g smart hub would give us exactly what we needed at a cost of £26.00 per month plus the cost of the hub, £8.33.  The Clerk confirmed that she had received the contract ready to be signed after this meeting, if everyone was in agreement.
A request was made to find out if coverage was good with EE, though as Cllrs with EE on their phones were receiving perfectly, that appeared to answer that question.  Cllrs who were receiving perfectly with Three asked if that provider could be approached for a quote and also if a trial period was included in the contract with BT.
It was then decided that most importantly, as the Beerfest was almost upon us, we should have something in place and the Clerk was told to go ahead (LB).

c.  Pergola – Cllr Sardeson reported that as the design that we originally had from Neil was roofless, he was now waiting for quotes to come in again against the new drawing that included a roof with concrete tiles to match the Pavilion.  A budget would have to be agreed once quotes were in as our contribution could be as much as £10,000.  The Pavilion have agreed to contribute £6,000 (NS).

d.  Raised Beds – Cllr Copsey not in attendance to update on obtaining the sleepers (SC).

e.  Grassy Knoll – It was agreed that a sign should be on the Knoll to inform that it was intentionally left wild for wild flowers and insects and also to mention that the hedge was intentionally left for nesting birds.  Cllr Ellis to investigate (SE).

f.  Fence – After lengthy discussion and pacing out of the hedge length and being informed by Cllr Sardeson that to remove anything over 20m of hedge to replace with fence would need planning permission, it was agreed that for many reasons only 10m of the hedge would be removed and replaced.  Cllr Sardeson will get quotes for rooting out and removal from site of hedge and for replacement with 10m of fence.  He will also inform Keith/Pavilion what we have decided ASAP (NS).

g.  National Grid Pole Replacement - Nothing has been heard.  Cllr Sardeson will look into again as it was thought we should have heard something by now (NS).

h.  Lorry Noise – Clerk updated on investigation into where these new Goldstar Hauliers and their MSC containers were travelling to and from.  Having discovered that their destination is the British Sugar Site in Bardney, she is now in contact with the companies on site, to see if anything can be done about reducing the number of lorries through Potterhanworth and Nocton at least during unsociable hours.  She informed that she was also keeping Nocton Parish Council and the original resident who brought this issue to our attention up to date with her investigations (LB).
Cllr Ellis informed that she had noticed that part of the Dyson site in Nocton was now a lorry park, and asked if these lorries were also travelling through Nocton and Potterhanworth.

8.  Financial Matters
The end of month figures for May and the part month figures for June were looked at, and the question was asked as to when the PWLB loan payments will cease.  Clerk to report back (LB).

9.  Correspondence
Cllr Ott reported on the findings and agreements of the new Personnel Sub Committee.  The contracts of the 2 employees were looked at.  The Clerk’s contract will now be made permanent.
The Cleaners contract will be looked at by the Clerk who will be responsible for the Cleaner and her job specification was amended to reflect this.  Both Clerk and Cleaner will complete time sheets.  Clerk to have meeting with Cleaner to discuss contract terms and time sheet (LB).
It was agreed that the minutes of each meeting should be available as soon as possible and will include the completed month end financial statement.  Also, that the next month’s Agenda should go out at least a week prior to the meeting to allow for any amendments and additions and should also include the next month’s financial report.

10.  Annual Parish Meeting
Discussion was had following the Annual Parish Meeting as to how we can increase publicity for the various groups in the village.  We have ‘Spotted’ and ‘The Grapevine’.  Cllr Ott was happy to create some sort of Public Relations Committee for the village MO).

11.  Planning Matters.
Though there were no new planning matters to discuss, the issue over the now approved new houses in Potterhanworth Booths was explained to Cllr Ellis.  It was commented on that we could have done with Cllr Lundgren in attendance as, when conversation moved on to the Parish Plan, there was no one able to impart knowledge.

12.  Risk Assessment.
Clerk was asked if she had heard back from Wickstead yet to inform when they would be attending.  She informed she would chase up (LB).
Also, whilst outside, the Dennis seesaw was checked to make sure the weld was still secure after being informed a couple of months ago that there may be an issue.  This to be done every month.

13.  Date of next Meeting – Monday 29 July 2024