October 2024 Minutes

Potterhanworth Parish Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on Monday 28 October 2024 at 7.00pm
The Pavillion, Queensway, Potterhanworth, LN4 2EA
Locum Clerk    Tony Shaw
Councillors    Ami Clarke (Chair), John Giles (Vice-Chair), Sarah Copsey and Sue Ellis
District Councillor    Peter Lundgren
Public    Six members of the public
•    Announcement of Chair:
Councillor Clarke welcomed all to the meeting and announced the resignation of Kirstie Nightingale from the council. This leaves two vacancies for a councillor.
•    Apologies for Absence:
Apologies received from Councillor Martin Ott.
RESOLVED:  The reason for absence was accepted.
•    To receive any Declarations of Interest:
•    To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 30 September 2024 are approved as the Minutes:
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted.

Councillor Giles spoke further about the events of the meeting on 30 September where a grievance matter was discussed in closed session. On behalf of the council, he explained that the grievance had been upheld, Councillor Giles offered a public apology to the employee affected, for the way the cause of the grievance had been handled and any upset that had resulted. The council were putting measures in place to ensure this would not be repeated. 
•    To resolve that the notes of the Extraordinary Meeting held 14 October 2024 are approved as Minutes:
RESOLVED: The minutes were adopted.
•    To receive reports from representative of outside bodies:
•    Police Crime Report
No update since the last meeting.
•    County Council
No representative in attendance.
•    District Council
Councillor Lundgren explained that the district council is focused on the annual budget exercise and its finances are currently viable i.e. all committed services can be met.
He also stated that a new chief executive has been appointed and will start in Jan 2025.
•    Public Open Forum (20 minutes)
Several points were raised by residents, including:
•    A query about the purchase of a Christmas Tree (see item 9).
•    The register of interest form for Councillor Ellis is missing from North Kesteven’s website. This will be followed up by the Chair.
•    The standard litter bin on Queensway is in need of replacement and overflowing with bags of dog waste. This is unhygienic and can lead to smells in warm weather. Council agreed to look at replacing this and the possibility of installing a separate dog waste bin in the vicinity. District Councillor Lundgren advised council to liaise with NKDC before making a purchase, to ensure the new bin is suitable for their operatives to empty.
•    A resident asked a question about the recent grievance matter, but this remains a confidential item. Councillor Giles offered to have an informal follow-up meeting with the employee concerned.
•    Matters from previous minutes still outstanding:
The Chair explained that this agenda item will be removed in future, since matters that fall under this should be separately itemised on the agenda.
•    Financial Matters:
In the absence of the regular RFO, the Chair presented a list of payments made since the last meeting and a schedule of payments that need to paid.
RESOLVED: Council agreed all payments.
Council also discussed the purchase of a Christmas Tree. Quotes were presented, which were for supply only, requiring the council to make its own collection arrangements.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to purchase a Christmas tree from Doddington Hall at a cost of £200 plus VAT. 
It was noted that more than one offer has been received for someone to collect the tree with a trailer.
•    Correspondence:
•    The litter bin at the top of Queensway, Potterhanworth
This matter was raised by a resident in Public Open Forum. See item 7 for further details.
•    Barn Dance
Councillor Copsey discussed a proposal for the parish council to hold a “Spring Dance” in March/April 2025. A band would be hired at an approximate cost of £1,500. This could be held in the Memorial Hall, with a potential attendance of 120-130 people, at a ticket price of £10 per head.
Councillor Copsey agreed to bring further details and prices back to the December meeting, for council to vote on.
•    Central Lincolnshire Authority Wide Design Code Consultation:
The Chair explained that the first stage of this consultation has already closed but the council will monitor whether a subsequent round of consultation takes place. This matter relates to the requirements of developers and is a regular review of an existing document.
•    Website:
It was noted that the website requires work to update its content and fix malfunctioning links. It was recommended that remedial work is undertaken by LALC, since the council has time banked with its Website Maintenance Service. The council will seek to identify the changes required before a new clerk is in post.

•    Communication:
It was noted that Councillor Ott has some proposals but in his absence, this matter will be deferred till the next meeting.
•    Report Employment Committee:
Terms of Reference for the new Employment Committee have been drafted. It was proposed that two minor changes be made.
RESOLVED; Council agreed to adopt the Terms of Reference, with the inclusion of the two amendments.
•    Policies – Employment and Grievance and suggestions of next policy to look at:
RESOLVED: The new Employment Committee will draft an Employment Policy, for approval by full council.
RESOLVED: The Grievance policy, which recommends following ACAS procedures, was adopted.
•    Play Park Inspection – 21.10.2024:
The annual report was only received the day before this meeting. It was noted that several items have been flagged for attention but these are all of low priority.
•    Planning Matters:
•    Monthly Risk Assessment:
•    The damaged and overflowing bin on Queensway is to be added to the risk register.
•    A recent village walk identified several issues, that will be reported on FixMyStreet:
•    A damaged pavement on Barff Road
•    Various overgrown hedges that are impairing footpaths
•    A broken Flood sign, near the bus shelter
•    An abandoned road repair sign at the pub
•    Several large potholes
•    It was noted that graffiti was recently cleaned off the bus shelter by a resident, and the anti-graffiti paint would benefit from refreshing.
•    Next Parish Council Meeting – Monday 25th November 2024

The meeting closed at 8.05pm