Annual Meeting of the Council 13 May 2024



In Attendance   -              Cllr Sardeson

               Cllr Clarke

                                          Cllr Copsey

                                          Cllr Giles


Also in Attendance          Susan Ellis


1.          Councillors signed Declaration of Acceptance and Declaration of Interest Forms.

2.          Chair Cllr Sardeson stood down and was re-elected, proposed by Cllr Clarke and seconded by Cllr Copsey.

3.          Vice Chair Cllr Clarke stood down and was re-elected, proposed by Cllr Sardeson and seconded by Cllr Copsey.

4.          Cllr Sardeson introduced Susan Ellis who wishes to be considered and felt she had some skills that could be useful to us, namely grant and fund finding. 

             She was duly co-opted onto the Council and all forms were duly completed.

5.          Chair made introductions and a brief overview of our duties, Also, the Pavilion and our Trustee status was explained.

6.          Apologies received from NK District Councillor Cllr Carrington.

7.          Reports from outside bodies -  No reports from outside bodies. 

             Clerk informed there was no incidents on the Police Website reported for Potterhanworth in March (the last reported month), though there were 54 in the wider area.

8.          Public Open Forum

     a.    Cllr Copsey updated us on the Hot Pot now that it is in the Chequers regularly.  There is a set price of £6.50 for the meals provided by the superb Chef Kyle.

            The Hot Potters will provide Teas and Coffees.  She also informed that there is £200 worth of equipment now in the Pavilion Kitchen.  AC would ask someone from the

            Pavilion Committee to attend at the Annual Parish Meeting next week to formally accept this gift from the Hot Pot Committee.

9.         Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting last year were looked at and approved and it was agreed that it was pleasing to see how much had been achieved in the last year.

            Resolved that notes of 29 April 2024 are also approved as Minutes.

10.       Matters from previous minutes still outstanding –

     a.    Potter on the Move update –

            Cllr Clarke informed that the meeting at the Chequers on 2nd May was well attended. It was unanimously decided that the tennis court should stay and the surface should be

             refreshed. That the skate park should be removed and the 5 a side kept.  Also, basketball kept but with a hoop at each end, if possible, to provide a court rather than just a wall. 

            Creating some sort of BMX/dirt track that runs around the whole field had also been discussed and Councillors agreed.  Keith Orton said he would investigate the price of                 AC

             tarmacking one.

            As Cllr Ott had already mentioned the contractor he used for his own tennis court re-surface, it was agreed that he would be asked to investigate the cost of doing ours.                   MO

            Cllr Copsey said we should ask Hags to quote also.  There is also Smiths Construction in Heckington, specialists in sports surfaces.                                                                            SC

     b.    Pergola and Raised Beds –

            Having spoken with Nick Rossington, Cllr Clarke asked about the roof structure, should it be oak or something other.  Also, what about the covering, slate or tile.  

            Cllr Sardeson said he would go back to Neil the creator of the plan and have it emailed over to Cllr Clarke.                                                                                                                     NS

            As far as creating the raised beds is concerned, it was agreed that we can get on with organising that quite quickly, as we only need 2 side by side, robustly built beds in front

            of the fence as long as they have a mowers width around them, and of a size that means the contents are reachable from all sides.  Cllr Copsey has said she will ask George for     SC

            his contact for sleepers.

     c.    Drainage and dykes – no update.

     d.    National Grid – no update.

     e.    Pavilion Wi-Fi –  Cllr Clarke informed she had yet to talk to Quick Line and would report back next month.                                                                                                                        AC

11.       Financial Matters – no update.

12.       Correspondence –

            Clerk informed that George of the Pavilion wished the mound in the playpark to be discussed.  He felt that as it could not be mowed successfully and was now overgrown,

            its removal was necessary, as he had witnessed it being used to obscure the area behind being used as a lavatory.

            Councillors continued the meeting outside in the playpark to look at the area in question.  It was decided that the mound was not big enough to hide too much activity and

            would only ever be used in a dire emergency.  It was decided that in fact the mound was an opportunity to add a flower meadow to the area.  Cllr Ellis took this on board to             SE

            look into, as her first task for the Council.

            Whilst outside we took a look at the hedge that the Pavilion Committee were wishing to remove in its entirety to replace with a fence and discussed the option of having it replaced

            with a fence or cutting it back. It was agreed that a better option was to remove several metres of the hedge and replace with a fence to still allow direct view from the Pergola site

            to the play area, and then cut the top and both sides of the remaining hedge at the appropriate time of the year, thus still allowing for birds nesting.

            Also, whilst outside we checked the weld on the Dennis seesaw after being informed by Hags that there may be a strength issue, and this we will have to keep doing.

13.       Planning Matters –

            Following Cllr Copsey’s note last month of signage at the access to The Park regarding an overhanging Tree, it was noted that there was now a planning application in to remove

            the first 4 branches of a Maple belonging to No. 1 The Park.

14.       Monthly Risk Assessment –

            Clerk informed the request had now been made of Wickstead to do the play ark inspection.

15.       Next Meeting Date – Monday, 24th June 2024