November 2024 Minutes
Potterhanworth Parish Council
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on Monday 25 November 2024 at 7.00pm
The Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth, LN4 2EA
Clerk Tony Shaw
Parish Councillors Ami Clarke (Chair), John Giles (Vice-chair), Sarah Copsey, Sue Ellis
District Councillor None
County Councillor Ian Carrington
Public Four members of the public
1. Announcement of Chair
Cllr Clarke welcomed all to the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence
Apologies received from Cllr Ott.
RESOLVED: Reason for absence accepted.
3. To receive any declarations of interest
4. To resolve that the notes of the meeting held on 28th October 2024 are approved as the Minutes
RESOLVED: Notes were adopted as the minutes.
5. To resolve that the notes of the Extraordinary Meeting held 4th November 2024 are approved as Minutes
RESOLVED: Notes were adopted as the minutes.
6. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies:
a. Police Crime Report
The Clerk delivered the latest crime statistics, from September 2024, which showed 2 crimes reported. Both crimes were categorised as “Violent / Sexual Nature”
b. County Council
Cllr Carrington provided a verbal update covering:
• He is chairing an Economy and Environment Committee meeting which will look at the impact on farming of government decisions.
• The North Hykeham relief road, which is the final section of the Lincoln ring road, is yet to be completed. There is a question mark over whether the new government will provide £112M funding for the project, as previously pledged. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) are pushing ahead with the early phases of planning, on the basis funding will be provided. LCC are providing £110M of funding.
c. District Council
In the absence of a District Councillor, Cllr Carrington provided a short update. The new Chief Executive appointment at NKDC was keenly contested with an unusually high number of strong candidates. The new Chief Exec will take up appointment in Feb 2025.
7. Public Open Forum (20 minutes)
A member of the public spoke about a planning application which has gone to NKDC in the pre-application stage. The intention is to build nine 5-bed detached houses on a site adjacent to the Pavilion, which will include a Health & Wellbeing Studio and possibly a Dental Practice.
8. To receive the Clerks report and correspondence received
The Clerk provided an update on items progressed since the last meeting:
a) A Valuation Office return has been made to HMRC. This requested information about the current owner/occupier of the Pavilion, so that business rates can be calculated.
b) Notification has been received from The Circuit that the defibrillator on Moor Lane has been used. As soon as the make and model have been identified, replacement pads and a battery will be ordered.
c) The annual return (AGAR) for 2024-25 has been completed on the wrong form (Parish Meeting rather than Parish Council). This needs further investigation to understand whether it was submitted to the external auditor (PKF).
d) An application for banking has been sent to Unity Trust Bank.
9. To consider the cutting of a hedge at the Pavilion
A quote has been received for £450, to cut the hedge and remove all the waste.
RESOLVED: Council will seek two further quotes for comparison.
10. Defibrillator - Approval of the expenses for procuring replacements parts. Identify new guardian of Defibrillators
Cllr Clarke attempted to access the defibrillator cabinet but the code provided did not work. A local resident, who may know the correct code, will be approached.
Volunteers to be new guardians of the Defibrillators will be sought. Their role is to carry out regular checks that the defibrillators are active.
11. Grants – To discuss the process of applications, including the level of grant available
The Council is currently inviting grant applications for the financial year 2024/25. All applications will be considered at the January meeting, as part of finalising the budget and setting the precept of 2025/26.
12. Communication for new Clerk - To consider the proposal of a permenent phone for the Clerk of Potterhanworth
Cllr Clarke proposed that a phone be purchased, which can be used as the verification number for council logins.
RESOLVED: Council agreed the principle of purchasing a phone. Cllr Clarke will look at options and prices.
13. Bin - To consider the need for one waste bin and one dog waste bin, discuss locations and costs
RESOLVED: Council agreed to purchase a red plastic dog waste bin at a cost of £115.68 plus VAT. Also agreed was the purchase of a black general waste bin at a cost of £190.73 plus VAT.
14. Play Park Inspection – To receive an update regarding any communications with Haags
Cllr Copsey has met with a representative from Haags. They have agreed to fix the gate and trampoline.
RESOLVED: Council agreed to update signage to include a contact number for the council, in case of an incident. One sign to be placed on the Pavilion and the other on the gate of the Play Park
15. Planning Matters: To note and consider any planning applications received or determined since the last meeting and to decide any comments or further action that the Council wishes to take
a. Planning Application 24-1286-HOUS
RESOLVED: Council has no comment.
b. Planning Application 24-1296-TCA
RESOLVED: Council has no comment.
16. Financial matters - To note the current bank balances
a) To ratify payments for the month of October and approve the list of upcoming payments
RESOLVED: Council approved the following payments:
Invoice Supplier Description Net VAT Gross
18/11/2024 LALC Locum Clerk 231.70 46.34 278.04
23/11/2024 Antony Shaw Locum Clerk 5 Nov to 23 Nov 370.41 370.41
Lynda Bannard Outstanding Wages Confidential
Jackie Bourne Wages for Nov Confidential
RESOLVED: An invoice from Wicksteed for Play Park Inspection(s) is to be queried.
b) To receive an update TSB bank accessibility and Unity trust application
An application has been submitted to Unity Bank and accounts are expected to be opened within 14 days.
17. Monthly Risk Assessment
Cllr Copsey has met with local farmer, Scott Tunnard to discuss an issue of overgrown brambles on the edge of the playing field. These have not been trimmed back because of residents that have dumped items over their rear boundary, which prove hazardous to machinery.
Mr Tunnard has investigated flooding issues and identified what he believes is a concreted utility under the road, which is preventing drainage. The drains themselves appear to be clear.
Council wished to formally thank Mr Tunnard for looking into these issues.
18. Next Parish Council Meeting - To resolve whether to have a Parish Council meeting on the 16th December
RESOLVED: Council agreed to have a meeting on 16th December.
19. To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session by the reason of confidential Personnel matters to be transacted. If this resolution is passed any members of the public/press present will be required to leave the meeting at this point.
-To consider Clerk and RFO interview outcome and resolve the appointment of a new Clerk and RFO
-To consider the Clerks and RFO's contract
RESOLVED: Council agreed to move into a closed session