October 2024 Minutes (EOM)
Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting Monday 14th October 2024 7pm
Present Councillor Clarke, Councillor Ott, Councillor Giles, Councillor Ellis, Councillor Copsey
Absences: Councillor Nightingale, Clerk Lynda Barnard
RESOLVED: absences are accepted.
Minutes taken by Councillor Copsey
To elect a Chair of the Council
Councillor Copsey nominated Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Ellis and Councillor Giles.
RESOLVED: Councillor Clarke is Chair of Potterhanworth Parish Council
To elect Vice Chair of the Council
Councillor Clarke nominated Councillor Giles; seconded by Councillor Ott and Councillor Ellis
RESOLVED: Councillor Giles is Vice Chair of Potterhanworth Parish Council.
Declerations of Interest
No interests declared.
Currently the PC banks with TSB Business, a charity account. Councillor Clarke has contacted Branston, Heighington and Nocton PC– all recommend Unity Online Banking for Parish Councils. It is suggested to open a Savings Account, a Current Account and a Public Sector Deposit Account (grants). There is no interest on CA, different options are available for the Savings account. The PC has instant access to the money. Unity bank charges £6 pcm, compared to £20pcm in NatWest. Unity use Dual Authorisation, Councillor Clarke proposed 3 council members are signatories and 2 signatures needed per transaction, as per policy guidelines.
RESOLVED: Move to Unity online banking; 3 signatories available: Chair, Vice Chair, Councillor Copsey
Councillor Ott proposed £2000 remain in TSB for a 2 months transaction period to ensure all bills are met
RESOLVED: To leave £2000 in TSB whilst monies are transferred until TSB can be closed and all monies transferred.
Action: SC to visit TSB and discuss closure of the CA and SA.
RESOLVED: To bring Finance Policy to the PC meetings to renew in light of new RFO/Clerk appointment.
Action: Councillor Clarke to speak to Clerk (LB) to list current Direct Debits, Standing Orders and any in- payments from solar panels/ clothing banks etc.
· Laptop– reference to minutes dated 29.7.24 to purchase a laptop, printer and scanner, this still has not happened and is needed.
RESOLVED: For Councillor Ott and Councillor Clarke to replace old PC, in advance of appointments.
To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session by the reason of confidential Personnel matters to be transacted. If this resolution is passed any members of the public/press present will be required to leave the meeting at this point.
RESOLVED: To move into a closed meeting for the purposes of 'To agree a list of buisness continuity actions, following the resignation of the Clerk/RFO
RESOLVED: As a result of a closed meeting an advert for the RFO and Parish Clerk was written. These will be sent to LALC HR team and advertised. Clarification of details of the clerk & RFO job specification shall be checked with Chris Moses. The PC will pay the LALC consultant Clerk to create handover documentation from the current Parish Clerk/RFO, for the newly appointed Clerk/ RFO. The Chair will request the consultant Clerk to act as interim clerk until the new appointee begins.