Minutes April 2024



In Attendance   -      Cllr Sardeson

      Cllr Clarke

                                 Cllr Copsey

                                 Cllr Ott

                                 Cllr Giles

Also in Attendance -       NKD Councillor Lundgren

                                        LCC Councillor Carrington


1.            Chair opened meeting by thanking everyone who had got involved in last week’s successful Litter Pick.

2.            Apologies received from Cllr Nightingale.

3.            No declaration of interest to report.

4.            Draft notes from meeting of 25th March 2024 approved as Minutes.

5.            Reports from outside bodies -

     a.       Police Crime Report – The Police Website informs that there were no incidents reported in Potterhanworth in February, the nearest reported incident was 1 case of

               anti-social behaviour at Branston Booths village hall.

     b.       County Councillor Carrington commented on how good it was to see the new play park in use as he had arrived this evening.  He informed us that Church Hill along

               with Nocton Road will be re-surfaced August/September this year.  We discussed again the issue raised last month by resident Yvonne Pierce, namely the new Haulier

               Goldstar travelling regularly and noisily, at sometimes very early hours of the morning through Potterhanworth and Nocton, carrying MCG containers.  Though after discussion

               the consensus was, there was not much we could do to stop them, Cllr Carrington has offered to speak to the haulier to investigate this new contract.  It was noted that the

               new road surface would go some way to help reduce the noise of these and other HGVs.

               He also informed that the Committee set up to look at flood water management is still on track to report in Autumn and is still working widely with various Agencies.

     c.       District Councillor Lundgren reported the good news that the Council has signed up with a new Contractor, Ian Williams, for managing and executing Council House repairs.  

              Clerk to make sure the new information is on the Notice boards.  Cllr Clarke will put the information on Spotted.  Cllr Carrington informed that the existing repairs list has been          LB

               passed over to the new Contractor, but any tenant who feels things are not happening fast enough can contact them direct and be assured of a helpful response.  Cllr Clarke          AC

               could attest to this as she has already had need to chase up on a job that was becoming urgent and reported that the new Contractor could not have been more helpful and

               the work was now done.

     d.       Cllr Lundgren informed that Branston Beerfest will be on 29th June this year, Cllr Copsey added that Heighington School Fete was the same day but in the afternoon.

6.            Public Open Forum –

     a.       Cllr Copsey informed that a sign had appeared at the entrance to The Park informing that a tree needed reducing as it was encroaching and making clear visibility on the

               corner difficult. Cllr Carrington said he would pop down and investigate and report back before end of meeting.  Cllr Carrington has, on inspecting the site agreed to look into            IC

               exactly which tree needs to be addressed.

7.            Matters from previous minutes still outstanding –

     a.       Potter on the Move update –

               Cllr Clarke informed she had posted the date for the meeting at the Chequers on 2nd May.  Hopefully there would be plenty attending with ideas as there was plenty to discuss;

               surfacing, fencing, drainage, retention of skate park and basketball court, and if not what else?

               Cllr Sardeson was of the opinion that there is a plan of the drains for the tennis court, and will investigate.                                                                                                                     NS

               Cllr Giles said he would pursue the Tennis court boundary ditch issue with District Cllr Lundgren.                                                                                                                                    JG

     b.       Pergola and Raised Beds –

               Cllr Sardeson has had a quote from Paul Butler and would pass it on to Cllr Clarke.  He would also provide the drawings for the Pergola, as Cllr Clarke has spoken with

               Nick Rossington who requires plans to quote to.  Cllr Clarke to produce itemised comparison of quotes.  It was also asked should we request one Pavilion Committee                      AC

               member to oversee.  Cllr Clarke would speak with Harold.

     c.       Drainage and dykes -

               Cllr Lundgren informed he was still investigating the ‘who owns what’ situation with the ditch that Steve Plumb has flailed.                                                                                            JG

     d.       National Grid –

               Cllr Sardeson informed he had heard nothing from National Grid, he would update next month after investigation.                                                                                                         NS

     e.       Pavilion Wi-Fi –

               Cllr Clarke updated Council with regard to the 2 failed attempts made by Openreach to attend to connect the router and would continue to pursue.  Cllr Lundgren

               informed that NKDC recommend a company called Quick Line Communications in Hull. Cllr Clarke will investigate.                                                                                                      AC

     f.       Policies –

               Need to look at the most pressing first, namely GDPR, Safeguarding and Employment.  Cllrs Copsey, Giles and Ott put their names forward to man the Employment

               subcommittee.  It was suggested that we look at some of the other smaller local Parish websites and use these as an example for our policies.                                                           LB

8.            Financial Matters

               New Account template discussed and approved.  It was asked if a Parish Council can invest some of its Precept in to a Savings Account.  Clerk to investigate.                                  LB

9.            Correspondence –

     a.       History Group Update –

               Cllr Ott reported that the History Group had had a visit from the NK Archaeological Society and the group discussed Preserved House Status, the early site, Roman site,

               and even a newly identified decoy Air Field.  Cllr Copsey has offered to speak with Simon Matusovich to help with the hunt for the missing years of Parish Council minutes.             SC

     b.       Playing Field Committee –

               The Pavilion Committee have decided that a fence should replace the hedge down the zip line side of the play park to allow proper visibility of children playing.  Parish Council

               are in agreement.  Pavilion Committee will cover the cost.

               Cllr Clarke was asked to speak with the Pavilion Committee regarding their plans for the 2 old and dilapidated storage sheds at the far side of the play park.                                    AC 

               Pavilion Committee are agreed that Keith should be Data Controller and Harold will oversee CCTV.

     c.       Hot Pot –

               Cllr Copsey also reported on the success of the most recent Hot Pot gathering in the Chequers, which had been a great success, with 14 regulars, all on their own,

               venturing in to the Pub.

     d.       The Church Mice –

               Cllr Copsey also reported on the story of a mouse found and dispatched by Rachel Eades in the Church.  This had prompted an unknown Parishioner to create a

               felt mouse which is moved regularly to new hiding places round the Church.  There is now an ever-growing family of Church mice.

               It was asked who is in charge of tomb stones in the Church yard.  Cllr Copsey will ask Mark Southern.                                                                                                                           SC

10.          Planning Matters –

               Application for new dwelling at the Old Rectory on Station Road was discussed.  Though there was no disagreement with allowing the application, it was felt that the way

               the builders had gone about the stage-by-stage planning applications for; first a tree removal, then an upgrade to the existing property and now a whole new build in the

               garden was a little underhand.

11.          Monthly Risk Assessment –

               With regard to inspection of the play parks, prices were discussed after receiving an in-depth breakdown from RoSPA and it was decided to go ahead with Wicksteed.                      LB

12.          Next Meeting Dates –

               Annual Parish Council Meeting – Monday 13th May 2024

               Annual Parish Village Meeting – Monday 20th May 2024