July 2024 Minutes
In Attendance - Cllr Sardeson
Cllr Clarke
Cllr Copsey
Cllr Ott
Cllr Ellis
Cllr Giles
Cllr Nightingale
Also in attendance Lincs County Cllr Carrington
Two members of the public also in attendance
1. Chairman opened meeting by noting apologies.
2. Apologies received from Cllrs Lundgren and Turner. Cllr Carrington informed in advance he will not be attending Septembers Parish council Meeting.
3. No declaration of interest to report.
4. Draft notes from meeting of 24th June 2024 approved as Minutes.
5. Reports from outside bodies -
a. Police.uk website informed that for May 2024 there were no crimes logged for Potterhanworth though 68 in the whole area.
b. There were no reports from District Councillors.
c. Report from County Councillor Carrington
Cllr Carrington informed that within days of the new Government, the Secretary of State announced that 2 new solar farms have been given the go ahead, one in South Kesteven
and one in West Lindsey. He also said that we should look out for permission being granted for the pylons across parts of Lincolnshire.
The Summer Top dressing is now underway with 177 miles of NK roads to be improved, including Barff Rd within the next couple of days. Church Hill is planned for a full
resurface from the War Memorial all the way down to the speed limit change, hopefully by the end of August.
Cllr Sardeson brought up the issue of the drainage on Barff Rd, or lack of, as since Kinglsey Court was built, there is nowhere for the water to run off when a downpour runs
down Barff Rd, other than up their drive. Cllr Carrington will attend a site visit with Cllr Sardeson and take up the baton of trying to instigate an upgrade of the old stone drains. IC/NS
Cllr Carrington informed that he is very proud of his involvement with the NK and Central Lincs Local Plan which has won the Award as Best Plan across the North and Midlands,
and is now up for a National Award.
6. Public Open Forum
Following on from Cllr Carrington’s comments above, Cllr Ott explained he had put Planning on the agenda as he felt we need professional help to understand Planning and
our rights as there had been a couple of issues lately that we did not seem to have any influence over.
Cllr Carrington said it sounds like the Neighbourhood plan needed updating so that it fits in with the Central Lincs Plan. He was asked how specifically they do fit together
and what weight would the Neighbourhood plan carry if we did update it. Cllr Carrington informed that the Local Plan, the Central Plan and the Government guidelines all
have to fit together and that having a well-constructed Neighbourhood plan means we can comment on layout, environmental impact and local and rural character of any
planning requests. He said he would put us in touch with someone who could help us update our plan. IC
He also informed that the Government will soon be publishing their revised National Plan which includes Nationally significant Infrastructure Projects. The National Plan
will re-impose numbers for new housing at a local level.
It was agreed that as Nocton are also looking to update their Neighbourhood Plan that we should approach them about meeting to work together. Clerk has contact
information for John Money, Clerk at Nocton PC, who himself has a Planning background. Pass to Cllr Sardeson. LB
No one was confident to put themselves forward as lead on planning issues until we understood better what it was likely to entail.
7. Matters from previous Minutes still outstanding -
a. Potter on the Move Update
It was agreed that a strategy meeting should be convened to discuss specifically the sports field. Cllr Ellis was asked and agreed that she would be part of this next
meeting. Cllr Clarke will chair. AC
We need one more quote for work to the tennis court. Cllr Nightingale was asked if she could investigate. KN
b. Pergola and Raised Beds
At the last Pavilion meeting all had agreed that they would make a start with this project by getting the hard standing down which is fine if they are prepared to fund the
project. But if they want any contribution from the Parish Council on this project, then any work needs to have 3 quotes. Cllr Clarke will pass on this information. AC
c. Grassy Knoll and Fence/Hedge
Cllr Clarke has informed Pavilion Committee that we feel some of the hedge should be kept. The question was asked if we as the Parish Council have the right to say what
should happen, Cllr Carrington informed that as Trustees, indeed we do, and also as the Local planning suggests that hedges should be kept wherever possible in any planning
scenario, it was decided that we should communicate this to the Pavilion Committee. AC
It was agreed that we need a joint meeting with as many of the Parish Council as are available to attend a meeting with the Pavilion Committee to further discuss. Cllr Ellis
informed she would forward to Cllr Clarke the pertinent bits from the Local Plan and Cllr Clarke will liaise with the Pavilion Committee for a meeting. AC
Prior to the meeting Councillors had inspected the playpark equipment and noted missing springs on the trampoline. Cllr Copsey will contact Hags. SC
d. National Grid Pole Update - none
e. Lorry Noise
Clerk informs that the Goldstar lorries have ceased, though or course the issue of large lorries does still continue.
f. Pavilion Wi-Fi
As this is now up and running. Clerk was asked to pass the code on to the Pavilion Committee perhaps in the form of a poster for the board. LB
Also, Clerk to contact the Beer fest Committee to organise their contribution to costs as previously agreed. LB
8. Financial Matters
Payments still to be processed circulated.
Clerk asked to circulate the tables used to produce the Audit documentation. LB
9. No Correspondence to discuss.
10. Playing Field Management Committee
Pavilion Committee will produce a GDPR Policy with the help of a Councillor.
11. Data Protection
Cllr Carrington informed that some Parish Councils belong to a paid for data protection system in the clouds. After discussion it was agreed that a replacement lap top
with up-to-date protection be purchased for the Clerk to replace the ancient one in use at the moment. LB
It was at this point in the meeting that Cllr Sardeson dropped the bombshell that he wished to tender his resignation as a Parish Councillor and Chair.
As it was immediately agreed that Cllr Clarke be Acting Chair going forward, very quickly it was agreed that the second lap top, recently bought for a separate RFO post,
should be given to Cllr Clarke, as she would need reliable technology.
12. Website
Cllr Carrington suggested using the contact at LALC which his local Canwick Parish Council use, to assist in getting the website sorted till the next training session comes up.
Clerk to action. LB
13. Strategy for Upgrading Sports Field - See point 7.a.
14. Beer Festival Review
Cllr Sardeson informed that though there was no final financial report yet, it had been yet again a very successful year.
15. Clerk was asked to send Thanks to the Beer Festival Committee for their sterling work. LB
16. Autumn Festival 2024
Cllr Ott informed that he was aware that the Autumn Festival Committee had feared that without additional help going forward this year could well be last Autumn Festival.
Cllr Nightingale has said that she will post a call to help on the BeerFest F/B page.
17. Hot Pot Update
Cllr Copsey informed that 8 – 10 people are still meeting regularly in the Chequers. The Chequers have asked if there is funding available to continue the Hot Pot.
But as there is not the volunteer time available, funding could not be applied for.
18. Task Force Communication
Communication needs to reach everyone in the village and be multi-media. What does the village have at present –
Fix my Street
Grapevine (printing paid for by Branston Potatoes)
Potter Times
Who should be responsible for this, Councillors, Clerk, or do we need to employ one person tasked with implementing communication over all these sites. Discussion had
but no decision made.
19. Employment Committee
Clerk informed that contract meeting with staff member was set for August.
20. Planning - Discussed in Point 6.
21. Risk Assessment
Though covered in point 7.c, it was also noted during the play park inspection, that the hedge we were discussing removing/keeping was hawthorn and therefore
potentially hazardous.
22. Addendum
Further to point 11.b and Cllr Sardeson’s announcement to resign. He was asked to email Clerk to confirm that his last date as both Councillor and Chair will be the
meeting on 30th September.
23. Date of next Meeting – Monday 30 September 2024