Minutes January 2019

Minutes of Meeting held on 28th January 2019

at 7.00pm, Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth




1. Attendance and Apologies



Cllr. Bourne – Chairman                                

Cllr. Orton – Vice Chairman

Cllr. Burns

Cllr. Foster

Cllr. Hollidge

Cllr. Holmes

Cllr. Sardeson                                                           

Mrs J Bourne - Clerk

Also in attendance:  Cllr. Oxby – LCC. Cllr. Lundgren - NKDC.  Cllr. Cucksey – NKDC.

2 members of the public

The Chairman advised all of an amendment to the Agenda, where there will be a closed meeting to discuss staffing matters following this meeting.


2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

Police Crime Report

The police report stated that during the period 27th November 2018 to 28th January 2019, there had been one crime reported; that of the theft of a drill from an industrial site on Moor Lane.  However, we are aware that there was a break-in on Barff Road. There have also been a further 2 break-ins within the village the night before the meeting; 1 on Moor Lane and a further 1 on Barff Rd.


Lincoln County Council Matters:   Cllr. Oxby

A Falls Service pilot has been introduced, with £400,000 having been allocated to help run this service with East Midland Ambulance Service (EMAS) and LIVES. A quicker response time should be expected after dialling 999.

Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue has received a “good” report from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate.

Community Groups are being encouraged to sign up for free text alerts warning them of possible emergencies in their area. The Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (made up of emergency services and councils in the area) is trialling the new service in a bid to communicate more efficiently with voluntary, community and faith sector organisations especially in hard to reach areas.

The Councils’ Adult Social Care will receive an extra £3.7m each year for two years to help train and recruit an extra 240 new homecare workers.

A budget briefing was given to Councillors in December. The executive will be finalising the budget with the proposals coming to Council again in the new year.

Hawk Plant, one of the sub-contractors working on the Eastern by-pass has gone into administration. The council will try to minimise any disruption to the scheme.

The Public Protection and Communities Scrutiny committee met on the 22nd of January. The Executive will receive recommendations from this Committee and others within the council and will discuss these during the 5th February meeting before going to full council. Proposals included an increase of 2.95% on the basic council tax with a 2% increase for adult social care. Cost pressures were identified within the Library Service, Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils and the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. The budget to support the (CAB) Citizens Advice Bureaux now known as Citizens Advice, which was removed in February 2017, but supported from reserves is to be recommended to be re-instated with a budget of £278,000.  The Heritage service was to have further cost savings of £1.019m during this year, but the Executive decided in December to reverse this proposal until a public consultation has taken place on the future delivery of these services. The Fire and Rescue service is proposing to receive £325.000 this financial year and £2.953m in future years to provide funding for both maintaining existing equipment and new equipment to new recruits. These proposals and others will go before full Council on the 22nd February for approval should the Executive so decide.


North Kesteven District Council Matters:  Cllr. Lundgren

Bardney bridge closure: The bus which serves the B1190, Branston Booths and Potterhanworth Booths and runs through from Lincoln to Horncastle, will not be coming this side of the river at all.  So, we will be losing this service for 12 weeks from 15th April.  The school buses from Bardney to Horncastle and Branston will be disrupted. If anyone has concerns and needs to get across the river they are to get in touch with LCC with specific details.

Election in May:  North Kesteven is adopting a pilot scheme whereby identification will be required at the polling stations.  A photo ID or new Driving Licence, or 2 forms of other ID will be required.  Alternatively it is possible to register for postal voting, either on line or by phone to NKDC.

Solar Farm: There is a proposed 5 years extension to take advantage of the longevity of the panels and to make it more viable.  The promised money to Branston and Potterhanworth Parishes is available as are the option for solar panel fittings.

Neighbourhood Plan: North Kesteven have brought forward a draft policy on public consultation and how that should take place.  The Potterhanworth and Branston plan is currently undergoing amendment.  This will be an opportunity to look at this and decide if there is anything to change now.  The draft plan is available on the public domain.  It is concerning that it does not make the point that Neighbourhood Plan can be different to the Local Plan in terms of number of houses before public consultation is required and also how the consultation itself should take place. 


North Kesteven District Council Matters:  Cllr. Oxby

Business rates still represent the biggest financial risk facing the council. 

The Government allows us to increase council tax and this will go before the council on Thursday.  If we increased it by 3% we do not enter into any referendum.


3. Public Open Forum



4. To receive Declaration of Pecuniary Interest


5. To resolve that the notes of meeting held on 26 November 2018 are approved as the Minutes

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 26th November 2018 be approved as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.



6. Matters Arising from previous minutes

Pavilion Car Park – There is now an extra cost of £210 (As the original quote was based on 2018 prices) total is now £5560 + VAT. This extra cost was agreed.  6 voted for and 1 against. The clerk will arrange a start date ASAP. 

School Safety Zone – The council have now written back to us with a proposal which broadly encompasses our requirements.  All were shown the plan, see attached.  The next step is a 6 week consultation, by LCC, which is already in progress.

Cllr Lundgren advised on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) arrangements; these are laid down by the District Council. So, for a new planning application the contractors have to meet with the requirements of CIL.  The rate payable is based on the size of each property. As we have a Neighbourhood plan the percentage of the CIL payable to the Parish would be increased. 

The Chairman reminded all that Agenda item 7 from the last meeting was deleted from the meeting upon the advice of Cllr. Oxby.

Grants – since the last meeting the Over 60s group have had their 2019-2020 pavilion rent payments met by the Beer Festival.  Therefore, the PC agreed unanimously to issue a £150 payment to the Over 60s group in line with the other village groups who have received grants from PC.


7. Correspondence Received.


Election 2nd May 2019.  It has been 4 years since the council was elected and there now needs to be a chance for others to stand for the council. As there are 7 Parish Councillors, if there are applications from 7 or less, then all those applications will automatically be put on to the Council and no election will be required.  However, if 8 or more apply then there will need to be an election.  Parishioners will be made aware of the election by posters which will be around the village, Grapevine, Facebook “Spotted” and it will also be advertised on the radio.  It is unlikely that leaflets will be delivered to individual houses. 

War memorial gardener contract.  2 applications received. 

The Chairman proposed a vote which was seconded by Councillor Holmes. It was unanimously agreed to accept the most competitive quote.  All were informed that the winning quote was from Trish Rae.  Dispensations had been completed for each councillor to allow a vote to take place.


8. Planning Applications received

Planning Applications Potterhanworth

18/0608/OUT – Harbracken – APPEAL – PC original comments still stand

19/0036/VARCON – Solar Farm, Mere Road – VARIATION PROPOSAL – to extend the operation period from 35 to 40 years – no objections

19/0046/FUL – demolition of steel framed machinery shed – no objection.


Planning Applications Nocton  - None received

Planning Decisions for Potterhanworth and Nocton – None received.



9. Pavilion Committee update

The second glass painting by Kathryn Beal has been fitted.  All agreed it is a beautiful addition to the pavilion.

10. Finance

  • Precept was read out by the Chairman, as per attached sheet.
  • The Chairman proposed a vote which was seconded by Cllr Orton.  It was unanimously agreed to raise the precept by approx. 10.8%.
  • Purchases included within the precept were the remainder of the car park funding as well the purchase of a further defibrillator to serve the village. The location will be chosen to benefit as many villagers as possible and the likely location will be on the south side of the village at The Park. It was stated that there would be the intention of funding another one in future years to serve the Moor Lane/ Fosters Garden side of the village.  
  • Accounts were prepared by the Clerk, as per the attached sheet. 

11. Dates 

The next meeting of the Parish Council will be Monday 25th February 2019.

Future meetings will be held on: Monday 25th March, Monday 29th April, Monday 20th May, Monday 24th June, Monday 29th July

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Monday 13th May



Mrs J Bourne,

31st January 2019



Summary of Closed Meeting

28 January 2019



  • The Clerks’ hours were discussed. The clerk had produced a log of her hours worked, as well as a comparison of other Clerks hours, in similar sized parishes. A vote was called by Cllr. Orton (Vice Chairman) which was seconded by Cllr. Holmes to raise her hours from 4 to 8 per week. This was agreed by a unanimous decision.  Due to a personal interest, the Chairman did not participate in this vote.




B/F and from meeting held on 26th November 2018



Resp. Person

Start date

Finish date


Car park – to arrange commencement of works ASAP







Inform Over 60s group of Grant payment





Amend Clerks salary and supply amended Contract


